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Hamas invaded Israel 2023

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Perhaps they should rely on intelligence rather than community 'advisors'.

Tough call. Sources of human intelligence can tend to be pretty unsavory. All the moreso in security intelligence versus intelligence where there are fewer concerns about subsequent judicial use of the intelligence gleaned. Let’s not forget that other jurisdictions are less restrained than we are in how they incorporate security intelligence into national security investigations.

Someone can be a piece of shit but still give you good enough info once corroborated with other sources. Is this a problem where we can afford to discard much of what’s coming in if it’s potentially useful? I don’t have the answer to that, but it’s worth asking.
And to further complicate the picture....

Friends of friends

France is investigating possible Russian involvement in an alleged anti-Semitic campaign that has seen Stars of David daubed on buildings throughout Paris.

Security services reportedly believe the graffiti may have been part of a Russian campaign to “destabilise” France and foment anti-Semitism in the wake of the Hamas attack on Israel.

Word of the day: "Destabilization".
Further to my last...

The first of the railway station protests occurred only a week ago, at London Waterloo. It was little noticed because the protestors failed to take over the full concourse and it happened amidst one of the huge weekend marches that we are now expected to be used to.

As protestors took over Liverpool Street Station a few days after Waterloo, disrupting thousands of commuters during rush hour, rank and file police officers stood on impotently. The officers were seemingly permitted to allow protestors to block the concourse and intimidate commuters and passers-by.

It was entirely predictable that to many this would be seen as a “success” – and one to be capitalised on. Emboldened by BTP’s decision to allow these protests to occur unimpeded, all manner of groups are now expanding this new modus operandi – to more stations, in more cities, with seemingly greater numbers.

The Friday evening rush hour was the turn of King’s Cross. This weekend it was Charing Cross, Leeds, Manchester, Edinburgh Waverley and Glasgow Central.

Hundreds gathered in each. Often there were chants of “from the river to the sea” – interpreted by many as deeply anti-Semitic. Some protestors were more explicit in their grotesqueness. At Charing Cross a placard was carried around showing a swastika alongside a Star of David. Protestors surrounded poppy sellers from the Royal British Legion.

“I was getting shoved backwards, in danger of falling, and one of them stood on my foot and split my toe.

“I thought I had got to get the money out of here. So I went down, and as I bent down someone punched me in the back. And then I got another punch in my side.”

Jim Henderson, an Army veteran, said he was “punched and kicked” as he tried to leave Waverley Station in Edinburgh on Saturday before being helped by railway staff.

The 78-year-old said he had “never known anything like it” after his poppy stall was surrounded by people displaying “Freedom for Palestine” posters, who staged a sit-in at the station.

It is understandable that the police don't want to initiate a civil war, in any country, but....

The Rules[edit]​

  1. "Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have."
  2. "Never go outside the expertise of your people."
  3. "Whenever possible go outside the expertise of the enemy."
  4. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
  5. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage."
  6. "A good tactic is one your people enjoy."
  7. "A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag."
  8. "Keep the pressure on."
  9. "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself."
  10. "The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition."
  11. "If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside; this is based on the principle that every positive has its negative."
  12. "The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative."
  13. "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."
It is understandable that the police don't want to initiate a civil war, in any country, but....
I think the Civil war is underway, the UK has let in a huge Muslim population and tip toeing around them makes them even more aggressive. While remaining in the law, a hard and clear response is what is needed and a reminder to those that are their for convenience, that they can easily lose that right.
The lack of action by lawmakers have emboldened the protesters to become more aggressive.

The infuriating part is almost every country has laws regarding what is allowed or not regarding to protests. Many countries have laws that outright forbid foreigners from participating in any political protest.

It is past the time for people to start getting arrested, and these protests to start being broken up.
I think the Civil war is underway, the UK has let in a huge Muslim population and tip toeing around them makes them even more aggressive. While remaining in the law, a hard and clear response is what is needed and a reminder to those that are their for convenience, that they can easily lose that right.
I think it's been happening for awhile. The amount of people western countries let in that have no intentions of integrating into western countries values is causing destabilization.

The amount of people cheering on hamas shows this destabilization .

Wars don't have to be fought in a traditional force on force event. They can be fought by people embedding themselves into a society for the sole purpose of changing that society for their own needs and wants.
A major problem for the Anglosphere is the lack of a Gendarmerie, those paramilitaries that the Europeans rely on to supply mass when confronting riots and insurrection.

Our police don't have the numbers and our military is .... unused .... to taking on the task.

