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Goose Bay: Promises & updates

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That is not what operational means.  Gagetown does have an infantry battalion and an Engineer Regiment.
rcr 2 brigade

Echo? I really don't know.It's not a brigade where you have no armoured support and only 1 batallion.

Every other province has a regular force army base(except PEI).Newfoundland doesnt and is right on salt water (surrounded actually) and closer to europe.But that would be such a sin to make mainlanders move away from their provinces for the rest of their lifes,with no hope of ever getting posted near family.

Personally I could care less where they post me.Except north I freakin hate cold.I do hate the certain people who turn where a base could be in the province of NFLD and turn it into insults.Personally I don't think he/she would do it in person,hence the internet tough guy.Im also 6 foot 7 320 lbs on a keyboard. ::)
099* said:
Every other province has a regular force army base(except PEI).
You need to check your facts.  You are arguing on untruths and they make everything you've said irrelevant.

Why put a Bn in Newfoundland?
099* said:
Your an ignorant ****.Plain and simple.Won't stoop to your level.

From an Able body Newfoundlander,not in Toronto or Ft Mcmurry.

P.S if all are left home is weak broken people take a run down George street on a Friday night....mainlander with your attitude proably wouldn't last long.

Power down the Death Star and go find the word "humour" in the dictionary.

As well, I've seen nothing to justify your claim except for providing a boost to the local economy.
from the west east regular force bases


Here's a list then MCG.As you will notice you will not find any CFB in Newfoundland except gander...you aint gettin posted there.You will also note there is one for every other province besides Newfoundland and PEI.PEI proably doesn't have the training room for a large base.

Having a base in Newfoundland would boost an economy that has fell through the floor.Boarding ship could be done at CFSSt.johns to deploy by sea and fly out of st.johns international.It has a wide variety of training area.Note how CSOR had to go to kamloops for mountain training.We have the torngat mountans range,largest mountains east of the Rocky's.Plenty of untouched land,coast line that isn't dotted with town houses.You could go from an urban training environment to a rural community then to deep forest within the hour.
Theres a few reasons,and sorry infanteer I just ain't fussy on dat stuff bye (while doing a jig eating cod in a southwestern).


099* said:
Here's a list then MCG.As you will notice you will not find any CFB in Newfoundland.
I now realize your problem is that you speak "army" about as well as a civi.  You said:
099* said:
Every other province has a regular force army base(except PEI).
but we know that not every CFB houses an Army unit or formation. (You do know that, right?)

You also provided the interesting interpretation of:
099* said:
operational as in brigade.

Have you spent all your military time serving in offices full of just civies?

099* said:
from the west east regular force bases


Here's a list then MCG.As you will notice you will not find any CFB in Newfoundland except gander...you aint gettin posted there.You will also note there is one for every other province besides Newfoundland and PEI.PEI proably doesn't have the training room for a large base.

As MCG mentioned, you were speaking about the Army.  I don't see BC, Saskatchewan, or Nova Scotia on the list either....

Having a base in Newfoundland would boost an economy that has fell through the floor.

Again, if this is your primary rationale for a base, then you may as well stop now, especially when Senator Colin Kenny just stated we need to close down these bases and get these communities off the dependence of a garrison.

Note how CSOR had to go to kamloops for mountain training.We have the torngat mountans range,largest mountains east of the Rocky's.

The Kamloops area offered infrastructure (I know, I've trained there) and a rocky, mountainous arid terrain (I know, I've been there umpteen times).  Remind you of something?

Theres a few reasons,and sorry infanteer I just ain't fussy on dat stuff bye (while doing a jig eating cod in a southwestern).


Well, I'm having trouble sorting your posts out from the typical 14-year old banter that I have to edit around here, so please offer up something with substance and answer the questions or quit wasting bandwidth.
099* said:
rcr 2 brigade

Every other province has a regular force army base(except PEI).
Personally I could care less where they post me.Except north I freakin hate cold.I do hate the certain people who turn where a base could be in the province of NFLD and turn it into insults.Personally I don't think he/she would do it in person,hence the internet tough guy.Im also 6 foot 7 320 lbs on a keyboard. ::)

Please don't get posted to PEI....us Reg Force Army people who are posted here probably won't be able to enlighten you any further than you already have been....please please please.

PS...can someone please point out to me when exactly the Patricia's moved back to BC or when did they build a Reg F army Base in Nova Scotia....I seemed to have missed it and want to add them to my posting choices?  ::)
Yes sir
Your are right.I did go off half cocked and ready to lose it on my own computer I spent my own money on.No I don't work in an office I'm a tanker by heart a recce soldier by trade.

I do however hate the fact that this is the second or third time this frenchman has put his little comments in about Newfoundland.If it was vice versa this site would be pinging with arguments.I personally will not use a sweeping generalisation on a certain group of people in a derogatory way.I'm not a sensitive person,I like kidding around; but Geo decided to do it again.

I gave my reasons on why I thought we should have a regular force army base.I do understand that all the bases are not "a brigade".I do understand they all don't hold regular force army bases.So besides that point which I obviously fudged up on,there are my reasons.I had to stop myself from ARGUING on the internet.It's extremely stupid.Sort of like posting out a comment knowing someone isn't there to respond in person.I have a lot of Quebecois and Acadian friends,I don't go down town Montreal and shout out terms to insult.

