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Guys, I really need some advice about joining. Badly.

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yeahimisc said:
Hey guys. I've tried writing this out in sentences but it seemed like an essay so here is my question in point form:

-2nd year Uni student
-disillusioned with life, lazy, no discipline
-want to join the army, plan to continue studies after

Big question is, do you guys think its selfish of me to pursue the army in hopes of changing myself as a person? I feel like if I don't do something now I'll live a life of perpetual under achievement.
If that's what you really want to do, then go for it, but conventional wisdom says that once you've left school, it's hard to go back. I'd say stick it out and finish your degree now. Join the reserves while you're in school, it will put money in your pocket and give you some new ideas about where to take your career. Sounds like you might want to consider changing your degree program as well.
Thanks for answering and sorry for taking so long to reply.

To be truthful alot depends on my academic performance this year. If I can finish my degree before joining I definitely will but I am not concerned about finding it difficult to go back to school.

To the question a few posts up, I'm 19 and hoping to join the infantry but not 100% sold on that choice yet; I'd like to take a trade with me from however many years I end up serving.
I have a question about recruiting..

I recently moved to the UK (I'm full-on Canadian though with dual citizenship) hoping to join the Army here in the Motherland...main reason being that I wanted some sort of guarantee that I'd be seeing action...which wouldn't have been very sure with the CF considering the 2011 pull-out date which doesn't look like it'll change. Anyways, the Brits are full-up basically and cutting back at the same time...so unless you're Hercules its hard to get in, and I don't think I'll be making it....but, my question is, would this at all be detrimental to my CF application if I came back in 4 or so months??? Would security clearances be an issue having been gone for 6 months, and would the CF care that I tried for the Brits first??

kolkol said:
Would security clearances be an issue having been gone for 6 months, and would the CF care that I tried for the Brits first??

Q)  would this at all be detrimental to my CF application if I came back in 4 or so months???
A) No

Q) Would security clearances be an issue having been gone for 6 months,
A) No Not for the UK

Q) and would the CF care that I tried for the Brits first??
A) No
Everytime I see this thead title, I don't see the *period* after 'joining' and want to answer...

1.  Draw on the computer screen with crayons during the CFAT.
2.  Wear diapers and announce you need to change it before the interview.
3.  Put some summer savoury or something similar in a clear plastic bag, drop it during the interview, pick it up and say "whoops!  thats not mine he he he" and then look around suspiciously...
This thread is awesome.. I was going to post but after completely reading it most of my questions are answered. Thanks for sharing your stories as it's good to know I'm not alone !
Don't spend the rest of your life regretting things you didn't do.......

Jump in...it's not like you can't get out after three years and move on to something else. What it will do is give you the drive and ability to pursue those other goals.
I enlisted despite of what my parents wanted but finally gave in under their constant pressure and got out in 3 years and have regretted it every day for the past 45 years. Do what your gut tells you to do. It's your life.
So I've been waiting for over a year now to have my interview and I finally have it on the 7th.  The only problem is that its not for the trade I really wanted (armoured) but for Signals (reg force).  Now I have no problem with joining as a signal as it was one of my secondary choices, and because as I said Ive waited over a year already and I'm starting to get restless.  The other option Ive been considering is maybe joining a reserve armoured unit and transferring to reg force when it becomes available.  Does anyone have any advise as to what would be the best course of action??
Echo6661 said:
Does anyone have any advise as to what would be the best course of action??


Firstly, do not post the same question in more than one place. Copies will be deleted (as I have done), and you will annoy The Moderators.

Secondly, please read through older threads on the subject, and/or use the Search Function. Most topics have already been discussed at length, and you should find answers to your questions, and to some of which you have not yet thought.

Lastly, nobody here can make a decision for you, especially knowing nothing about you or your circumstances. This is very much an individual  decision.

In my opinion, if you really don't want to go in for that trade, wait. There are other people, such as myself that want to join for SigOps, so don't take a trade you aren't going to stick with.

I'm not sure what to do.

- I have been living independently since I was 16.
- dropped out of school, got back into school.. so on and so forth, but officially dropped out in grade 11
- I am the youngest and only girl with to brothers.. that I was raised with, therefore giving me no disipline cause I was always the innocent one in my mothers eyes, I grew up with no father, but a ton of step fathers...
- I am now 21 years old and realised that if I do not receive any discipline in my life I will not be able to commit myself to anything
-jumping from job to job because I am a hard person to please I would like to do this for my own good, I need to learn that I need to stay in with someting even when things get tough, even if I get yelled at and I don't like it, it is no reason to leave.
-my whole life I had been in between friends not knowing where I fit in, (as I'm sure most did) but even still to this day seem to be the odd one out, I am a blast to be around...WAY to much energy.
- I also have a feeling that this is oddly what I am supposed to do with my life, everyone was placed here for a reason, correct?

With all that been said, do you think i am making the right choice in using the air force to get my life in tact. i would figure i know enough about what i need to do with my life i don't need to go hard and aim for the military, i only need a kick in the @$$... kinda like a jump start is to a car.
The reason why I asked was because I have been seeing that this may take some time just to be standing at the enrolment ceremony... does anyone know how long everything usually takes?
Welcome to Army.ca, LilLori.

As Moe has graciously pointed out, there is a thread that will answer many of your questions. We ask and expect that people use the Search Function prior to asking a question that has likely been asked and answered at least once before (no prizes offered for completely unique and original questions either).

You'll probably find answers to questions that you haven't even thought of yet, and learn a lot more about the CF and whether or not it is the right choice for you.

It may well be. You sound as much like a misfit as many of the rest of us.
i apologise for my ignorance to this forum.. I had just signed up for it today.