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Hamas invaded Israel 2023

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130 tunnels destroyed, and counting....

IDF: Troops destroyed 130 Hamas tunnel shafts in Gaza since start of ground op​

Some 130 tunnel shafts in the Gaza Strip have been destroyed since Israel launched its ground operation last month to dismantle Hamas’s terror infrastructure in the Palestinian enclave, the Israel Defense Forces said Wednesday.

Israel has vowed to destroy the terror group, which has ruled Gaza since 2007, following its surprise mass assault on southern Israel October 7, in which terrorists invaded and killed some 1,400 people mainly in their homes in civilian communities and at an outdoor music festival, amid shocking acts of brutality that they widely documented. Terrorists also took some 240 hostages of all ages, who are believed to be held captive in underground areas in Gaza.

Israel responded to the shock attack with widespread aerial strikes in the enclave and later a ground operation, during which troops of the Combat Engineering Forces have been working to clear routes for ground forces to maneuver, locate and destroy Hamas assets, including tunnels and rocket launchers.

Hamas is known to operate a vast network of tunnels underneath the enclave for smuggling goods and weapons, and moving fighters. Clearing and collapsing these tunnels has been crucial to Israel’s efforts to fight Hamas as it deepens and widens its ground offensive.

Israel has repeatedly warned that it is heavily targeting Gaza City and other areas in northern Gaza, where Hamas is believed to have its main bases of operations, including under Shifa Hospital, and extensive underground installations.

On Wednesday, the IDF said troops of the 460th Brigade with engineering forces found a number of tunnel entrances next to a structure with car batteries, which are thought to be hooked up to the tunnel’s air filtration system.

The military also said troops located and destroyed a Hamas tunnel adjacent to an UNRWA school in the Beit Hanoun area in northern Gaza.
The IDF said the 252nd Reserve Division captured the area in recent days, engaging in battles with Hamas operatives and demolishing the terror group’s infrastructure, including tunnels, compounds and launch positions. According to the military, since the beginning of the fighting, the 252nd Division has killed hundreds of Hamas operatives, including senior members, in Beit Hanoun and Jabaliya.

Also Wednesday, the military said forces of the Nahal Infantry Brigade captured a Hamas training camp in northern Gaza that included a staging ground where operatives had prepared weapons and food to carry out an attack. Within the camp, several tunnel entrances were found.
All of the tunnels were destroyed, the IDF said.

On Wednesday, a military official said in a briefing that Israel will likely see “achievements” regarding the tunnels “in the coming days,” and that if troops need to, “they will enter them.”

“Hamas has descended into an advanced and fortified underground system and built a number of protective mechanisms. Some of the tunnels can be attacked from the air,” the official said. “The ground entry of the IDF exposes the enemy’s infrastructure and the engineering corps has begun with the destruction of shafts and tunnels.”

If it wasn’t for the possibility of hostages being trapped, Israel could just pump sea water into the tunnels and wait for the rats to surface.
130 tunnels destroyed, and counting....

IDF: Troops destroyed 130 Hamas tunnel shafts in Gaza since start of ground op​

Some 130 tunnel shafts in the Gaza Strip have been destroyed since Israel launched its ground operation last month to dismantle Hamas’s terror infrastructure in the Palestinian enclave, the Israel Defense Forces said Wednesday.

Israel has vowed to destroy the terror group, which has ruled Gaza since 2007, following its surprise mass assault on southern Israel October 7, in which terrorists invaded and killed some 1,400 people mainly in their homes in civilian communities and at an outdoor music festival, amid shocking acts of brutality that they widely documented. Terrorists also took some 240 hostages of all ages, who are believed to be held captive in underground areas in Gaza.

Israel responded to the shock attack with widespread aerial strikes in the enclave and later a ground operation, during which troops of the Combat Engineering Forces have been working to clear routes for ground forces to maneuver, locate and destroy Hamas assets, including tunnels and rocket launchers.

Hamas is known to operate a vast network of tunnels underneath the enclave for smuggling goods and weapons, and moving fighters. Clearing and collapsing these tunnels has been crucial to Israel’s efforts to fight Hamas as it deepens and widens its ground offensive.

