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Global Warming/Climate Change Super Thread

Interesting headline in today's Vancouver Sun:

World will end in 2 to 3 generations, 72 per cent of British Columbians fear
Quick and drastic action needed to curb global warming, poll told

And in other news from October 2001,

The survey also suggested that 57.1 per cent of Canadians - 68 per cent of women and 45.6 per cent of men - believed in angels.
As well, it found that 31.5 per cent of respondents believed in aliens and 30.2 per cent in ghosts.

Please tell me that anybody believes we can have a rational debate in this climate.  David Suzuki, of course, is ecstatic.

And the solutions acceptable?

43% said charge 10% more for gas - translation "I can afford to spend more if it keeps the other guy off of my roads and saves my planet in the process."
23% said charge 50 to 100% more for gas - presumably that is made up of true believers, the really rich that wouldn't be affected and those that live in downtown Vancouver and take the bus to Stanley Park for their morning constitutional before their first latte of the day.

By the way, 72% of British Columbians, living in a rainforest and dealing with floods and mudslides, apparently believe we can save the planet by putting water meters on every house.

I suggest we go back to the tried and true methods.  Lock up our daughters so that we maintain a useable supply of sacrificial virgins.
Kirkhill said:
I suggest we go back to the tried and true methods.  Lock up our daughters so that we maintain a useable supply of sacrificial virgins.

But burning and pillaging releases carbon dioxide!  ;D ;D ;D
Yes, George W Bush poses a threat to the entire solar system, if not the Universe! Don't tamper with the Dark Side!


Saturday, November 18, 2006
Global warming worse than we thought...

I had to swipe this from Jerry Wright's post on the Asimov's board - amused the hell out of me.

Human induced Global Warming is a worse problem than even Drs. Hansen and Mann have told us. Evidence is accumulating the effects extend solar system wide.

On Pluto: http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/pluto_warming_021009.html

On Triton: http://www.scienceagogo.com/news/19980526052143data_trunc_sys.shtml

On Saturn: http://www.upi.com/NewsTrack/view.php?StoryID=20061109-022035-4126r

On Jupiter: http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/060504_red_jr.html

On Mars: http://www.mos.org/cst-archive/article/80/9.html

Wonderful - who realised the sales of SUVs extended so far!
Here is a letter to the editor, reproduced under the Fair Dealings provisions of the Copyright Act, from today’s Globe and Mail from Tom Adams of Energy Probe (see:  http://www.energyprobe.org/energyprobe/index.cfm?DSP=content&ContentID=486 ):

Wind power disappoints

Energy Probe

Toronto -- Re Answer Blowing In Wind (letter -- Dec. 2): The David Suzuki Foundation complains that Energy Probe's recent wind-power study, which identifies disappointing production results from wind in and around Ontario, is based on only a "few months of data" and that the experience in Germany provides "concrete evidence about the reliability of wind power."

In fact, our study shows disappointing production from Ontario and Quebec-based wind-power installations since the 1990s. Germany's actual wind-production results since the industry became established four years ago are also about a third less than expected.

Leading German environmentalists and energy experts, including world-renowned expert Richard Tol, whose work on greenhouse gases the Suzuki Foundation cites, recognize that the German wind system has been a political boondoggle. Mr. Tol notes that the real beneficiaries of Germany's overblown wind system are the corporate interests aligned with Germany's powerful Green Party.

Maybe someone needs to take a closer than usual look at the $430,000 in loans M. Dion used to finance his leadership campaign (see: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/54201.0.html ) to see how much came from those destined to benefit from Canadian environmental billion-dollar-boondoggles.
All the news thats fit to print vs what "they" want you to know:


News release that won’t ever see the light of day in liberal media, #5,994. (So read it here!)
Posted by Joel Johannesen

A PTBC reader named Linda sent me this raw news release from the newswires, asking if I thought it will ever make it into the liberal mainstream media.  Naturally Linda, being a right-thinking person, was joking—her question was of course meant as sarcasm.  Just read the news release—it speaks to another infinitesimal bit of the enormous number of daily fallacies and unconscionable deceit surrounding the man-made global warming industry and cult religion (and what I call their total “sham”, Bob!) And that ain’t liberal!  So, like, as if.

Therefore here it is, Canadians! 

