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Hamas invaded Israel 2023

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I believe there was a lot of that in the Torah. If I recall from the Book of Joshua, it also involved oxen, sheep and asses somehow.
You are probably thinking of the Fall of Jericho where it was commanded that everyone were to be slaughtered including owen, sheep and donkeys. The only people spared was Rahab and her family because they had previously sheltered two Jewish spies.

And while ancient Jericho actually existed, there is no archeological evidence to support the story in the Book of Joshua. Modern historians consider the story an invention by later Kings of Judea.

However, in real life the ancient Jews could be quite vengeful and willing to kill anyone (man, women or child) that they perceived as being an enemy. A good example is the Second Jewish Revolt (or Kitos War) of 117 CE during the reign of the Emperor Trajan.

The revolt started in the Roman Province of Cyrenica (modern day Libya) and spread to Alexandria (Egypt) and Cyprus. During the revolt the Jews killed every Greco-Roman citizen they could find. For example, it was said that in Cyprus alone 240,00 Greco-Roman citizens were slaughtered, but this may have been an exaggeration on the part of Roman historians.

And of course the Romans got pissed-off and put down the rebellion, in turn killing or enslaving every Jew they found. The result was the province of Cyrenaica was pretty well depopulated and had to be resettled in later years by Hadrian.

The First Revolt was in 66 CE and the Third Revolt was in 132 CE in case anyone was wondering.

Thus endth todays history lesson.
I believe there was a lot of that in the Torah. If I recall from the Book of Joshua, it also involved oxen, sheep and asses somehow.
Yeah, the Amalekites, in the old testemant:
1 Samuel 15:
3 "Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys."

Funnily, Netanyahu cited Amalek in a public speech to the Israeli public and the IDF before the Gaza ground invasion began. And the ICJ used that in their ruling to prove genocidal intent.
Basically your logic is evil is ok as long as they are repeating what has been done to them?

The Israelis have done more in scale, scope, and intent than what happened on Oct 7th already.
You may want to step back and reload....
I haven't seen the IDF raping women and posting it online, so I think regardless of casualty numbers the IDF's intent is not anywhere similar to the Oct 7th atrocities.

Ahh yes committing the act of genocide because of the actions of a terrorist group. This post is literally Hitlers final solution except your applying it to Gaza instead of the Jews.
@Quirky was pointing out that if the IDF was acting like Hamas, that is what they would be doing... You're crossing into emotional outrage arguments rather than factual statements. Comparing the IDF to Nazis is about the most absurd argument I have ever heard.
Basically your logic is evil is ok as long as they are repeating what has been done to them?
Holy f*ck. What I wrote amounts to "sh!t happens". Was it that hard to comprehend?
The Israelis have done more in scale, scope, and intent than what happened on Oct 7th already.
Scope, scale, yes. Intent, no. They didn't set out to slaughter and rape anyone unlucky enough to be in their path. Again, read and comprehend.
It also looks like Hamas gunmen were mingling in and out of the convoy.
To be specific, the IDF statement seems to say there were “additional” gunmen some in the chain took to be Hamas. Given a PMC issued a condolence statement on its employees, sounds like there may have been some legit “gunmen’ about and maybe more than expected. Bad comms re: number of armed friendlies? Hamas hijack? ???
You may want to step back and reload....
I haven't seen the IDF raping women and posting it online, so I think regardless of casualty numbers the IDF's intent is not anywhere similar to the Oct 7th atrocities.

@Quirky was pointing out that if the IDF was acting like Hamas, that is what they would be doing... You're crossing into emotional outrage arguments rather than factual statements. Comparing the IDF to Nazis is about the most absurd argument I have ever heard.
So its ok to kill tons of civilians as long as they don’t rape them beforehand? At the end of the day the killing needs to stop at some point, and right now its the civilians not Hamas which is taking the hit.

I have no issue with fighting and killing Hamas. I do have issues with killing civilians.

My reading comprehension was also a bit off, thats my bad. I never said the IDF was Nazis.

I said that post which called for the death of all in the Gaza strip is basically the same as Hitlers final solution in this case for the ‘Gazan problem’. Never said the IDF was doing that. It is also irrelevant seeing as the original post was a comparison statement of how the IDF would be acting if that was their policy instead of how they should be acting (which is how I misinterpreted it).
So its ok to kill tons of civilians as long as they don’t rape them beforehand? At the end of the day the killing needs to stop at some point, and right now its the civilians not Hamas which is taking the hit.

