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Guys, I really need some advice about joining. Badly.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Cog
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that link did not answer my question... because all it said is it varies from the medical tests and whatnot, I wanted to know if anyone could give me an approximate answer...
LilLori said:
that link did not answer my question... because all it said is it varies from the medical tests and whatnot, I wanted to know if anyone could give me an approximate answer...

Unfortunately approximate answers are only shots in the dark at best - it truly varies with every applicant.  There are some friends of mine who had less than 6 months from dropping the application off to getting sworn in, myself will be around 10 months by the time I get sworn in.  There are a great deal of variables that affect the outcome, best thing to do is apply and keep up to date with the staff at your local CFRC, making sure that you also do your end such as dropping off additional requested documentation as quickly as possible.
LilLori said:
that link did not answer my question... because all it said is it varies from the medical tests and whatnot, I wanted to know if anyone could give me an approximate answer...


What Loachman wrote you earlier is exactly that: use the Search Function of the site. It will help you get answers to a lot of your questions. You may want to go browse a little in the recruiting section of the forum.

I will add this: before you post, gather all your ideas and post them all at once instead of posting twice in a row.

I know your question concerns the time that it might take for your enrollment process. The reason why nobody answered you is because nobody knows. Some people on this forum have been waiting for 2 years before getting offered a job in the CF. For others, it went faster. It all depends on the demands, the offers and your own file.
You should go to a recruiting center and start to fill out all the forms. Then, by talking with a recruiter, you will have a better idea of the time that it could take.

The word of wisdom for/from everyone on the forum is: Be patient  :nod:

Let us know,
LilLori said:
i apologise for my ignorance to this forum.. I had just signed up for it today.

No need to apologise, and I noted when you registered before responding.

There are lots of personal accounts in various threads here. Reading through them will give you a better idea of what to expect, but your experiences will vary.

Take a trip to your nearest recruiting centre and talk to a recruiter. Start the process sooner rather than later. That's the only way to minimize the delay.

If nothing else has been right for you, this might be.
LilLori said:

I'm not sure what to do.

- I have been living independently since I was 16.
- dropped out of school, got back into school.. so on and so forth, but officially dropped out in grade 11
- I am the youngest and only girl with to brothers.. that I was raised with, therefore giving me no disipline cause I was always the innocent one in my mothers eyes, I grew up with no father, but a ton of step fathers...
- I am now 21 years old and realised that if I do not receive any discipline in my life I will not be able to commit myself to anything
-jumping from job to job because I am a hard person to please I would like to do this for my own good, I need to learn that I need to stay in with someting even when things get tough, even if I get yelled at and I don't like it, it is no reason to leave.
-my whole life I had been in between friends not knowing where I fit in, (as I'm sure most did) but even still to this day seem to be the odd one out, I am a blast to be around...WAY to much energy.
- I also have a feeling that this is oddly what I am supposed to do with my life, everyone was placed here for a reason, correct?

With all that been said, do you think i am making the right choice in using the air force to get my life in tact. i would figure i know enough about what i need to do with my life i don't need to go hard and aim for the military, i only need a kick in the @$$... kinda like a jump start is to a car.

Ya know, I was in a similar position 17+ years ago. Feckless, high school drop out... I now have 17 years (reserves), and I do credit what I am and what I have achieved to the qualities that the army taught me.

Careful with those callings, they turn into careers real fast. 

Think about it (looks like you are thinking about it a lot), ask questions (the search function is great, if you can not find answers there ask in the forums). And walk into a recruiting office... Just because you go in one day, does not mean you have to enlist that day.

Going for this thing, is something you have to do yourself. No one else can tell you to do it (till you get in uniform ;) ). If you do put on the uniform, prepare yourself, because we are going to force some changes on you.

Me, I am partial, you should go green. This said, I have lots of Reg F and PRes AF friends, and you certainly can not go wrong there (nor could you go wrong in the navy either).
To the original Poster: COG, I once knew a guy, who like you came from money. Not sure if his folks were for or against his choice to join the Armed Forces, but he did, got his degree.... became an Infantry Officer....had himself a great career in the Army and then went on to become a very, very successful business man. He developed the training "paint" rounds we now use and also went on to create the Ottawa Business Journal. Point being,  the Military is by no means a dead end career path.... far from it. There a ton of success stories about guys/gals who've used their time in to their advantage once that part of their lives was over.