Media Shows Irrational Hysteria on Global Warming

“The Public Has Been Vastly Misinformed,” NCPA’s Deming Tells Senate Committee


To: National Desk

Contact: Sean Tuffnell of the National Center for Policy Analysis, 972-308-6481 or sean.tuffnell@ncpa.org

WASHINGTON, Dec. 6 /U.S. Newswire/—David Deming, an associate professor at the University of Oklahoma and an adjunct scholar with the National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA), testified this morning at a special hearing of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. The hearing examined climate change and the media. Bellow are excerpts from his prepared remarks.

“In 1995, I published a short paper in the academic journal Science. In that study, I reviewed how borehole temperature data recorded a warming of about one degree Celsius in North America over the last 100 to 150 years. The week the article appeared, I was contacted by a reporter for National Public Radio. He offered to interview me, but only if I would state that the warming was due to human activity. When I refused to do so, he hung up on me.

“I had another interesting experience around the time my paper in Science was published. I received an astonishing email from a major researcher in the area of climate change. He said, “We have to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period.” “The Medieval Warm Period (MWP) was a time of unusually warm weather that began around 1000 AD and persisted until a cold period known as the “Little Ice Age” took hold in the 14th century. ... The existence of the MWP had been recognized in the scientific literature for decades. But now it was a major embarrassment to those maintaining that the 20th century warming was truly anomalous. It had to be “gotten rid of.”

“In 1999, Michael Mann and his colleagues published a reconstruction of past temperature in which the MWP simply vanished. This unique estimate became known as the “hockey stick,” because of the shape of the temperature graph. “Normally in science, when you have a novel result that appears to overturn previous work, you have to demonstrate why the earlier work was wrong. But the work of Mann and his colleagues was initially accepted uncritically, even though it contradicted the results of more than 100 previous studies. Other researchers have since reaffirmed that the Medieval Warm Period was both warm and global in its extent.

“There is an overwhelming bias today in the media regarding the issue of global warming. In the past two years, this bias has bloomed into an irrational hysteria. Every natural disaster that occurs is now linked with global warming, no matter how tenuous or impossible the connection. As a result, the public has become vastly misinformed.”


The NCPA is an internationally known nonprofit, nonpartisan research institute with offices in Dallas and Washington, D. C. that advocates private solutions to public policy problems. NCPA depends on the contributions of individuals, corporations and foundations that share our mission. The NCPA accepts no government grants.



/© 2006 U.S. Newswire 202-347-2770/

For several years now, PTBC has published the weekly columns of the brilliant scientist and scholar to beat all Dr. Steve Milloy, whose yeoman’s work through his ”junkscience.com” http://junkscience.com/ has helped shed light on the environuts’ religion and cult, and to debunk junk science generally.  His column appears here at PTBC weekly, late Thursdays or early Fridays.  And nowhere else in Canada that I know of, for obvious reasons.  For example, he rightly thinks Kyoto is bunk, and yet he’s an accomplished scholar.  I’m sure you understand. 

Bookmark his columns at PTBC using this link if you like:

And to the liberal media: I am totally sure he’d be open to having you publish his weekly column in your newspapers.  Let me know if you’re interested and I’ll contact him for you! 

Posted by Joel Johannesen on 12/07/06 at 03:19 PM

Washington D.C. - Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.), the outgoing Chairman of Environment & Public Works Committee, is pleased to announce the public release of the Senate Committee published booklet entitled “A Skeptic’s Guide to Debunking Global Warming Alarmism. Hot & Cold Media Spin Cycle: A Challenge To Journalists who Cover Global Warming.”

The announcement itself is here. Lots of references and covers all the bases well.
And the document itself: http://epw.senate.gov/repwhitepapers/6341044%20Hot%20&%20Cold%20Media.pdf
Someday you need to visit Churchill.  When you get there, please tell everyone that 'global warming' is a contsructed myth. 

I am quite certain that the climate is changing.

I am fairly certain – based upon evidence like Churchill -  that the earth is warming, again.

I suspect that man-made greenhouse gasses are part of the cause of the (likely) warming.

I am uncertain about what, if anything, we can or, for that matter, should do to try and alter the changing climate.

I am absolutely certain that the Kyoto Protocol is a useless bit of fluff – conceived, initially, by the European union as a means of sharing the pain of cleaning up after the Russians with the Americans.

If climate change is something which will harm the majority of the world’s people* then we must find some scientifically sound ways to mitigate its harmful effects: buying emission credits from Russia is, pretty nearly, the dumbest idea of the 21st century.  Let’s not send the money to Vladimir Putin; let’s use it, instead, to e.g. sequester CO2, build urban forests  and so on and so forth – if the science says that will do some good.

