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Hamas invaded Israel 2023

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Bank accounts were frozen not because they were protesting against Trudeau's policies (most of the policies being protested were provincial policies anyways). They were frozen only after several-WEEKS long occupation of downtown, and only after the municipal and provincial [and arguably federal] authorities failed to take appropriate action.
So politicians chose not to fix the law enforcement shortfalls of multiple levels of government, but instead broad brush financially freeze funds of the citizens that law enforcement failed to deal with, which also included citizens who in good faith had donated small amounts ($50 in some cases) to the convoy in its early days.

You know it went too far when the Deputy Minister of Finance Canada acknowledges the move went too far, impacting child support and groceries…

In hindsight, the department could have better circumscribed the power to freeze Freedom Convoy organizers’ bank accounts because “the intent was not to unduly affect payments of child support or other payments,” Finance Canada assistant deputy minister Isabelle Jacques told the commission.

Nice racially loaded generalization, though. That’s a good look.

I really don't care at this point, the Palestinian/Arab/North African population needs to be strictly monitored based on their pro-hamas demonstrations. This isn't a time to be politically correct, it's about prevention of violence and terror inside of Canada. When a large "demonstration" of pro-hamas supporters, all of which who are from a certain demographic, gather around a downtown Toronto starbucks in middle of a monday morning, you need to question their purpose and value to this country. They aren't all uber drivers waiting for a fare.....
I really don't care at this point, the Palestinian/Arab/North African population needs to be strictly monitored based on their pro-hamas demonstrations. This isn't a time to be politically correct, it's about prevention of violence and terror inside of Canada. When a large "demonstration" of pro-hamas supporters, all of which who are from a certain demographic, gather around a downtown Toronto starbucks in middle of a monday morning, you need to question their purpose and value to this country. They aren't all uber drivers waiting for a fare.....

And this, right here, is why there’s very significant governance and oversight over national security investigations and the agencies that conduct them.

In a past life you likely would not have given second thought to being tasked to guard internment camps full of Japanese Canadians.
Let's just keep conveniently ignoring the terror and horror these protestors applauded like it means nothing and make racism accusations against people worried about terror sympathizers in our midst.
Let's just keep conveniently ignoring the terror and horror these protestors applauded like it means nothing and make racism accusations against people worried about terror sympathizers in our midst.

Who’s ignoring it? Read back to the start of the thread and who was here saying what and sharing updates. Thanks, but try again.

Saying an entire ethnic group should be subject to ‘monitoring’ for participation is what is, for the vast majority, lawful acts of peaceful protest and free expression is the purest form of Wal-Mart grade post-9/11 racist national security theatre.

Anyone actually demonstrating support for Hamas, absolutely, go for it. But generalizing that to a broad suspicion of entire ethnicities?That’s ineffective, wasteful, and unethical.

Refaat Alareer, who has appeared on the BBC, ABC, and Democracy Now as a source of information on life in Gaza during the war, recently shared a callous response to the news that a baby was found in an oven after having been baked to death by Hamas terrorists.

“With or without baking powder?” Alareer asked in a post on X.

Refaat Alareer, who has appeared on the BBC, ABC, and Democracy Now as a source of information on life in Gaza during the war, recently shared a callous response to the news that a baby was found in an oven after having been baked to death by Hamas terrorists.

“With or without baking powder?” Alareer asked in a post on X.

Makes you wonder how many pro-hamas and palestinians, here and in Gaza, share the same view point. Probably a lot.
I really don't care at this point, the Palestinian/Arab/North African population needs to be strictly monitored based on their pro-hamas demonstrations. This isn't a time to be politically correct, it's about prevention of violence and terror inside of Canada. When a large "demonstration" of pro-hamas supporters, all of which who are from a certain demographic, gather around a downtown Toronto starbucks in middle of a monday morning, you need to question their purpose and value to this country. They aren't all uber drivers waiting for a fare.....

Sentiments like that would make someone of that ethnicity who would speak out against Hamas, etc seriously question whether Canada and Canadians would support them if they did.

They would be ostracized from a part of their community already, but then have folks saying that everyone of their ethnicity should be strictly monitored? Has no one learned from the fallout of 9/11 policies (Patriot Act, etc) in the US?
I don't think so. Probably past time to stop pussyfooting around with this shit. I'd guess a large part of the Arab community is against groups like Hamas and they'd willingly out those who are affiliated. What likely makes them hesitant is the soft pandering our government does for extremist groups and countries like China. A principled position would make it clear where we stand, people would feel safer. People leave their countries because they want a better opportunity not because they want a repeat of shit from where they came from.
Probably past time to stop pussyfooting around with this shit. I'd guess a large part of the Arab community is against groups like Hamas and they'd willingly out those who are affiliated.

If the Palestinians can't police their own thugs, then they are going to be collateral damage. It's not complicated.
Just in case it wasn't already blindingly obvious....

