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Hamas invaded Israel 2023

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Actually the current border of Iraq/Iran for the most parts dates back to the 1639 (Treaty of Zuhab) of which the King of England had a hand in negotiating between the Ottomans and the Persians.

Blaming the Brits for everything is a national pastime in many countries, it is the ultimate "Get out of Jail card" for most of the Nationalists in the old Empire. If you eff up, just blame the Brits for it.

Personally, I blame Alexander the Great. If he had come up with a viable succession plan, the Middle East would never have been divided between the Seleucids and the Ptolemies.
Personally, I blame Alexander the Great. If he had come up with a viable succession plan, the Middle East would never have been divided between the Seleucids and the Ptolemies.

Sargon (2334-2279 BC), Hammurabi (1792-1750 BC), and Nebuchadnezzar II (605-562 BC) - among others.


4300 years of successful relations in the Middle East.
Is there a CNN article to go with Sentdefender’s claim that CNN analysts have reached the conclusion? We know from Ukraine coverage that he’s far from an independently reliable source, and he’s shown himself almost completely one-sided on the Gaza situation. I’d just like to be able to follow his claim to some reliable info closer to the source.
Is there a CNN article to go with Sentdefender’s claim that CNN analysts have reached the conclusion? We know from Ukraine coverage that he’s far from an independently reliable source, and he’s shown himself almost completely one-sided on the Gaza situation. I’d just like to be able to follow his claim to some reliable info closer to the source.
Yeah there is a post with a bunch of distances and images I just got lazy earlier.

Yup, right on cue, this is #6 of Israel's style of PR list:

Also, this morning France banned 74 Israeli firms from participating in the upcoming Eurosatory 2024 defense fair.
That's a reasonable way to put pressure on Israel to end its genocidal war in Gaza:

And now that Israel has taken over Gaza's border with Egypt (Philadelphia corridor) and blocked the Rafah crossing, the seige and famine has intensified. I'm seeing too many of these horrific stories on a daily basis:

Still no evidence of starvation and famine, but there are plenty of videos of dudes with fresh hair fades and fully charged iphone 15s. Also plenty of vehicles mulling about, guess they have plenty of fuel too.
I'll listen to the head of the World Food Program and widow of the late Senator and stalwart supporter of Israel John McCain (Cindy McCain):
"What I can explain to you is — is that there is famine — full-blown famine — in the north, and it's moving its way south"

I'm sure she's also a Khammmaas sympathiser!

Yup, right on cue, this is #6 of Israel's style of PR list:

You are citing a letter to the editor from the Stop the War Coalition? A collection of anti-Western, anti-Semitic and pro-terror useful idiots? The same group that used to be chaired by Jeremy Corbyn?

Here is what Keir Starmer, who can't be called pro-Israeli by any means, had to say about them: "the likes of the Stop the War coalition are not benign voices for peace. At best they are naive, at worst they actively give succour to authoritarian leaders who directly threaten democracies. There is nothing progressive in showing solidarity with the aggressor when our allies need our solidarity and – crucially – our practical assistance now more than ever."
Hamas wants to control access to food, because it means money and power over the people. israel is trying to set up other groups within Gaza to disturbe food to help lessen Hamas influence. Hamas does not give a shit if their people starve or die, they are just pawns in their game.