Elizabeth May, Stéphane Dion, and all the other greenies are trying to scam Canadians for partisan political purposes.

* It must be about more than flora and fauna.  Species, of all sorts, went extinct before we, humans, arrived and they (and, likely, us) will go extinct in the future.  This planet, and its ecosystem, is, for better or worse, inhabited and modified (engineered) by us – for our greater good.  All actions have consequential reactions, some good, some bad.  Let us tidy up the unfortunate consequences of the acts – like consuming energy – we perform to make our lives better.  Making our lives substantially worse to save the spotted owl is not going to work.
"Global Warming" is not a myth.  As a hypothesis it has a lot of support from the geological, archaeological and historical records.  They all seem to indicate warming and cooling have occured and will occur.  Currently we seem to be in a "long term" warming trend.  What is happening on the short time line is up for debate.  Whether or not humans are significantly contributing to it is still more debatable.  Whether or not we can change the trend, whatever it may be, is still more debatable yet.  Whether or not Canada's actions might have any effect beyond the moral is considered to be unlikely by all but the most fanatic believers.

That belief is akin to the notion that Vancouverites, living in a rain forest, or for that matter Canadians at large who daily watch 10,000 times their water requirements wash out to sea to become polluted by salt, need to show solidarity with the poor blighters living in deserts by restricting themselves to a goatskin of water a day.  

A more effective use of collective guilt in the latter case would be to bring water to the desert by pipeline, river diversion, or aquifer mining, or even by unpolluting sea water through desalination.  Or perhaps, better yet, get people to follow their ancestors that moved to where there was water.

Similar responses to global warming would likewise be a better use of resources.

Remember that the same science used to support Global Warming also indicates that the only reason we are here in Canada arguing about Global Warming is because the last lot of ice melted and is still melting.  We have all moved in since the ice retreated.

Cheers fellow settler   ;)

What Edward said......
Another dose of reality:


Bjorn Lomborg
Exerpts from an interview with Bjorn Lomborg, author of The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of the World;

...I think what is happening now is that we are increasingly seeing a tailspin into hysteria over the global warming discussion, where it is almost commonplace to say things are worse than we thought.

It's at the stage where people are saying its even worse than we thought yesterday, and that it is going to be catastrophic, and chaotic and disruptive - all these kinds of words. This has actually led to one of the lead modellers in the UK to come out and say it's bizarre that before we had the debate between the climate change skeptics and the scientists, and that now we have the debate between the scientists, who are now becoming the skeptics, and those who are saying it's all going to end in chaos, when it is going to do nothing of the sort - and this is not what the UN panel is telling us.

Perhaps this is most clear when you look at the movie from Al Gore. Everything he says is technically true. He says for instance that if Greenland melts, sea levels will rise about 20 feet. This is technically true. But of course the very evocative imagery of seeing Holland disappear under the waves - or New York, or Shanghai - leaves the impression that this is all going to happen very soon. Where in fact the UN climate panel says that the sea level rise over the next 100 years is going to be 30 cm - about 20 times less than he talks about. So there is a dramatic difference between what we're being told and what we're actually seeing.


One of the top climate change economists has modelled - and several papers that came out a couple of weeks ago essentially point out - that climate change will probably mean fewer deaths, not more deaths. It is estimated that climate change by about 2050 will mean about 800,000 fewer deaths.

There is a total lack of a sense of proportion about where we are in terms of the environment but also on non-environmental issues, which is of course what I am looking at now with the Copenhagen Consensus, where we try to look at what are the big issues of the world, and where can we do a lot of good, and where can we do a little good. And the bottom line is there are many problems in the world where we can do much more at much lower cost. So presumably, if our goal is to help people, then there are many other things we should do first. If our goal is to help the environment, then there are also many other things we can do first.

The final line is the key: If our goal is to help people; if our goal is to help the environment. Based on the evidence I would suggest the "goal" is for the enviromental alarmists and their political hangers on to help themselves to money and power.
Please tell me that anybody believes we can have a rational debate in this climate.

I think this just about sums up the thread.  It's clear that there are those on both sides who have decided what the "correct" answer is, and will find it hard to accept any information that points the other way.  And the harder each side pushes, the harder the other pushes back.