This is one report of many available everywhere of the 43 minute video the Israeli Embassies are making available to world journalists. YouTube news broadcasts from Australian TV channels are informative. The CBC interviewed a journalist who saw the video, but of course didn't send anyone to view it.

One month after attacks, a pain that won’t let go

I watched video of Hamas terrorists hacking innocents to death, but the worst part was the glee in their eyes - National Post - 7 Nov 2023 - sabrina maddeaux

Over the span of 43 minutes, I watched 138 humans be murdered or witnessed their corpses, many brutalized beyond recognition and others clearly tortured, in the direct aftermath of Hamas’s Oct. 7 terrorist attacks on Israel.

That’s 3.2 bodies per minute— and less than 10 per cent of the more than 1,400 people killed that day.

The Consulate of Israel in Toronto screened the footage, taken from a mix of body cameras, dashboard cams, CCTV tapes, and victims’ cell phones, some used by Hamas to record and livestream their sadism, for a small group of media on Monday. Not everyone made it through the full 43 minutes, with others moved to tears and outbursts of emotion.

There were babies. Toddlers. So many children of all ages. Young men and women dressed for a music festival, not the wanton slaughter that saw their bloodied bodies piled atop one another in scenes reminiscent of some of the Holocaust’s worst images.

Parents. The elderly. A dad who, attempting to hide from Hamas attackers with his sons, all three of them still in their underwear, was blown up by a grenade in front of his children.

The two young boys, covered in blood, crying, throwing themselves on the ground in grief, as a Hamas gunman raids the family’s fridge and takes a swig of soda. One of the sons’ panicked voice as he realizes he can no longer see out of one eye.
The man’s wife as kibbutz security bring her to identify her husband’s remains.
The moment she literally collapses and has to be dragged away from the scene, thrashing wildly, her legs folding under her like every bone had simply vanished from her body.

A family attempting to decipher whether the burned remains in front of them, skirt hiked up above bare genitals, is the loved one they’re looking for.

The literal streams of blood, the hacked off arms and legs, the infant missing part of its skull, brain leaking out. The dog shot over and over again as its limbs splay in every direction until they don’t anymore. Mickey Mouse pyjamas on a young corpse, skull fragments on floors, victims shot point blank. So much blood.


But none of what I’ve detailed so far was the worst part of those 43 minutes. The worst part was the glee.

The pure jubilation of Hamas terrorists as they filmed themselves killing and torturing; their excited voices bragging about their atrocities. The videos of them playing with victims’ heads with their feet, and excitedly shooting out the tires of a kibbutz’s ambulance before massacring its residents.

I’ll never forget the gore, but it’s the look of euphoria and pride in the terrorists’ eyes, cheering for the cameras as if they were the ones partying at a music festival that day, that will haunt me.

In the videos, Hamas attackers did not behave as soldiers or freedom fighters. They hunted their victims in their homes like serial killers in a horror film, peering through blinds, slashing through screen doors with knives, following families wherever they tried to run or hide. If they couldn’t find them, they’d use lighters to make sure fire did. They toyed with their victims’ lifeless bodies. They kept trophies, both physical and digital.

It’s unimaginable that anyone could watch this and still equate what happened on Oct. 7 to resistance or war.

I’ve seen war footage; this was not that.

These were terrorist attacks targeted at civilians and mass shootings of innocents.
Hamas was indiscriminate in their cruelty, killing not for cause, but for pleasure.
I don’t know if the full footage will ever be made public, but if it ever is, every single Canadian should watch it to understand how far beyond any conceivable rules of engagement Hamas went, why this time was different, and why it must never, ever happen again.
Some day, people will look back and identify some inflection point and say, "This is when it became so unacceptable to try to defend Hamas that all the soft (not actually committed to genocide of Jews) protestors dropped out". We aren't quite there yet. What ought we to make of that?
I don’t know if the full footage will ever be made public, but if it ever is, every single Canadian should watch it to understand how far beyond any conceivable rules of engagement Hamas went, why this time was different, and why it must never, ever happen again.

There will still be people who will say the footage is fake and/or the attacks were justified due to Israeli "occupation".

This is one report of many available everywhere of the 43 minute video the Israeli Embassies are making available to world journalists. YouTube news broadcasts from Australian TV channels are informative. The CBC interviewed a journalist who saw the video, but of course didn't send anyone to view it.

One month after attacks, a pain that won’t let go

I watched video of Hamas terrorists hacking innocents to death, but the worst part was the glee in their eyes - National Post - 7 Nov 2023 - sabrina maddeaux

Over the span of 43 minutes, I watched 138 humans be murdered or witnessed their corpses, many brutalized beyond recognition and others clearly tortured, in the direct aftermath of Hamas’s Oct. 7 terrorist attacks on Israel.