Israel has repeatedly warned that it is heavily targeting Gaza City and other areas in northern Gaza, where Hamas is believed to have its main bases of operations, including under Shifa Hospital, and extensive underground installations.

On Wednesday, the IDF said troops of the 460th Brigade with engineering forces found a number of tunnel entrances next to a structure with car batteries, which are thought to be hooked up to the tunnel’s air filtration system.

The military also said troops located and destroyed a Hamas tunnel adjacent to an UNRWA school in the Beit Hanoun area in northern Gaza.
The IDF said the 252nd Reserve Division captured the area in recent days, engaging in battles with Hamas operatives and demolishing the terror group’s infrastructure, including tunnels, compounds and launch positions. According to the military, since the beginning of the fighting, the 252nd Division has killed hundreds of Hamas operatives, including senior members, in Beit Hanoun and Jabaliya.

Also Wednesday, the military said forces of the Nahal Infantry Brigade captured a Hamas training camp in northern Gaza that included a staging ground where operatives had prepared weapons and food to carry out an attack. Within the camp, several tunnel entrances were found.
All of the tunnels were destroyed, the IDF said.

On Wednesday, a military official said in a briefing that Israel will likely see “achievements” regarding the tunnels “in the coming days,” and that if troops need to, “they will enter them.”

“Hamas has descended into an advanced and fortified underground system and built a number of protective mechanisms. Some of the tunnels can be attacked from the air,” the official said. “The ground entry of the IDF exposes the enemy’s infrastructure and the engineering corps has begun with the destruction of shafts and tunnels.”

Sounds as if they intend to bury HAMAS in place and just seal the entrances.
If it wasn’t for the possibility of hostages being trapped, Israel could just pump sea water into the tunnels and wait for the rats to surface.
I suspect that Israel wants to save the hostages, but is willing to let them go if it means less dead troops. They can't say that obviously, but deep down I suspect it's factored into every decision.
Latest from Team Red Ottawa: enough with the insults, time for a "humanitarian pause" (Cosmic Butterfly Corp. via Yahoo) ...
What in the political fiction story does a humanitarian pause even mean at this point.

There already is a humanitarian area and "corridor", it's called South Gaza, which can be resupplied via Egypt.

I honestly have no idea what the hell politicians are on about.
I suspect that Israel wants to save the hostages, but is willing to let them go if it means less dead troops. They can't say that obviously, but deep down I suspect it's factored into every decision.
I agree. The IAF has been pounding suspected Hamas bunker locations hard for a month now which are the very same places that hostages are likely to be held. I think they must have made the calculation that a) the cost to the IDF of trying to enter and clear the tunnel systems in order to try and find and free the hostages would be too high and b) Hamas is likely to kill the hostages rather then let them be rescued anyway.

A very sad and difficult choice and obviously one you wouldn't state publicly but Israel seems to have made the decision that destroying Hamas to protect the future of Israel is more important than the individual hostages. Obviously though if they do determine the location of any of the hostages I think they will make every effort to rescue them.
What in the political fiction story does a humanitarian pause even mean at this point.

There already is a humanitarian area and "corridor", it's called South Gaza, which can be resupplied via Egypt.

I honestly have no idea what the hell politicians are on about.
What does it mean? Internationally nothing. At home it means Trudeau and Liberals can read polls. New Canadians support Hamas in greater numbers than the loss of Israel and Jewish voters. Math.

Meaning of liberal in English​




/ˈlɪb.ər.əl/ US​


liberal adjective (SOCIETY)​

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respecting and allowing many different types of beliefs or behaviour:​

a liberal society/attitude

Her parents were far more liberal than mine.​


illiberal formal​

Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examples​

willing to consider new or different ideas

  • open-mindedThe campaign attracts progressive, open-minded people.
  • tolerantThey are very tolerant of different religions in that country.
  • broad-mindedTravel helps you become more broad-minded.
  • receptiveHe was very receptive to the idea.

