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Hamas invaded Israel 2023

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remember, there is a great difference between faith and religion.
Further, there's a great difference between religion and religion.

Religion- the tightknit local community bonded through shared belief, supporting each other in an atmosphere of love and understanding
Religion- the manipulation and exploitation of the masses' shared belief to gain and maintain power and impose a worldview
remember, there is a great difference between faith and religion.

But the common ground is belief.

Some people have faith in their rifle.

Belief is a very individual thing, as are faith and religion.

Canada’s continued prosperity in an increasingly dangerous and disordered world depends on the rules-based international order maintained by the United States and the alliance it leads — a system Ottawa played an integral role in building and that Canadians greatly benefit from. Canada’s allegiance is thus to the West, not to the “axis of outcasts“: Russia, Iran, North Korea and Syria. So why do “progressives” keep regurgitating these countries’ talking points and advancing their interests?

While Palestinians are not any freer today than they were last week, many shameless “progressives” celebrated this terrorist attack as a great victory. A senior Liberal advisor reportedly shared Instagram posts stating that, “Revolutionary violence is not terrorism” and calling on people to, “Support Palestinian resistance.” CUPE local 3906, a labour union representing academic workers at McMaster University, tweeted, “Palestine is rising, long live the resistance.”

Article content
Other “progressives,” including Rhodes scholars, elected members of Parliament, law clerks, professors and union leaders also did their best to whitewash Hamas’ despicable attack. Many more gathered at protests in Toronto and Montreal to celebrate this senseless killing. They should all be ashamed of themselves.

The Instagram article shared by the National Post

Wiesel said that the opposite of love is not hate, but indifference. He said that indifference creates evil, and hatred is evil itself.

Indifference allows evil to be strong, gives it power. Martin Luther King Jr. reminded us that in the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.

Quoted in full because it is important and deserves as wide a distribution as possible.

FIRST READING: Terrorist sympathizers on Parliament Hill – Canada's Palestinian extremism problem​

Mahmoud Kahlil, who was invited to a Parliament Hill reception just last year, pledged fealty to Hamas at a rally in Calgary
Author of the article:
Tristin Hopper
Published Oct 12, 2023 • Last updated 3 hours ago • 7 minute read


Mahmoud Kahlil
Screenshot of a video from a Thanksgiving weekend rally in Calgary to praise Oct. 7 terror attacks that killed more than 1000 Israelis. Speaker Mahmoud Kahlil, who uploaded and annotated the video, called for more attacks and said to cheers "we're going to be the nightmare here." PHOTO BY INSTAGRAM

First Reading is a daily newsletter keeping you posted on the travails of Canadian politicos, all curated by the National Post’s own Tristin Hopper. To get an early version sent directly to your inbox, sign up here

The All Out For Palestine rallies that appeared in every major Canadian city over the Thanksgiving weekend were without precedent. Never in Canadian history has the country seen coordinated, multi-city demonstrations convened for the singular purpose of celebrating an act of terror against civilians.

But the only thing materially new about the rallies is their scale and the unambiguous horror of the atrocities being celebrated. For years, Canada has featured no shortage of rallies cheering terror or groups openly calling for the violent destruction of Israel. In some cases, the figures at the centre of it all have even been feted on Parliament Hill.

“We are your men, Mohammad Deif!” went a celebratory chant repeated by a crowd of several dozen outside Calgary City Hall on Monday.

Deif is the Hamas commander credited as the mastermind of the Oct. 7 terror attacks against Israel. The chant was led by Mahmoud Kahlil, a Palestinian activist who has previously been at the head of marches in Montreal explicitly calling for Israel’s end.

In April, he led a crowd in front of Montreal’s Israel consulate and led a chant of “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” The slogan, which refers to the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, is an explicit rejection of any “two state solution” and references the complete purge of the State of Israel from the Levant.

The Oct. 7 attack, which resulted in the indiscriminate massacre of 1,200 Israelis – much of it livestreamed – was dubbed Operation Al-Aqsa Flood by Hamas. On Monday, Khalil praised “the flood” and pledged to “ride” it into the centre of Jerusalem.

His Monday ended with a call for supporters to “be the nightmare” in Canada. “We’re going to be the nightmare here. We’re going to be the nightmare in Gaza,” he said.

Video of the speech was posted to Instagram by Khalil himself, where it was picked up by the X account Documenting Antisemitism.

The opening minutes of the attack were characterized by Hamas fighters dropping onto a music festival via parasail, where they began opening fire on fleeing crowds. Survivor accounts described multiple women being raped next to the bodies of dead friends before being executed.

Also on Monday, Khalil would post a photo illustration to his Instagram showing Hamas fighters in parasails descending onto the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.

Just 10 months ago, Khalil was among the VIP guests at a Parliament Hill gathering for “Palestinian solidarity” attended by MPs from every sitting federal party, including the Green Party’s Elizabeth May, then transport minister Omar Alghabra and onetime NDP leadership candidate Niki Ashton.

