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Got the CALL

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After one year in progress, my transfer is complete. I will be attending battle school in watc in march. Than iam off to PPCLI. Hopefully 1 or 3. Takes time , but they got it done. :fifty: :mg: :boring:
Hey everyone got the call today. Signal Operator 215. Get sworn in Oct. 7th. Basic starts Oct. 12th!!
YES!!! ;D :cdn:
Congrads are you going reg or reserve???? You see it is worth the wait!

Way to go!!!!

I am reg force. Cath. I just have to say this forum was a big help!! Everyone stay positive, your time will come!!
That means the selection board has made its choices and I STILL havnt gotten my call! IM going on week 6 on the merrit list for 031 Infantry   :threat:

How long were you on the merrit list for Bail?
congratulations bail  :salute:

welcome to the team  :cdn: make us proud but most importantly have fun you deserve it.

lolz bigwig i've been on that list a while too ..all i can say is hang on we are gonna be there very soon...any day now... i hope  :(

031 regs all teh way. got up 2 hrs early so im scimmming the board and watching some tv till its time to go for me runs lol
Yeah I need to start getting in the habbit of getting up early again. Too much partying this summer lol.

Im good for my runs though, Ive been running for about 2 years now solidly... so I'm noto worried about my PT at all.

I was not on the merit list more then a month. But i am going for reg force Sig's 215. Maybe they select different trades at different times??
Hey Everyone , well the fat lady has sung and this bad boy is officially sworn in on the 27 of October at Missisauga . The phone rang and the man said if im I still interested and i Said Yes sir . MAV/PARA hang in there fellas if i got the nod then you guys are next . I would like to say thankyou to everyone who has instructed me during the last 6 months on the ways to approach this transaction in life , this forum has been instrumental in providing me with accurate informationin regards to recruting and the basic aspects of army life . Once again thanks to one and all . 031 Infantry Shulaev signing out :salute:
Congrats, good luck and drive the body
Ill see you at the swearing in ceramony because i got my call today too! BMQ starts November 2.

I am being placed in the PPCLI which is a shock because I am from Ontario and was hoping to stay here with the RCR but PPCLI is perfect!


I was merit listed back in Early August man, when were you? i hope i get my call this week man....

hit me on msn!

nice work and hope to see you there.
I was put on the merrit list in mid Augest so you should be getting yours tomorrow or the day after that..... fingers crossed

What trade are you going for Maverick?
bigwig said:
I am being placed in the PPCLI which is a shock because I am from Ontario and was hoping to stay here with the RCR but PPCLI is perfect!

It certainly is.  Welcome aboard.
Regular Force 031 Infantry

fingers crossed... hell i have been avoiding every bad luck thing there is

u got the call for infantry reg force ?
Yup 031 Infantry. I have been hearing a lot talk saying that everyone either gets their call today or tomorrow. Hopefully you get on for November 2nd so we can do all of our basic together! Heres hopin...

Oh ya, I have a question to. Where is SQ and BIQ for PPCLI? Is it wainwright or shilo or what? Because I was expecting to go to Meaford.
Thanks in advance.