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Going to Basic

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lmao. Function Test, Check. I'm going to my 3rd weekend this Friday as well. Should be alright, the weather is actually supposed to be decent, so maybe we can do some PT outside for a change.
I can promise you, it wasn't funny at the time...

Reference the C6, once you're qualified on it, if you ask, I'm sure they'll let you carry it as a C6 gunner... those things are damned heavy.
"Do everything as fast, as properly and correct as possible when they say and how they say."

"I don't agree with this you want to be a team not a star you should be with your team if you are to slow or two fast you will get hammered."

I do believe that helping your buddies falls under the category of "everything".
Yeah, I find it better if the whole section is a little slower, rather than 1 person super fast, and 1 person super slow. At least that way they are yelling at 10 people, not just 1.
Re: Old basic Trainign vs. New Basic training...Here's an old anecdote, re-written slightly for the CF:

The Canadian Government decides it's time to set up an army, so they put the recruiting office in Halifax, near the docks so the soldiers can get right on the ship and go.
First soldier ever goes down and enlists, when he gets to the dock entrance the commish asks who he is, the soldier replies "A Canadian Army Infanteer" the commish has never heard of this so he send the soldier off to stand outside the gate until he can figure out what to do.

After a while the second soldier ever to enlist shows up and the commisionaire and the newer soldier go through the same dialogue, the second soldier goes to stand next to the first soldier.
After a minute the first soldier says to the second:

"Boy you should've seen what it was like in the old army"
Just a question.  Is it possible to hit the sack a bit earlier than 11pm? Say 10pm?  I know there will be lots to do in the evenings but just curious if it's possible and still stay caught up. 
well when I did my basic, to be honest we never went to bed until midnight, up until then we were doing various duties and what-not...they didn't like us very much, lol
In IAP it was possible. But then again, you have to weigh the pros and cons.

We all had experience with kit and the like, and our boots were already polished before arriving so.. most of what we had to do was maintenance...  often we'd be done with 1hr -30 mins to spare before lights out. tons of time on weekends too....

That said, there is always someone floundering on your team that you can help out, and you can always do a bit more than what will get you by... I mean, you can wash your floor 5 times to really get that dust out.. but Im not positive if you will get more "points" for it.

There is always something more you can do....  but if getting some extra Z's in is possible, and it will make you more productive long run... well... 
I spoke to a friend of mine yesterday thats in St. Jean right now, said that he goes to bed a 11pm doesn't hit the sack a minute before
Meridian said:
That said, there is always someone floundering on your team that you can help out, and you can always do a bit more than what will get you by... I mean, you can wash your floor 5 times to really get that dust out.. but Im not positive if you will get more "points" for it.

There is always something more you can do....   but if getting some extra Z's in is possible, and it will make you more productive long run... well...  

There's always somthing else to do. But there's only so much you can do. As much as basic training is about expanding your limits, it's also about learning them.
We have never been to bed before 23:00.  Some people even use flashlights to work later than that.  Like Meridian said, there is always something else you can do.  Even if it is just studying for tests (they aren't that hard, but some people in our course have failed them) or working on weapons drill.  You can go to bed earlier, but if the instructors see it, they will assume you have too much extra time and give you something to do.  I'm on a weekend BMQ right now, and we have more stuff to do per day, so I don't have a clue on any of the more full time stuff.
Someone said earlier on page 3 that basic is a breeze but would not go back because they know how the game is played. Im kind of ashamed to admit this, but Ive done basic 2wice, and going back for a third time. I keep failing because Im too busy helping other recruits to do my own kit and quarters. The training is hard, its stressful, its also boring, and if the shape your in is round then it can make u puke. You will run, you will push yourself up, you will wax floors, you will hate it. But in retrospect it will be the best time of your life...(again, for me)
In total ive spent 117 days at basic training. 60 the first time, 57 the second. Anyone here disagree with me?

Never noticed the salute with the wrong hand before.  Basic is not easy, but it is not hell either.  There are parts that you will hate, bit there are also parts that you will like.  If you do have a chance to hit the racks early, make sure that no one in your section needs help with anything.  We had someone in our section who tried to go to bed half hour early when we had stuff to do...it doesn't really help with the whole unit cohesion thing when everyone is mad at one person.
Wow they PRB'd you TWICE and you are going back again!

You chalk this all up to helping everyone else out and not yourself...  Im a bit confused... if you know how to help someone else out, then you must know how to do your own kit?

Anyway, best of luck on course.

I did my basic back in the "good old days" (1995) and I got out and had to basic again in the new "soft" days (2001) it was the same $hit with different people heaping it. Get up, shower, shave, breakfast, inspection, pt, class, get yelled at, do pushups, lunch, class, get yelled at, do pushups, do marching on the spot with your rifle over your head, do more pushups, back to class, dinner, dismissed, some evening class, get yelled at, do pushups, NIGHTY, Night pte bloggins. Here are the differences, back then we wore solid green, now you wear cadpat, back then everyone drove a chev cavalier...come on you guys know your guilty, it was the cool version, now everyone drives a pontiac sunfire, again the cool version. Back then it was The Camelot, Sweetwaters and Chestnuts and now, umm ok I think it's the same. Just my 2 pennies.  :threat:<<<<<< I can do that because I did basic in the "good old days" and I'm Hard Corps.  ;D  Enjoy your course, it's a starting point that you will never forget.
You have mentioned that you need to do rope climbing, sounds hard, how thick of rope do they use, how high up the rope do you need to go, and how many times, kind of worried about the rope climbing
if its that "hard" and you're that worried about it then go practice rope climbing instead of trying to discern its difficulty so you can quit worrying about it. Sitting here asking about its thickness and whatnot contributes more to your anxiety than practicing will
thanks, I was just asking about the thickness so I can practice on that thickness
its just a typical rope that you can generally fit your hand around its nothing special