See more results »

More examples​

SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases​

liberal adjective (POLITICS)​


believing in or allowing a lot of personal freedom, and believing that society should change gradually so that money, property, and power are shared more fairly:​

He absorbed the attitudes of his politically liberal parents.​

believing in or allowing a lot of freedom for businesses to buy, sell, and make money without many rules or limits, and with low taxes:​

Polling data shows these voters are socially conservative and economically liberal.​

More examples​

SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases​

liberal adjective (GENEROUS)​


giving or given in a generous way:​

He was very liberal with the wine.​

Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examples​

SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases​

liberal adjective (NOT EXACT)​

not exact; without attention to or interest in detail:​

a liberal interpretation of the law

SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases​

Related words





noun [ C ]


/ˈlɪb.ər.əl/ US​


liberal noun [C] (SOCIETY)​

someone who respects many different types of beliefs or behaviour:​

I am a liberal who believes in tolerance.​

More examples​

SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases​

liberal noun [C] (POLITICS)​

someone who believes in personal freedom and that society should change gradually so that money, property, and power are shared more fairly:​

She says she is proud to identify herself as a liberal and a feminist.​

FINANCE & ECONOMICS specialized​

someone who believes businesses should have a lot of freedom to buy, sell, and make money without many rules or limits, and with low taxes:​

Three strands make up the party: the moderate reforming centre, the Thatcherite economic liberals, and the pro-clerical conservatives.​

When they arrive at the Hospitals, drag the press with them, occupy the lower floors and provide support to keep it running and then explore in detail the lower sections looking for power, water and ventilation into the tunnels. Document it and then cut them off. At the same time flood those tunnel entrances which will do minimal damage to the foundations. They have a new international group run the hospital with an aid corridor to it. maintain troop presence to avoid repairs to the tunnel systems for at least a month, that with the water will doom any occupants. Then before they leave, fill the top portions with cement.

More on the splintering going in this article.

But at least as interesting is this.

Along similar lines, a Nov. 1 Foreign Policy article by Robbie Gramer disclosed that there was a “storm of dissent brewing in the State Department.”

A group of State Department employees opposed to administration policies is gathering signatures for a “dissent cable,” Gramer wrote, a formal procedure created by the State Department “to allow its users the opportunity to bring dissenting or alternative views on substantive foreign policy issues.”

Gramer reported that “many U.S. diplomats were privately angered, shocked and despondent by what they perceived as a de facto blank check from Washington for Israel to launch a massive military operation in Gaza at an immense humanitarian cost for the besieged Palestinian civilians in Gaza.”

In a separate Nov. 3 Foreign Policy article, “More U.S. Officials Are Anonymously Calling for a Gaza Cease-Fire,” Amy Mackinnon and Gramer wrote:

Hundreds of USAID (United States Agency for International Development) officials have reportedly signed a letter calling on the Biden administration to push for “an immediate cease-fire and cessation of hostilities” in the Israel-Hamas war, according to a copy of the petition obtained by Foreign Policy.

One more time - who is responsible for policy?

How do elected representatives deal with an obstructionist administration?

And what happens when international bureaucrats get together and there are no politicians in the room?
When they arrive at the Hospitals, drag the press with them, occupy the lower floors and provide support to keep it running and then explore in detail the lower sections looking for power, water and ventilation into the tunnels. Document it and then cut them off. At the same time flood those tunnel entrances which will do minimal damage to the foundations. They have a new international group run the hospital with an aid corridor to it. maintain troop presence to avoid repairs to the tunnel systems for at least a month, that with the water will doom any occupants. Then before they leave, fill the top portions with cement.

How come the women and children aren't down in the tunnels and basements the way they are in Ukraine?
What does it mean? Internationally nothing. At home it means Trudeau and Liberals can read polls. New Canadians support Hamas in greater numbers than the loss of Israel and Jewish voters. Math.
Which of course suggests Canada needs to take a hard look at who we are bringing in as "New Canadians". The wider societal needs suggest not to bring in people likely to support a terror organization.
Many people need to be fired.
Just my opinion.

This is going to be the end result.

Hamas will end up retreating out of the Palestine, under the protection of UN troops, much like the PLO retreat.
The IDF will set up defensive check points to stop the Hamas from getting back to strong points close to the Border area.