International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People event on Parliament Hill
NDP MP Niki Ashton, Liberal MP Salma Zahid, Green Leader Elizabeth May, and Liberal MP Omar Alghabra at a Nov. 29 International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. At least one attendee was active in pro-terror rallies over the Thanksgiving Weekend. PHOTO BY TWITTER

Khalil’s extremist views were no secret at the time. Then, as now, they were frequently posted to his social media; a cursory search would have found him praising Hamas rocket attacks or endorsing the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine — a registered terror group.

But the Liberal MP who organized the event, Salma Zahid, told Postmedia at the time that Khalil’s presence was due to invitations being “circulated widely” and staff not having time to “research the history of every attendee that responded.”

In just the last few years, multiple demonstrations in Montreal and Toronto have featured speakers calling for Israel’s eradication, or praising indiscriminate Hamas rocket barrages into Israeli territory. In several cases, they were large enough to attract coverage from Israeli media.

In April 2022, a speaker at a Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions rally in Toronto told an assembled crowd, “Who is the biggest existential threat to the existence of Israel?” “We are!” came the reply.

The protest was livestreamed by self-described “human rights activist” Aliya Hasan. Hasan’s own speech would praise “Palestinian freedom fighters” who were responsible for orchestrating Israel’s “deadliest attacks that it has seen in the last 15 years.”

In a statement at the time, Conservative MP Melissa Lantsman noted it went well beyond the boundaries of a mere pro-Palestine rally. “This is not a protest. This is full-on antisemitism in our streets,” she wrote.

In May 2021, a pro-Israel protest in Montreal was surrounded and pelted with rocks by counter-demonstrators carrying Palestinian flags. “Rocks being launched against peaceful pro-Israel demonstrators and #antisemitic slurs being yelled at them. This is NOT the Montreal and Canada that I know and love,” Liberal MP Anthony Housefather said in a social media post at the time.

The Montreal rock-throwing would occur around the same time as a pro-Palestinian car rally in Winnipeg that CBC would note was characterized by the chant “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” Among the attendees in the YYC Convoy for Palestine was Alberta NDP MLA Irfan Sabir.

Last weekend’s All Out for Palestine rallies were primarily organized by Palestinian Youth Movement (PYM), a group that Canadian Jewish groups have long warned has a history of cheering terror and advocating for violence.

In May, they organized a Montreal rally denouncing the 75th anniversary of Israel’s founding. Convened outside what they called the “Zionist consulate,” it was dubbed “75 years of Nakba” — nakba being the Arabic word for “catastrophe.”

In August 2021 a PYM march near Yonge-Dundas Square in Toronto included a chant of “let’s speak openly – we don’t want to see any Zionists!” and open calls for a new Intifada. The last Intifada (uprising), which took place from 2000 to 2005, would be characterized by a string of suicide bombings against Israeli civilian targets.

In the wake of the Oct. 7 attacks, some of the most unadorned praise for the violence from an official Canadian source was a statement issued by CUPE Local 3906, which represents sessional faculty at McMaster University. “Palestine is rising, long live the resistance,” wrote the union’s official Twitter account as the first reports of slaughter and mass shootings emerged from southern Israel.

In 2019, another CUPE local, 3902, would be involved in hosting a literal Palestinian terrorist at its offices as a guest speaker. Issam Al Yamani was a longtime member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a group that committed widespread plane hijackings throughout the 1970s before moving on to suicide bombings and assassinations.

Ordered deported from Canada in the early 2000s on the grounds that Canada could not allow a terrorist sleeper cell to fester, Al Yamani has maintained his Canadian address thanks to an unending series of appeals.

CUPE 3902 described him as a “Palestinian activist/trade unionist on the Palestinian workers’ movement.”

One of the first reactions of European leaders upon hearing about the Oct. 7 massacres was to immediately review all their Palestinian aid in order to cut off funding to Hamas, the terror group in charge of Gaza (and the one that orchestrated the attack). Canada has not done this, and has already pledged to continue funding the one agency most notorious for serving as a financial backdoor to Hamas. That would be the United Nations Relief and Works Agency For Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA). It sends millions of dollars each year in emergency relief to Gaza, where the money is then administered by Hamas with little to no oversight. A spokesman for the Minister of International Development said Canada is keeping all its Palestinian aid streams exactly as before, while “ensuring that no money goes into the hands of Hamas.” But former Canadian ambassador to Israel Vivian Bercovici, among others, have pointed out that’s not a thing you can do with UNRWA. “You give the money and there is no transparency or accountability. None,” she wrote. That’s the main reason Ottawa cut off funding to UNRWA in 2010, only to have the Liberals restore it in 2016.



The presidents of Iran and Syria have discussed by telephone the situation in the Gaza Strip, expressing both countries’ support for the Palestinian people.

Syria’s state news agency SANA reported that Syria’s Bashar Assad and Iran’s Ebrahim Raisi said they stand behind the Palestinian people who are “being subjected to crimes and have the right to resist to defend their legitimate cause to gain back their rights.”