So head up, follow your dreams.... Ya never know. :salute:
Cog said:
I‘m in a bad place right now, and I need some serious advice.

So I‘m asking for guidence here. This is a decision that will affect the rest of my life, even if I don‘t even finish basic. And I need advice, experiences, and help.


I figured while other discussions are happening in this thread, I should try and satisfy my curiosity and ask the original poster what's happened 9 years later.  Hopefully quoting him will trigger an email to an account he still uses.
Inspiring post, JB 11 11, and I am not objecting to it at all, but Cog's initial post was made over nine years ago, on 04 June 2001. His account appears to be no longer active. It is not in the Member List, and the link to the profile is not functioning.
Hi my name is Sai

I am planning to enlist as a reservist in The Royal Westrninster Regiment the armory is near my post secondary institution; Douglas College. I am studying in the field of history and political science and that got me interested in the military. Parents have not been thrilled since I told them.  However I got some questions and hope you guys can answer and some advice.

1) I'm not the greatest athlete in the world, I can't run well but working out will solve that (i hope). I don't have a large in body mass is that going to be a problem?
2) I wear glasses and I don't like contacts, I am not terribly blind but I need to to see is that going to be a problem?
3) I have allergies and i need to take pills ever day is that going to effect me performance or at least the ability to perform?
4) I don't speak French, the only phrase I know is "I don't know French" in French
5) what kind of pay will I get? tuition is a constant pain
6) how fast is the process time? couple of days or more?

Everything you've asked has been covered extensively in previous threads.

burnaby said:
1) I'm not the greatest athlete in the world, I can't run well but working out will solve that (i hope). I don't have a large in body mass is that going to be a problem?
If you can pass the minimum requirements, you're okay. If not, you aren't.

burnaby said:
2) I wear glasses and I don't like contacts, I am not terribly blind but I need to to see is that going to be a problem?
Glasses are more effective than contacts and much safer.

burnaby said:
3) I have allergies and i need to take pills ever day is that going to effect me performance or at least the ability to perform?
Not unless the pull has side effects that may become a detriment to your ability.

burnaby said:
4) I don't speak French, the only phrase I know is "I don't know French" in French
You don't have to speak French in an English regiment.

burnaby said:
5) what kind of pay will I get? tuition is a constant pain
Search for Canadian Forces reserves pay scale and benefits.

burnaby said:
6) how fast is the process time? couple of days or more?
I'm stuck between two choices:

1) Vehicle Mechanic through NCM-SEP


2) Sig Op

I know it;s my choice in the end but I just want to hear some outside opinions. Thanks!
RMalik said:
I'm stuck between two choices:

1) Vehicle Mechanic through NCM-SEP


2) Sig Op

I know it;s my choice in the end but I just want to hear some outside opinions. Thanks!

Veh Mech - you get a trade and the diploma that goes on the wall along with it.  That counts for a lot when the time comes to pull the pin and get out of the CF.  You'll be working with tools on vehicles (obviously!) as the main part of your trade.

Sig Op - major trade amalgamation happening Jan 1 with the Linemen and LCIS Techs.  Some information available about the new trade, but still a lot of questions to be answered.  No diploma to hang on the wall, no matter which way the dust settles.  If you go the IT route, there's plenty of opportunity to take civvie courses (think network and server administration, etc.), but that's only if you end up selected for that route.  If you end up on the tech route, you'll get some very basic electronics experience, but nothing that will really get you anywhere on civvie street.  Read up on the Sig Op amalgamation thread here.
Occam said:
Veh Mech - you get a trade and the diploma that goes on the wall along with it.  That counts for a lot when the time comes to pull the pin and get out of the CF.  You'll be working with tools on vehicles (obviously!) as the main part of your trade.