As usual, the truth is probably somewhere between "the sky is falling" and "what, me worry?"  The rational approach would be to conduct dispassionate research to determine how great an influence human activity is having on the climate, accept what the results tell us, and then design an appropriate response, which could range from doing pretty much what we're doing now (very little i.e. we're not really offering much input to the global warming trend, and it's due to forces completely beyond our control) to some serious re-thinking and redesign of how we generate and use energy.  Unfortunately, very little of that sort of research is being done, and what IS being done is either being co-opted by one side or the other to prove their position, or simply lost in the background noise.

Which means that, by default, we're going to just hope for the best, and that we don't end up like the original Easter Islanders.
A double header:


L. F. Khilyuk1 and G. V. Chilingar1

(1)  Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA

Received: 18 August 2005  Accepted: 27 February 2006  Published online: 11 May 2006

Abstract  The authors identify and describe the following global forces of nature driving the Earth’s climate: (1) solar radiation as a dominant external energy supplier to the Earth, (2) outgassing as a major supplier of gases to the World Ocean and the atmosphere, and, possibly, (3) microbial activities generating and consuming atmospheric gases at the interface of lithosphere and atmosphere. The writers provide quantitative estimates of the scope and extent of their corresponding effects on the Earth’s climate. Quantitative comparison of the scope and extent of the forces of nature and anthropogenic influences on the Earth’s climate is especially important at the time of broad-scale public debates on current global warming. The writers show that the human-induced climatic changes are negligible.
Keywords  Global forces of nature - Climatic changes - Energy fluxes - Earth’s outgassing


G. V. Chilingar
Email: gchiling@usc.edu
Phone: +1-323-9328369
Fax: +1-323-9343024

Relevant exerpt:

the global warming observed during the latest 150 years is just a short episode in the geologic history. The current global warming is most likely a combined effect of increased solar and tectonic activities and cannot be attributed to the increased anthropogenic impact on the atmosphere. Humans may be responsible for less than 0.01°C (of approximately 0.56°C (1°F) total average atmospheric heating during the last century)

Of course, Mr Dion now has to make up for 13 years of lost time if he wants to be credible as an environmentalist, but has he seriously considered where the CO2 comes from in Canada?


SaskPower... is the third largest producer of greenhouse gases. So, while Dion speculates aloud about taxing oil, gas and coal what will he do about a Crown Corp? How do you tax a province? Transfer-payments? Income tax?

I'm sure we will hear LOTS about this in the MSM........


Kyoto suffers a dose of reality
Written by BBS   
Wednesday, 31 January 2007 

This probably couldn't come at a better time for Canada. As we're in the midst of debating the Clean Air Act it's quite possible the bloom is coming off the rose called Kyoto.  Maybe now Canada can make some serious efforts on the environmental front without having to worship at the crumbling altar called Kyoto.

Kyoto sinks Europe:

Billions in costs make it more and more unlikely that the EU can continue to go it alone slashing carbon emissions

Carbon trading is the EU's principal strategy for meeting its Kyoto target of reducing CO2 emissions by 8% by 2012. The scheme was launched two years ago in the hope that it would achieve what more than 10 years of political commandeering had failed: significant reductions in CO2 emissions. Instead, year after year, most EU countries continue to increase their greenhouse-gas emissions. Rather than proving its effectiveness, the trading system has pushed electricity prices even higher while energy-intensive companies are forced to close down, cut jobs, or pass on the costs to consumers.

As the reality of economic pain is felt all over Europe, deep cracks in its green foundations are beginning to become apparent. Gunter Verheugen, the EU's industry commissioner, has warned that by "going it alone" Europe is burdening its industries and consumers with soaring costs that are undermining Europe's international competitiveness. Instead of improving environmental conditions, Europe's policy threatens to redirect energy-intensive production to parts of the world that reject mandatory carbon cuts.

In case anyone's wondering, that would be India and China the last part of the article is referring to. 

Reproduced under the Fair Dealings provisions of the Copyright Act, etc...


Global Warming is not due to human contribution of Carbon Dioxide
Global Warming: The Cold, Hard Facts?
By Timothy Ball

Monday, February 5, 2007

Global Warming, as we think we know it, doesn't exist. And I am not the only one trying to make people open up their eyes and see the truth. But few listen, despite the fact that I was the first Canadian Ph.D. in Climatology and I have an extensive background in climatology, especially the reconstruction of past climates and the impact of climate change on human history and the human condition. Few listen, even though I have a Ph.D, (Doctor of Science) from the University of London, England and that for 32 years I was a Professor of Climatology at the University of Winnipeg. For some reason (actually for many), the World is not listening. Here is why.

