Thanks, I stand corrected- I had not seen that McGill had made that ask of police, it may have been buried by the coverage of the failed attempt by students to get an injunction.
On digging a bit more, looks like the SPVM position is the "no crime is being committed" at this time but that they'll be prepared to enforce a court order should the university seek and obtain an injunction.
We're now a week and a half later, I'm surprised we've seen no talk of McGill itself asking for an injunction if they actually want to see the camp removed and police act. Sorta feels like the university doesn't want to wear the responsibility of initiating likely forceful action by police.
I can assure you that if higher levels at SPVM reach a point where they decide the camp will be cleared- it will be cleared. The front line members of that police service are very capable and willing to wade into a public order situation.