Lies, Misinformation Play Key Role in Israel-Hamas Fight​

At the tactical and operational level, the war in Gaza, and the Israeli ground incursion, is about bombs, guns, mortars, and the ability of each side to make street by street gains in a deadly urban battle.

At the strategic level though, the war is about perception, telling a story about who is the victim and who is the aggressor. And if the prelude to the invasion of Gaza is any indication, lies, mistruths, and disinformation will play a key and continuing role in this fight.

In past Israeli campaigns into Gaza, such as 2012 and 2014, initial support for the Israeli operation faded as sympathies increasingly turned toward the Palestinians who were suffering high civilian casualties in the densely populated landscape. This was buttressed by the Hamas media wing, which effectively used images and video of the conflict, and the resultant suffering, to change international opinion.

The stakes are even higher today. The atrocities committed by Hamas militants in Israel have quickly been coined Israel's 9/11. Israel has consequently set a political objective of total destruction of Hamas.

Experts disagree about whether such an objective is even attainable, but Israel's only chance at success is for the Israel Defense Forces to invade Gaza with an overwhelming amount of firepower. The current operation has produced more civilian casualties than past assaults on Gaza and many assume it will get a lot worse. Hamas and even the Palestinians will see this as an existential fight and respond accordingly.

Enter the information war. Perceptions of civilian casualties in Gaza are, in strategic military parlance, the center of gravity for the conflict. High civilian casualties will dissipate Israel's international support and risk limiting the destruction they can rain on Hamas. Each side knows this and will attempt to shape perceptions, in some cases through any means necessary, and false information will play a key role.

This information war will play out on several fronts. In Gaza, Israel and Hamas will release information that is to their advantage. IDF spokesmen will highlight Hamas' use of human shields and Israeli care in striking targets. Hamas will play up the civilian toll. Both sides will release reams of supporting footage. Outside Gaza, throngs of worldwide supporters will be eager to cheer the cause for their side and will create, like, and share content accordingly.

I'd guess a large part of the Arab community is against groups like Hamas
Prior to October 7th I would have agreed. After seeing the reaction inside Gaza and around the world I'd say maybe, but a lot hate Jews more than groups like Hamas.

Buddy called his mom and dad to tell them he just murdered 10 Jewish people. His mom gave him the ol' praise Allah. There's a reason we don't see many anti-Hamas protests.
... Has no one learned from the fallout of 9/11 policies (Patriot Act, etc) in the US?
Not everyone, no.

Meanwhile, this from the Associated Press ...
... with this tidbit (highlight mine):
Screenshot 2023-10-31 211651.jpg
So far, ISR is denying wanting to relocate anyone saying it's just a concept paper, but we'll see.

OP edit to clarify ISR's denial/position on the paper.
Last edited:
Not everyone, no.

Meanwhile, this from the Associated Press ...
... with this tidbit (highlight mine):
View attachment 81006
So far, ISR is denying wanting to relocate anyone, but we'll see.

Leah No GIF by Amazon Prime Video
Not everyone, no.

Meanwhile, this from the Associated Press ...
... with this tidbit (highlight mine):
View attachment 81006
So far, ISR is denying wanting to relocate anyone, but we'll see.

Everyone should see that highlight portion and the word lenient as a problem.
I wish that individuals could separate the State of Israel from the Religion of Judaism when they are discussing this latest conflict. While I concede that the two are almost inseparably linked, they are not one in the same. I am not cheering for either side in this conflict, but I am getting tired of hearing that any attack on Israel is the equivalent of wiping the Jewish religion off the map. This is at its core a conflict over land, and who should be inhabiting it. I am willing to bet that if Israel were to say screw it, we're packing all our bags resettling in Utah, HAMAS, The Saudis, Iran and all the others could care less that there still existed a Jewish faith. On the opposite side, the state of Israel uses the defense of the Jewish Faith as the reasoning for all they do, when in fact it is actually the land and political power they strive to control.
I wish that individuals could separate the State of Israel from the Religion of Judaism when they are discussing this latest conflict. While I concede that the two are almost inseparably linked, they are not one and the same. I am not cheering for either side in this conflict, but I am getting tired of hearing that any attack on Israel is the equivalent of wiping the Jewish religion off the map. This is at its core a conflict over land, and who should be inhabiting it. I am willing to bet that if Israel were to say screw it, we're packing all our bags resettling in Utah, HAMAS, The Saudis, Iran and all the others could care less that there still existed a Jewish faith. On the opposite side, the state of Israel uses the defense of the Jewish Faith as the reasoning for all they do, when in fact it is actually the land and political power they strive to control.
Well I think one can give the Israelis a little more latitude to think how they do, given there have been world wide threats against Jews now, and the whole ‘minor issue’ of Genocide is still fairly fresh in their minds…