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Hamas invaded Israel 2023

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I’m pretty sure Abdul’s rules are that you’re only allowed to gaslight Jews, not Arabs.
🤣, don't worry, Egypt's military dictator El-Sisi is complicit with Israel's illegal blockade on Gaza (but somehow the west turns a blind eye to Sisi's horrendous human rights record and he's a favoured ally).

The issue is with Israel's founding ideology of Zionism which is a form of colonialism (resulting in the ethnic cleansing of my father and another 750,000 Palestinians)

So don't conflat things:
Zionism ≠ Judaism
Criticism of Israel ≠ Anti-Semitism
Tens of Thousands of Jews across the world have been vocal and protesting weekly against Israel's occupation of Palestine and I have nothing but love and utmost respect for them.. .but I guess they are all self-hating Jews 🤦🏻
🤣, don't worry, Egypt's military dictator El-Sisi is complicit with Israel's illegal blockade on Gaza (but somehow the west turns a blind eye to Sisi's horrendous human rights record and he's a favoured ally).
Got it. So Israel and Egypt are against fair treatment of Hamas and Palestinians. Who then in the region is interested in caring for the Palestinians? The Persians?
Got it. So Israel and Egypt are against fair treatment of Hamas and Palestinians. Who then in the region is interested in caring for the Palestinians? The Persians?
I actually agree with you, the Palestinians have been left to themselves for decades. However, I wouldn't equate governments of the countries in that region to the people of those same countries. I have no problem in saying that most Arab governments are not representative of the people and are dictatorships in many cases.
When it comes to public support (in the whole world actually) the pendulum has been swinging towards support of the occupied Palestinian people (even in the US' recent Gallup survey)
Dude, it's even in Israel's newspapers. They admit it was a major fuckup. Why are you whiteknighting this so hard? Of all the made up criticisms of the IDF, this is not one. If Hamas is to be held accountable in this matter, Israel must as well.
Dude, now you've provided some publicly available information that indicates it was not merely "obviously a civilian convoy", but was the usual cascade of events leading to a tragedy. That's what you should have done in the first place. And it still doesn't merit locking people up for their natural lives.
Zionism ≠ Judaism
Criticism of Israel ≠ Anti-Semitism
Unfortunately for you, too many of Israel's critics have de facto erased the line between "Israel" (nation) and "Jew" (religion). Otherwise, plain ordinary Jewish people in other countries who are not Israeli would not have to fear for their safety, and plain ordinary Israeli civilians would not be targeted for murder and rape, and there would not be dancing in the (typically Arab) streets when the latter happens.
Unfortunately for you, too many of Israel's critics have de facto erased the line between "Israel" (nation) and "Jew" (religion). Otherwise, plain ordinary Jewish people in other countries who are not Israeli would not have to fear for their safety, and plain ordinary Israeli civilians would not be targeted for murder and rape, and there would not be dancing in the (typically Arab) streets when the latter happens.
Why should the adherents of a religion (any religion) somewhere in the world be tied to a single state on the other side of the world? I, as a Muslim Canadian, don't find myself tied to the actions of Saudi Arabia even though it's the birth place of Islam (geographically speaking, there was no Saudi 1400 year ago) and contains Islam's most 2 holy sites. And I don't find any criticism to Muslim governments/countries (whether valid or not) to be anti-muslim in general.

Why does Israel get the special treatment?
In fact, I believe that the rise of Anti-Semitism (which I don't deny) is tied to the fact that Israel keeps promoting itself as the representative of the Jewish people (and western countries affirming that claim) and some would use as a pretext to blame the genocidal actions of the Netanyahu government on Jews in the diaspora.

Finally, the Jewish population is not a monolith (just like other religious populations). Tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of Jews across the world have been courageously protesting the actions of the Israeli government, with their infamous slogan (Not in Our Name).

Earlier on, I think in November, they shut down Grand Central Station in New York (massive protest) :
Why should the adherents of a religion (any religion) somewhere in the world be tied to a single state on the other side of the world? I, as a Muslim Canadian, don't find myself tied to the actions of Saudi Arabia even though it's the birth place of Islam (geographically speaking, there was no Saudi 1400 year ago) and contains Islam's most 2 holy sites. And I don't find any criticism to Muslim governments/countries (whether valid or not) to be anti-muslim in general.
Sure. And I doubt you get chased around by people mad at Saudi Arabia. Likewise, it makes no sense for anyone to hassle Jews in Europe or North America, if the issue is what the country of Israel is doing. The obvious explanation for that senseless behaviour is that they are anti-semitic, and "anti-Zionism" is merely a camouflage phrase.
In fact, I believe that the rise of Anti-Semitism (which I don't deny) is tied to the fact that Israel keeps promoting itself as the representative of the Jewish people
Anti-semitism rose centuries ago, and is obviously still with us. A prerequisite for long-term peace is the near elimination of anti-semitism. Without that, there are no security guarantees anyone can make to Israel that mean anything. So you have quite a task ahead of you, if you are genuinely moved to seek redress of any of the wrongs you cited above which contribute to Israel's security.
Miriam Schler, executive director of the Tel Aviv Crisis Center for Sexual Assault, breaks down the harrowing report that describes terrorists forcing Israelis to watch as they raped and killed their family members and neighbors.

No words... Anyone who can do this simply isn't human anymore, and should be put down like a rabid dog.
And their cheerleaders need to be held to account as well
I hope they can read this. Karma is a bitch and bites hard.
Wow, strong words from the father of the Canadian veteran murdered by Israel to US Secretary Blinken:
“If the United States threatened to suspend aid to Israel, maybe my son would be alive today,”
If Hamas hadn't started an unjust war, maybe his son would be alive today. If you're going to play blame games, fix the blame where it belongs.
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At least the Taliban had more guts than Hamas, who attack women and children, rape and murder them as well.

My son died at the hands of the Taliban in a direct fire attack and I have no love for them either.

Judgement Day will be swift and severe.
What do supporters of Hamas say about Mosab Yousef’s position that the majority of Gaza’s Palestinians support Hamas? After all, Gazans voted for Hamas in 2007, shortly after Israel transferred complete administrative control of the Gaza to the Palestinian Authority (Fatah) in 2005.

One comment:
At least the Taliban had more guts than Hamas, who attack women and children, rape and murder them as well.

My son died at the hands of the Taliban in a direct fire attack and I have no love for them either.

Judgement Day will be swift and severe.
Dude is that your son that's been in your profile picture this whole time?