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Gwagon for reserves delayed.

My unit is planning for a G-Wagon conversion course this Jan. From what I have heard a few for the trucks will be circulated around the Armd Units....at least in LFCA... for the conversion courses in hopes that we will be able to use them in Pet. this August.

I'll personally believe it when I'm sitting behind the wheel and driving off.
Current rumour is that we may get the non C&R versions instead as a stopgap/driver trainer until there are C&R vehicles surplus to operational requirements.

Max flex.


Anybody think maybe we should order an extra 50 vehicles or so, strictly to compensate for the ones being used in Afghanistan?

The reason I ask/suggest this is:  A G-wagon was injured when a IED exploded near a passing Canadian convoy last week or so.  The other day, another one had the entire front part of the vehicle ripped right off of it from another IED.  And, correct me if I'm wrong - was there not another IED attack a few weeks ago, which took out another?  (Or, am I thinking about the same incident in which an IED went off by a few LAV's?)

If Canada is going to be in Afghanistan for a long time - which we will be...especially operating in a dangerous area such as Kandahar - perhaps we should purchase a few more vehicles to compensate for the ones being used in Afghanistan.  That way, if more G-wagons are required for operations (i.e., a few are destroyed or rendered incapable of operations, therefore requiring replacements) - we have them, and don't have to scrape them together from units back home.

Any thoughts?
CBH99 said:
Anybody think maybe we should order an extra 50 vehicles or so, strictly to compensate for the ones being used in Afghanistan?

The reason I ask/suggest this is:   A G-wagon was injured when a IED exploded near a passing Canadian convoy last week or so.   The other day, another one had the entire front part of the vehicle ripped right off of it from another IED.   And, correct me if I'm wrong - was there not another IED attack a few weeks ago, which took out another?   (Or, am I thinking about the same incident in which an IED went off by a few LAV's?)

If Canada is going to be in Afghanistan for a long time - which we will be...especially operating in a dangerous area such as Kandahar - perhaps we should purchase a few more vehicles to compensate for the ones being used in Afghanistan.   That way, if more G-wagons are required for operations (i.e., a few are destroyed or rendered incapable of operations, therefore requiring replacements) - we have them, and don't have to scrape them together from units back home.

Any thoughts?

Of course it would be a good idea, but it all comes down to $$$...
I agree there are a shortage of GWAGONS. And they should buy more but it always comes down to money.But I think that before they go out and give them to the reserve units to break they should make sure that the reg force units and schools are fully topped up first. Because sense we need equipment 24 and 7 we have a little more of a demand for them. And operations take priority as per normal. I know they are always sending away complete reserve battle groups :salute: so I can feal for you and why you need these vehicles so bad. Or maybe you guys are just planning on playing with them one night a week and one weekend a month as per normal. I know we all like getting new toys to play with.
:'(Hang in there guys I am sure there on there way.
You're right ASLT TPR, reservists just want them to "play with" and "break".  ::)

Don't worry about him; his corrective training is at hand.

Back on topic, we just had 5 X C&R GW rotate through the unit so we could run a conversion course, and we got a pretty nice chunk of the unit's drivers qualified on the GW.

We are supposed to get 4 X C&R "permanently" mid-late Feb, with the balance to follow later.

So the delays seem somewhat exaggerated.

We aren't buying more G-Wagons, we're buying Nyala as a more robust patrolling vehicle for deployed operations - see:




This will reduce the number of G-Wagons required in theatre.  Delivery begins next month with the first vehicles arriving in Afghanistan in March.
If for some reason you get a few extra GWAGONS maybe you can send a few down to Gagetown to replace the ones that got wrote off last summer during one of the summer courses that your regt had some soldiers sent down on DG. LOL
Are you trying to insinuate that those soldiers are the ones that broke them? I'm sure more than one or two Regs have damaged some also. I'm really getting tired of the backhanded swipes your taking at the Reserves.