That’s 3.2 bodies per minute— and less than 10 per cent of the more than 1,400 people killed that day.

The Consulate of Israel in Toronto screened the footage, taken from a mix of body cameras, dashboard cams, CCTV tapes, and victims’ cell phones, some used by Hamas to record and livestream their sadism, for a small group of media on Monday. Not everyone made it through the full 43 minutes, with others moved to tears and outbursts of emotion.

There were babies. Toddlers. So many children of all ages. Young men and women dressed for a music festival, not the wanton slaughter that saw their bloodied bodies piled atop one another in scenes reminiscent of some of the Holocaust’s worst images.

Parents. The elderly. A dad who, attempting to hide from Hamas attackers with his sons, all three of them still in their underwear, was blown up by a grenade in front of his children.

The two young boys, covered in blood, crying, throwing themselves on the ground in grief, as a Hamas gunman raids the family’s fridge and takes a swig of soda. One of the sons’ panicked voice as he realizes he can no longer see out of one eye.
The man’s wife as kibbutz security bring her to identify her husband’s remains.
The moment she literally collapses and has to be dragged away from the scene, thrashing wildly, her legs folding under her like every bone had simply vanished from her body.

A family attempting to decipher whether the burned remains in front of them, skirt hiked up above bare genitals, is the loved one they’re looking for.

The literal streams of blood, the hacked off arms and legs, the infant missing part of its skull, brain leaking out. The dog shot over and over again as its limbs splay in every direction until they don’t anymore. Mickey Mouse pyjamas on a young corpse, skull fragments on floors, victims shot point blank. So much blood.


But none of what I’ve detailed so far was the worst part of those 43 minutes. The worst part was the glee.

The pure jubilation of Hamas terrorists as they filmed themselves killing and torturing; their excited voices bragging about their atrocities. The videos of them playing with victims’ heads with their feet, and excitedly shooting out the tires of a kibbutz’s ambulance before massacring its residents.

I’ll never forget the gore, but it’s the look of euphoria and pride in the terrorists’ eyes, cheering for the cameras as if they were the ones partying at a music festival that day, that will haunt me.

In the videos, Hamas attackers did not behave as soldiers or freedom fighters. They hunted their victims in their homes like serial killers in a horror film, peering through blinds, slashing through screen doors with knives, following families wherever they tried to run or hide. If they couldn’t find them, they’d use lighters to make sure fire did. They toyed with their victims’ lifeless bodies. They kept trophies, both physical and digital.

It’s unimaginable that anyone could watch this and still equate what happened on Oct. 7 to resistance or war.

I’ve seen war footage; this was not that.

These were terrorist attacks targeted at civilians and mass shootings of innocents.
Hamas was indiscriminate in their cruelty, killing not for cause, but for pleasure.
I don’t know if the full footage will ever be made public, but if it ever is, every single Canadian should watch it to understand how far beyond any conceivable rules of engagement Hamas went, why this time was different, and why it must never, ever happen again.
Grab anyone making hate speech comments to Israel and while holding them for processing, have these videos playing on multiple screens on loop. So they get to see what they are supporting.
This is one report of many available everywhere of the 43 minute video the Israeli Embassies are making available to world journalists ...
Another report from someone who's seen the video (archived link also here) ....
Further to my last...

It is understandable that the police don't want to initiate a civil war, in any country, but....
So we'll let the tail continue to wag the dog and allow mob rule when the mob decides it suits them? Sooner or later this sort of behaviour needs to be completely shut down or they, the mob, will grow bolder and bolder until it totally gets out of hand.
The Canadian version....

Just last weekend, Palestinian demonstrations in both Edmonton and Ottawa featured the swastika. The weekend before, speakers at a rally in Montreal were cheered as they issued calls to “destroy the arrogant Zionists … kill them all, and do not exempt even one of them.” In Toronto, protest mobs have begun assembling outside Jewish-owned businesses to call for their boycott. And this was in addition to the ubiquitous presence of signs and chants calling for “Intifada,” “resistance,” and the total destruction of the State of Israel.

So we'll let the tail continue to wag the dog and allow mob rule when the mob decides it suits them? Sooner or later this sort of behaviour needs to be completely shut down or they, the mob, will grow bolder and bolder until it totally gets out of hand.
I believe you misquoted me and were replying to Kirkhill? I didn’t post what you referenced.
So we'll let the tail continue to wag the dog and allow mob rule when the mob decides it suits them? Sooner or later this sort of behaviour needs to be completely shut down or they, the mob, will grow bolder and bolder until it totally gets out of hand.
Another example of "police don't exist to protect citizens from criminals; they exist to protect criminals from citizens". The mob getting out of hand is a problem; the response to that is a bigger problem. People cannot be told to suck it up indefinitely.