Assad was quoted by SANA as saying that Israel’s policies are leading to bloodshed in the region and called on Arab and Muslim countries to work on defending the Palestinian people, especially in Gaza.


The 57-nation Organization of Islamic Cooperation on Thursday strongly condemned what it called the “ongoing Israeli military aggression against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.”

“The OIC considers this brutal aggression against the Palestinian people a blatant international and humanitarian law violation and a war crime,” it said in a statement. It cited the killing and wounding of women and children, the destruction of civilian buildings and other locations.

The OIC said it held Israel “fully responsible” for the “repercussions of the continuation of this sinful aggression.”

The OIC, based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, broadly aligns itself with the thinking of Saudi Arabia’s rulers. That suggests the ongoing war likely will affect the ongoing efforts by the United States to broker a deal that could see Saudi Arabia diplomatically recognize Israel.

OIC + Russia, China, North Korea.

Brazil and India?
So what ought this fine country do about these supporters of terrorism?


France’s interior minister is reporting 24 arrests for antisemitic acts in the country since Hamas attacked Israel and says that online hate is surging.

“Since the end of the day Saturday, since the terrorist massacres in Israel, there have been more than 100 antisemitic acts, essentially graffiti — swastikas, ‘death to Jews,’ calls for an intifada against Israel,” said the minister, Gerald Darmanin. Speaking Thursday on France Inter radio, he said there have also been people caught with knives near Jewish schools and synagogues and a drone equipped with a camera that was spotted flying over a Jewish cultural center. Because of stepped-up police security around Jewish sites, “we were able to detain a large proportion of these people” with 24 arrests, he said.

Online, “hatred is surging,” he added, with more than 2,000 cases of antisemitic speech reported to a French online watchdog force, he said.


Three foreign nationals expelled from France for antisemitism​

Three foreign nationals have been expelled from France for antisemitic acts or comments since the weekend, according to a government spokesperson.
Gérald Darmanin, the interior minister, said that any non-nationals accused of antisemitic acts would be immediately expelled with their resident permit card cancelled.
Since the weekend there have been around 50 antisemitic acts recorded, he added, with 20 people arrested.
Quoted in full because it is important and deserves as wide a distribution as possible.

Why in the fuck are worker unions getting involved in international politics?

I'm really curious if someone goes digging and can find a direct connection between a CUPE local and money they pay out making it's way to HAMAS or another terrorist organization.

Imagine the fallout if Canada has to charge a CUPE local as a terrorist group or for funding terrorists.

It's not so far fetched to think that money they pay a speaker for a fee can make it's way to a terrorist group, and there is going to be a lot of people digging into CUPE locals after local 3906 publicly praised the attacks on Israel and doubled down after criticism. I think a lot more ugly truths about them are going to come out. And I say that as someone who is mostly pro union.
So what ought this fine country do about these supporters of terrorism?
Under the Criminal Code, it is an offence to knowingly deal with any property or provide or facilitate any financial or related service for any terrorist activity or any terrorist group or “listed person” (i.e., a person or entity on a government or other agency list).

We have the laws, but do we have the will to enforce them.
Why in the fuck are worker unions getting involved in international politics?

I've known Mike for many years. He had this to say on our behalf,

“I have never been so sickened as I am today by the comments of fellow union officers,” said CUPE 416 Paramedic Services Unit chair Mike Merriman.

He is calling for Hahn to resign.

“If this man has any semblance of decency and honour, he will step down,” Merriman said of Hahn, adding if it’s not denounced at the “national level” he may “consider stepping down as I cannot in good conscience support anti-Semitism or hatred in any form.”

Sadly with his dementia, this claim of beheaded children is not rock solid. Israel should push those pictures out into social media and show them every time people make some claim and ask them to justify such actions.

He definitely doesn't have dementia. I may not agree with him on a lot, but don't mistake being older and occasionally stumbling, for not having his facilities.

As I understand it, the decision was made in Isreal to not release the pictures to outside of government to spare the parents, families and generally the world. While knowing that babies were beheaded is disturbing, is a lot different in seeing it, as well there were many other indignities done to the bodies beyond that.
So we terminated our funding in 2010 to a UN agency for the specific reason it was being used as a backdoor revenue stream for Hamas...then Mr. Sunshine & Rainbows goes ahead and restores it in 2016, knowing full well why it was cut in the first place.

(I'm assuming someone probably mentioned something, somewhere...and even if they didn't, to keep that funding in place now that it is known is downright criminal. Literally criminal. As per the government's own laws.)

If we follows the laws of our land, as they are written, would the GoC not be in violation of its own terror financing laws?
So what ought this fine country do about these supporters of terrorism?
Well if the government is willing to freeze the bank accounts of anybody who donated a few bucks to our own truckers who they conveniently labelled as terrorists, they sure as f*k better freeze the bank accounts of people actually financing actual terrorism ... For starters