Sig Op - major trade amalgamation happening Jan 1 with the Linemen and LCIS Techs.  Some information available about the new trade, but still a lot of questions to be answered.  No diploma to hang on the wall, no matter which way the dust settles.  If you go the IT route, there's plenty of opportunity to take civvie courses (think network and server administration, etc.), but that's only if you end up selected for that route.  If you end up on the tech route, you'll get some very basic electronics experience, but nothing that will really get you anywhere on civvie street.  Read up on the Sig Op amalgamation thread here.

Thanks a lot.

Regarding the first option, I am mostly worried about transferring my v tech skills into the civilian world after. I would prefer to work mainly with cars, not trucks or buses. I searched quite a bit on transferable skills with vehicle tech and some people say that you can log your work hours, and some are saying you cannot. I will definitely clarify this doubt with a recruiter.

With the second option, I did read a lot on the thread regarding the amalgamation of the sig op, LCIS, and Linesman trades. It's a bit confusing as the CF website does not say much and that it is an in demand job. Once I am done in the CF, working in the IT field is definitely something that interests me and I have learned thorough my personal researching that there are many good opportunities.

One other thing that has been bothering me is that I don't have many volunteering, leadership, sports experience to put in the application. I hope not having those experiences will make me a lesser candidate. I'll look this over with the searchbar.
RMalik said:
Regarding the first option, I am mostly worried about transferring my v tech skills into the civilian world after. I would prefer to work mainly with cars, not trucks or buses. I searched quite a bit on transferable skills with vehicle tech and some people say that you can log your work hours, and some are saying you cannot. I will definitely clarify this doubt with a recruiter.

While I've yet to see a Veh Tech post here (although I'm sure there must be at least a couple), there are plenty of truckers here (aka MSE Ops).  I'm sure one of them might be able to find out for you about hours on cars, logging of hours and the like.  If I were you, I would put a post over in the appropriate sub-forum and see what you can find out.  The topic of this thread is so vague that many people will skip right over it.

With the second option, I did read a lot on the thread regarding the amalgamation of the sig op, LCIS, and Linesman trades. It's a bit confusing as the CF website does not say much and that it is an in demand job. Once I am done in the CF, working in the IT field is definitely something that interests me and I have learned thorough my personal researching that there are many good opportunities.

It's in demand alright, but there are many question marks about the future progression of the trade.  The CF recruiting website will likely lag behind any information you find out here by the order of months, at the least.

One other thing that has been bothering me is that I don't have many volunteering, leadership, sports experience to put in the application. I hope not having those experiences will make me a lesser candidate. I'll look this over with the searchbar.

Look at it this way - at this point, you cannot change your past experience in volunteering, leadership or sports...so there is no point in fretting about it.  Emphasize what you've done as best you can, without fibbing, and let the cards fall where they may.  You can only change the future...so if you wish to demonstrate experience in those fields, now is a perfect time to start.
Occam said:
Look at it this way - at this point, you cannot change your past experience in volunteering, leadership or sports...so there is no point in fretting about it.  Emphasize what you've done as best you can, without fibbing, and let the cards fall where they may.  You can only change the future...so if you wish to demonstrate experience in those fields, now is a perfect time to start.

Thanks a lot Occam, I appreciate your help. With your help I can narrow things even more for myself. :]
One other thing that has been bothering me is that I don't have many volunteering, leadership, sports experience to put in the application. I hope not having those experiences will make me a lesser candidate. I'll look this over with the searchbar.
Neither did I, I had very little volunteer work to speak of.  I just told them straight up, and I guess it worked out (starting BMOQ in a couple weeks).  I'm pretty sure it actually does count against you, there's a fairly detailed rating system based off I believe a max total of 90.  The CFAT is about a sixth of that I think, for example.  Everything they ask you for is probably worth something to varying extents.  I couldn't begin to tell you what everything is worth, just going off my application experiences.  I'd be shocked if volunteer work, leadership, etc isn't worth a decent bit though.

The important thing is to remember you won't need a perfect rating or even close to get in, so just hope your application is stronger in a few other areas!