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Goose Bay: Promises & updates

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I don't know.  Perhaps there is some merit in this idea.  It sort of brings back the "Defence of Canada" role the Airborne had in the Seventies......now they are a lot closer to the Arctic they would fight in.  Great to have a large Land element in a 'large' Base in the North to conduct Arctic Warfare Trg and Deployments.  Deployments East over the Pole would be a little shorter from Goose Bay/Happy Valley.  It would attract the type of people who find Yellowknife attractive.  If NATO Air Forces are pulling out, it would leave an established infrastructure that the CF could exploit for other causes.  UAV training would have unrestricted Air Space with the NATO fighters gone. 

Many of the 'Cons' have already been covered, some having been exaggerated a little.  I am sure that many of what we have heard are myths and perhaps Garry who has been there for several years and now posted to Cold Lake could set some of them straight?

There may in fact be some real benefits in some of these musings.
I can't agree.  I'm hip deep in the challenges being experienced by Wainwright as it tries to expand and it is only two hours from Edmonton, with a long-established Army presence.  Furthermore, I vividly remember the politically-inspired move of 1 CMBG to Edmonton and the resultant $120 million (plus) in extra costs.

There are (as far as I am aware) no major lodger units (444 Sqn with a few Griffons aside) in Goose Bay and it qualifies as an isolated post.  A battalion, with all its bits and pieces, would have to have facilities constructed, plus all the associated housing built.  With the new equipment management concept, a unit would have to fly into its equipment to conduct training - a road move from Goose Bay is a non-starter.  There is no rail.  We can't fly on operations, let alone trying to get a battalion properly trained.

What strategic sense would there be in creating an isolated, orphan battalion and spending hundreds of millions of dollars in infrastructure - right when we're attempting to limit this sort of thing?

As Gunner pointed out at the start of this discussion - it is politics at its most nauseating.
Teddy Ruxpin said:
As Gunner pointed out at the start of this discussion - it is politics at its most nauseating.

Argh, disgusting initiative. ??? Where the heck did he took this idea if not from politically-driven motivation?? Man, I mean, even the trucker next door would know a QRF located in Labrador ( ;D ) wouldn't be strategically sound!! Why not move all the 3 infantry regiments up at Alert, they'll only have to cross the Arctic on cross-country skis and be anywhere in Europe or Asia in 4-6 months!! :-X
It seems that there are a variety of issues that need to be looked at when building a base - things like community, morale for members and families, distance from town, access to services, etc, etc - gone are the days when you can stick the cavalry in a desolate post.

It appears to me that basing units in bumfuck nowhere (Shiloh, Goose Bay) or basing them in/near big cities (Winnipeg) isn't working - perhaps mid-sized communities are the answer; placed on the outskirts so as not to be to intrusive but close enough that it doesn't feel like a posting to Mars.
CFL said:
Can you imagine the reaction if your spouse is a professional of some sort... "Honey, guess what?  We're posted to Goose Bay!  I've heard the huntin's good!"

Kinda like Shilo!

Just to clarify Goose Bay and Shilo dont have nuch in  common at all "The Goose" is a much more isolated place with alot less to do .You definatly dont want to get sent there.
Shilo has a "city" of 35K people about 15 minutes down the road from it.  I don't think Goose falls into this category (in fact I beleive it is considered an isolated posting).
Not sure how Shearwater could be expanded/upgraded. Wasn't the long runway and 3/4 of the land sold to private interests a few years ago? As for the government saying they'll NOW pay to upgrade runway in Goose, its too late. They refused when the RAF asked, which is why the Mob left a couple of months ago.
Gunner said:
Shilo has a "city" of 35K people about 15 minutes down the road from it.  I don't think Goose falls into this category (in fact I beleive it is considered an isolated posting).

The only thing Goose has 15 mins down the road is Sheshashit( I know that isnt the right spelling )......a Reserve ....it was the place in the news a few years back re  the kids sniffing glue . Theres also beautiful Mud Lake . Metro Mud Lake has 20 people I think but Industry Canada says a major economic boom is on the horizon.........if the Liebrals get back in that is . But the hunting is great .
onewingwonder said:
Not sure how Shearwater could be expanded/upgraded. Wasn't the long runway and 3/4 of the land sold to private interests a few years ago? As for the government saying they'll NOW pay to upgrade runway in Goose, its too late. They refused when the RAF asked, which is why the Mob left a couple of months ago.

I believe it's in the hands of the Canada Lands Corp, but from what I've heard, it won't be hard to get back. We still shoot approaches to 16/34 and all the lighting is still there and operational. From what I see, there's no threat of private interests taking over anytime soon.
A good column by Senator Colin Kenny, chair of the Senate Standing Committee on National Security and Defence:

The Goose Bay boondoggle


Infanteer said:
It appears to me that basing units in bum**** nowhere (Shiloh, Goose Bay) or basing them in/near big cities (Winnipeg) isn't working - perhaps mid-sized communities are the answer;

Two words: Las Vegas ... sure it's another country, but think of the retention!
Do you think that they could put a battalion here in Newfoundland? Perhaps in central NL like Gander or Grand Falls, or on the Burin peninsula around Marystown. I think that would be a good idea.
Mike_Baker said:
Do you think that they could put a battalion here in Newfoundland? Perhaps in central NL like Gander or Grand Falls, or on the Burin peninsula around Marystown. I think that would be a good idea.

How about in Petawawa, Ontario.  Oh wait, we just did that.
nah.... If you want newfoundlanders to be in the Battalion you have to put it where the able bodied Newfs are..... err..... Ft McMurray OR Toronto :)
Mike_Baker said:
Do you think that they could put a battalion here in Newfoundland? ....  I think that would be a good idea.
geo said:
nah.... If you want newfoundlanders to be in the Battalion you have to put it where the able bodied Newfs are..... err..... Ft McMurray OR Toronto :)

Great plan but the Feds couldn't afford the PLD in Ft Mac!  ;D
why?operational Army bases in:
Base in Edmonton
Base In petawawa
Base in Valcartier
why not have one on the far east!Boost poor economy also.

And I'm willing to bet Newfies make up 35% of the army.I heard a number of 60 percent east coasters,but that's just from talk alone.

Why not?Recruitment would go through the roof in NFLD.Be able to live in the best place in north America and get to serve overseas with steady pay.Plus the poor economy would be sending them in droves.
geo said:
nah.... If you want Newfoundlanders to be in the Battalion you have to put it where the able bodied Newfs are..... err..... Ft McMurray OR Toronto :)

Your an ignorant ****.Plain and simple.Won't stoop to your level.

From an Able body Newfoundlander,not in Toronto or Ft Mcmurry.

P.S if all are left home is weak broken people take a run down George street on a Friday night....mainlander with your attitude proably wouldn't last long.
099* said:
why?operational Army bases in:
Base in Edmonton
Base In petawawa
Base in Valcartier
why not have one on the far east!
Maybe something like Gagetown?
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