Went off half cocked,sounded like an idiot on the topic for sure.
Sorry for wasting your bandwith.

While the Torngat mountains are impressive in their own right, they just don't compare to extent and vertical nature of the Rockies and the similarities with relevant portions of the Hindu Kush.

It's also easier to say, "I'm just going to drop into Kamloops for some stuff" than "I'm just going to drop into Kangiqsualujjuaq for some stuff."

099* said:
Note how CSOR had to go to kamloops for mountain training.We have the torngat mountans range,largest mountains east of the Rocky's.

Kamloops is also a hot, semi-arid grassland, similar to a certain theater of operations we are now engaged in.  I've never been there, but I'm willing to bet that the Torngats are a fair bit cooler and soggier...

Edit to add:  I'm sorry, but in my view, "economic development" is not a valid reason to establish a military base.
099* said:
is the second or third time this frenchman has put his little comments in about Newfoundland.

You sir, are an ass.

Drop by my office for a cup of shut the fuck up, followed by a throat punch.

You see 099 me son, I was being rude - you, on the other hand, were being ignorant.

Mods - very unhappy with that language - and no, I don't mean mine. 
FYI, I have lived and worked on the Rock (10 Yrs) & worked with people from the Rock for some 35 years.  Do I live in Quebec now - Yes but I have lived many other places and done many things.....

I may be a "frenchman but you sir are an A$$.

Was I being Rude or Irreverent? - don't thik so & wasn't intended but the prospect of basing Infantry/Armd/Arty/Engr troops on the Rock for anything other than economic spinoffs just makes my head spin.

Your claims of the Rock & PEI being the only places where there are no Reg Army troops is out to lunch.....
Nfld, PEI AND N.S.
Yukon, NWT AND Nunavut

Or have I forgotten something?

BTW - all the Newfoundlanders who I have had the pleasure to know have been able to laugh at themselves and at the world..... but I guess you missed those lessons.

Well, 099*, or should I say rcac_011, is on a 2-week sabbatical, so don't worry about him accepting that cup of joe.  Shall we get back to the topic at hand?

Two major problems with placing a military base in Newfoundland off the top of my head...

- No rail transport, all goods and supplies would have to be transported by ship or air-craft.
- The only two places with military infrastructure currently in place are St. John's and Gander. There's no room for expansion at CFS St. John's (Though property could certainly be found in out lying areas). Gander would likely be preferable, but further from a port. Either way, neither are overly good options.
At the risk of Hi-jacking the love fest.... (and btw: George- sorry I'm late, story of my life)

I spent almost 8 years in "the Goose", was lucky enough to hit it at the end of its heyday.

I'll start of by addressing a few queries from above:
-it had enough PMQ's to support over 1200 families. They were NICE. They've also bulldozed a bunch, not sure how many are left, but again the homes are there.
-Bldgs for the equipment, etc- the Goose housed  over 120 front line fighters every summer. 5 massive hangars, plus loads more smaller ones. Easily house a battalion worth of vehicles.
-Shopping sucked in the 90's, but has become much better.
-Loads of work if you want it.
- Runway may be in bad shape for fighters, but is fine for transports (yes, there's a difference). The runways were built for B-52's (300 feet wide, 12,000' long) and the Goose is #8 on the list of space shuttle diversion's.
- The base was built in the 50's solely to asist in the transport of fighters and other aircraft from North America to Europe. It is closer to everything, and has great weather.
-The base has a deep water port, and connects to the Atlantic.
-There is a road into Goose now, and it connects to the coast as well.
-If you fish or hunt, you are in Heaven.
-If you don't, there's still plenty to do.
-If you cannot entertain yourself, and must be spoon fed happiness, you'll self destruct in Goose.
Trg area:
-5 minutes after you leave your home, you'll swear that you're the first person to ever walk that stretch of woods.
-Wonderful (WONDERFUL) in the winter
-Horrible (REALLY %%$#@#% HORRIBLE) in the summer. You simply cannot imagine the mosquito's and blackflys out on the land in the summer. If (and this is a big if) you know what you're doing, you can actually enjoy your time in the woods. If you don't, the bugs could kill you. Caribou lose over a pint of blood a day to blackflies. I stopped fishing once for a smoke, and counted over 50 flies on my sunglass lens- and another 50 crawling on the underside of my baseball hat. Cleaning a moose, I had to breathe through clenched teeth- couldn't use my nose, it was stopped full of bugs. After awhile you give up on DEET (it works, just too much $$) and got to fly nets, etc.

Kids and families:
-WONDERFUL spot for young kids, terrible for teens.

I had a ball in Goose, and would have stayed there if the base hadn't downsized my job out. Nearly stayed as a civvy, it was that great.

A Brigade there would work, except for one thing: the local businesses would eat the Gov money like a dog on steak.


Considering the hue and cry when theymoved troops from Wpg to Shilo or London to Pet, I can imagine the reaction to moving a Bn to the Goose.

Troops might enjoy the area, spouses might not...
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