This is one report of many available everywhere of the 43 minute video the Israeli Embassies are making available to world journalists. YouTube news broadcasts from Australian TV channels are informative. The CBC interviewed a journalist who saw the video, but of course didn't send anyone to view it.

One month after attacks, a pain that won’t let go

I watched video of Hamas terrorists hacking innocents to death, but the worst part was the glee in their eyes - National Post - 7 Nov 2023 - sabrina maddeaux

Over the span of 43 minutes, I watched 138 humans be murdered or witnessed their corpses, many brutalized beyond recognition and others clearly tortured, in the direct aftermath of Hamas’s Oct. 7 terrorist attacks on Israel.

That’s 3.2 bodies per minute— and less than 10 per cent of the more than 1,400 people killed that day.

The Consulate of Israel in Toronto screened the footage, taken from a mix of body cameras, dashboard cams, CCTV tapes, and victims’ cell phones, some used by Hamas to record and livestream their sadism, for a small group of media on Monday. Not everyone made it through the full 43 minutes, with others moved to tears and outbursts of emotion.

There were babies. Toddlers. So many children of all ages. Young men and women dressed for a music festival, not the wanton slaughter that saw their bloodied bodies piled atop one another in scenes reminiscent of some of the Holocaust’s worst images.

Parents. The elderly. A dad who, attempting to hide from Hamas attackers with his sons, all three of them still in their underwear, was blown up by a grenade in front of his children.

The two young boys, covered in blood, crying, throwing themselves on the ground in grief, as a Hamas gunman raids the family’s fridge and takes a swig of soda. One of the sons’ panicked voice as he realizes he can no longer see out of one eye.
The man’s wife as kibbutz security bring her to identify her husband’s remains.
The moment she literally collapses and has to be dragged away from the scene, thrashing wildly, her legs folding under her like every bone had simply vanished from her body.

A family attempting to decipher whether the burned remains in front of them, skirt hiked up above bare genitals, is the loved one they’re looking for.

The literal streams of blood, the hacked off arms and legs, the infant missing part of its skull, brain leaking out. The dog shot over and over again as its limbs splay in every direction until they don’t anymore. Mickey Mouse pyjamas on a young corpse, skull fragments on floors, victims shot point blank. So much blood.


But none of what I’ve detailed so far was the worst part of those 43 minutes. The worst part was the glee.

The pure jubilation of Hamas terrorists as they filmed themselves killing and torturing; their excited voices bragging about their atrocities. The videos of them playing with victims’ heads with their feet, and excitedly shooting out the tires of a kibbutz’s ambulance before massacring its residents.

I’ll never forget the gore, but it’s the look of euphoria and pride in the terrorists’ eyes, cheering for the cameras as if they were the ones partying at a music festival that day, that will haunt me.

In the videos, Hamas attackers did not behave as soldiers or freedom fighters. They hunted their victims in their homes like serial killers in a horror film, peering through blinds, slashing through screen doors with knives, following families wherever they tried to run or hide. If they couldn’t find them, they’d use lighters to make sure fire did. They toyed with their victims’ lifeless bodies. They kept trophies, both physical and digital.

It’s unimaginable that anyone could watch this and still equate what happened on Oct. 7 to resistance or war.

I’ve seen war footage; this was not that.

These were terrorist attacks targeted at civilians and mass shootings of innocents.
Hamas was indiscriminate in their cruelty, killing not for cause, but for pleasure.
I don’t know if the full footage will ever be made public, but if it ever is, every single Canadian should watch it to understand how far beyond any conceivable rules of engagement Hamas went, why this time was different, and why it must never, ever happen again.

The Canadian version....

I have some empathy for the non combatant civilians of Palestine being caught in the middle of this, but I look at them with suspicion as well, because I believe they would be cheering in the streets if the momentum was swinging the other direction. I believe much of this are tears of convivence. Its also telling that they are so untrusted that no other Islamic nation will take them in.

On Dec 7th 1941 the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour, without a declaration of war and with complete surprise. In that process they killed 3000(ish) American sailors, soldiers, airmen and civilians.

This single action had a ripple effect that also caused the death of millions of Japanese civilians and service pers. When you poke the bear, the bear pokes back and the blood spilled is on the hands of the instigator. Don't start a fight and then cry foul when your opponent fights back without prejudice.

I firmly stand with Israel. But Israel also, in the future, needs to recognize when they have won and pull back their dogs.