UN Troops will be hunkered down in the middle most likely led by a US or European General, little poorly written ROEs. Poorly trained 3rd world troops doing the heavy lifting, who may show favoritism to one side over the other, due to religion, or close ties to Middle East countries who support the HAMAS side. Western Troops will be there US or British, or French, ( do not see Germans or Canadians for various reasons) to be the professionals and to provide logistic support, and medical support. Middle Eastern Nations will call for peace and harmony while supporting one side more than the other side. Iran will be trying to win support and new friends with the power vac that will be in place.

No one is going to win, just a lot of people dead or injured for life.

Soon as the UN declares the area safe and under control they will announce a troop withdrawal and down sizing of the Protection Force to mostly 3rd world troops, whose government counts on the UN troop allowance to support the government at home. Western troops will be sent home other than a few figure heads and leaders, mostly because their government will protect those positions to show they doing their part to lead the way to peace in the Middle East.

Then Hamas or whatever the new name will be, will slowly start to rebuild and rearm and drum up support and slowly try to reclaim the losses from the last armed revolt.

The IDF will end up downsizing their force at the same time as the UN does. Man the border check points and go about business as usual.

Then the new group with backing from what other Nation in the Middle East is the power vac this will start all over again.
Soon as the UN declares the area safe and under control they will announce a troop withdrawal and down sizing of the Protection Force to mostly 3rd world troops, whose government counts on the UN troop allowance to support the government at home.

Um, no. I deeply doubt it will pan out that way.

Israel does not GAF about the UN, nor do they need to as long as they have strong backing from the US and others.

Most likely, Israel will exterminate as many Hamas members as possible during this active phase of the war, blithely ignoring calls from those such our National Virtue Signaler in Chief to halt for 'humanitarian' reasons. After they 'cleanse' northern Gaza, they'll shift to the south and repeat as required. The West Bank will likely be next as the Palestinian authority is quite useless.

They will then control and sift through the remining civilians in Gaza to root out any left over Hamas members/ affiliates hiding amongst that population, who they will happily kill if any resistance is offered.

They will then install their own administration, backed by locally based and overwhelming military force, which will operate as an occupying force for a long, long time. Think 30-50 years. This will no doubt feature ongoing covert and overt action to destroy any remaining Hamas operatives. Various 'carrots' will be offered to those who want to walk the sunny side of the street including education and employment options, I assume.

I also assume they'll pursue a program of incarceration, banishment and settler in-migration to dilute the Palestinian population until they no longer appear to be a recognizable ethnic group, nor pose an organized threat to anyone.

But yeah, who really knows right?
Hopefully in that scenario the Israelis underwritten by the US and Europe, supervises the building of proper infrastructure and puts all those Gazans to work rebuilding under supervision. So people see water, sewer and electricity and realize that another Hamas might not be a good idea.
Um, no. I deeply doubt it will pan out that way.

Israel does not GAF about the UN, nor do they need to as long as they have strong backing from the US and others.

Most likely, Israel will exterminate as many Hamas members as possible during this active phase of the war, blithely ignoring calls from those such our National Virtue Signaler in Chief to halt for 'humanitarian' reasons. After they 'cleanse' northern Gaza, they'll shift to the south and repeat as required. The West Bank will likely be next as the Palestinian authority is quite useless.

They will then control and sift through the remining civilians in Gaza to root out any left over Hamas members/ affiliates hiding amongst that population, who they will happily kill if any resistance is offered.

They will then install their own administration, backed by locally based and overwhelming military force, which will operate as an occupying force for a long, long time. Think 30-50 years. This will no doubt feature ongoing covert and overt action to destroy any remaining Hamas operatives. Various 'carrots' will be offered to those who want to walk the sunny side of the street including education and employment options, I assume.

I also assume they'll pursue a program of incarceration, banishment and settler in-migration to dilute the Palestinian population until they no longer appear to be a recognizable ethnic group, nor pose an organized threat to anyone.

But yeah, who really knows right?
I think this is a likely outcome. I wouldn't be surprised given the pure evil of the Hamas attacks.