I have no issue with fighting and killing Hamas. I do have issues with killing civilians.

My reading comprehension was also a bit off, thats my bad. I never said the IDF was Nazis.

I said that post which called for the death of all in the Gaza strip is basically the same as Hitlers final solution in this case for the ‘Gazan problem’. Never said the IDF was doing that. It is also irrelevant seeing as the original post was a comparison statement of how the IDF would be acting if that was their policy instead of how they should be acting (which is how I misinterpreted it).
Really? That's what you got from my post?

Fighting Hamas requires fighting in civilian areas, which means killing innocent civilians accidentally. The killing will stop when Hamas surrenders themselves to Israel, or stops using the civilians of Gaza as a shield.

Anything short of crushing Hamas, will just result in another Oct 7th happening at a later date. That's why the IDF can't just pack up and go home, and that's why the tragedy of civilian death will continue until Hamas is no more.
Perhaps we need to consider that one of the terrorist tactics is to mingle with civilians and use them as shields. Then when the civilians are caught in the midst of it all, the terrorists drop their AKs to take videos and claim the other side is slaughtering civilians.
Let us remember those that actively and willingly support terrorists with finances, food, shelter etc are equally guilty. Those that are under duress, as I am sure many might be, may have no choice in the matter.
The killing will stop when Hamas surrenders themselves to Israel, or stops using the civilians of Gaza as a shield.

Furniture, don't take this the wrong way, and stay focused with my request.
Can you please provide non-IDF sources to support your claim that Hamas uses civilians as human shields. Pick any reputable human rights organization.

Here's Israel's own Human Rights group (B'Tselem) detailing the IDF's long history of using Palestinians as human shields:

Except the Jews didn’t murder and rape Germans and planned for its destruction.
Hamas were calling home to their Palestinian parents bragging about murdering jews. Palestinians followed Hamas fighters into Israel, and they cheered and abused prisoners and dead bodies right along side Hamas.

The lines between civilian and soldier are less clear. Bringing up nazis in ww2 seems quite disingenuous.
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Really? That's what you got from my post?

Fighting Hamas requires fighting in civilian areas, which means killing innocent civilians accidentally. The killing will stop when Hamas surrenders themselves to Israel, or stops using the civilians of Gaza as a shield.

Anything short of crushing Hamas, will just result in another Oct 7th happening at a later date. That's why the IDF can't just pack up and go home, and that's why the tragedy of civilian death will continue until Hamas is no more.
Problem is we have forgotten how 'old fashioned war' brings horrible destruction to everyone involved. How many civilians you think died in these pics??

I had a very similar experience a young person lately. She admitted to getting her info from TikTok, IG and X.

We need to understand the role social media will have in future conflicts. And we need to understand it can truly have grave effects on the home front, which will undermine support.
Very good point. The opposite can also be true, in that a country that understands the importance of social media can generate vast amounts of support just by shaping their image accordingly - I'm thinking of Ukraine as a great and modern example of this.

Ukraine's PR war was vast leaps ahead of Russia's. By using humour, and multiple daily updates that subtly framed Ukraine in the ways they wanted, they've managed to generate a huge amount of support with the intended audience in the west.

Separate from my post above, I wanted to share this - just a reminder of how absolutely brutal and deadly CQB in a real theatre of operations can be...ouch...

It's like a suspected murderer on trial who hasn't been yet formally charged, but there's mounting evidence for the crime.
How exactly does that work in your world?

Yeah, the Amalekites, in the old testemant:
1 Samuel 15:
3 "Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys."

Funnily, Netanyahu cited Amalek in a public speech to the Israeli public and the IDF before the Gaza ground invasion began. And the ICJ used that in their ruling to prove genocidal intent.
Some argue the Quran talks about hunting down and killing non-believers but apparently it is 'misquoted'.

Perhaps we - humanity - should stop using centuries-old writings that have been re-translated multiple times from ancient languages that no longer exist as foundations for our actions.
Perhaps we - humanity - should stop using centuries-old writings that have been re-translated multiple times from ancient languages that no longer exist as foundations for our actions.
I agree. Adhere to international laws and humanitarian laws (including UN resolutions) . But unfortunately Israel keeps breaching them.