What would happen if tomorrow we were told that, after all, the Earth is flat? It would probably be the most important piece of news in the media and would generate a lot of debate. So why is it that when scientists who have studied the Global Warming phenomenon for years say that humans are not the cause nobody listens? Why does no one acknowledge that the Emperor has no clothes on?

Believe it or not, Global Warming is not due to human contribution of Carbon Dioxide (CO2). This in fact is the greatest deception in the history of science. We are wasting time, energy and trillions of dollars while creating unnecessary fear and consternation over an issue with no scientific justification. For example, Environment Canada brags about spending $3.7 billion in the last five years dealing with climate change almost all on propaganda trying to defend an indefensible scientific position while at the same time closing weather stations and failing to meet legislated pollution targets.

No sensible person seeks conflict, especially with governments, but if we don't pursue the truth, we are lost as individuals and as a society. That is why I insist on saying that there is no evidence that we are, or could ever cause global climate change. And, recently, Yuri A. Izrael, Vice President of the United Nations sponsored Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) confirmed this statement. So how has the world come to believe that something is wrong?

Maybe for the same reason we believed, 30 years ago, that global cooling was the biggest threat: a matter of faith. "It is a cold fact: the Global Cooling presents humankind with the most important social, political, and adaptive challenge we have had to deal with for ten thousand years. Your stake in the decisions we make concerning it is of ultimate importance; the survival of ourselves, our children, our species," wrote Lowell Ponte in 1976.

I was as opposed to the threats of impending doom global cooling engendered as I am to the threats made about Global Warming. Let me stress I am not denying the phenomenon has occurred. The world has warmed since 1680, the nadir of a cool period called the Little Ice Age (LIA) that has generally continued to the present. These climate changes are well within natural variability and explained quite easily by changes in the sun. But there is nothing unusual going on.

Since I obtained my doctorate in climatology from the University of London, Queen Mary College, England my career has spanned two climate cycles. Temperatures declined from 1940 to 1980 and in the early 1970's global cooling became the consensus. This proves that consensus is not a scientific fact. By the 1990's temperatures appeared to have reversed and Global Warming became the consensus. It appears I'll witness another cycle before retiring, as the major mechanisms and the global temperature trends now indicate a cooling.

No doubt passive acceptance yields less stress, fewer personal attacks and makes career progress easier. What I have experienced in my personal life during the last years makes me understand why most people choose not to speak out; job security and fear of reprisals. Even in University, where free speech and challenge to prevailing wisdoms are supposedly encouraged, academics remain silent.

I once received a three page letter that my lawyer defined as libellous, from an academic colleague, saying I had no right to say what I was saying, especially in public lectures. Sadly, my experience is that universities are the most dogmatic and oppressive places in our society. This becomes progressively worse as they receive more and more funding from governments that demand a particular viewpoint.

In another instance, I was accused by Canadian environmentalist David Suzuki of being paid by oil companies. That is a lie. Apparently he thinks if the fossil fuel companies pay you have an agenda. So if Greenpeace, Sierra Club or governments pay there is no agenda and only truth and enlightenment?

Personal attacks are difficult and shouldn't occur in a debate in a civilized society. I can only consider them from what they imply. They usually indicate a person or group is losing the debate. In this case, they also indicate how political the entire Global Warming debate has become. Both underline the lack of or even contradictory nature of the evidence.

I am not alone in this journey against the prevalent myth. Several well-known names have also raised their voices. Michael Crichton, the scientist, writer and filmmaker is one of them. In his latest book, "State of Fear" he takes time to explain, often in surprising detail, the flawed science behind Global Warming and other imagined environmental crises.

Another cry in the wildenerness is Richard Lindzen's. He is an atmospheric physicist and a professor of meteorology at MIT, renowned for his research in dynamic meteorology - especially atmospheric waves. He is also a member of the National Academy of Sciences and has held positions at the University of Chicago, Harvard University and MIT. Linzen frequently speaks out against the notion that significant Global Warming is caused by humans. Yet nobody seems to listen.

I think it may be because most people don't understand the scientific method which Thomas Kuhn so skilfully and briefly set out in his book "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions." A scientist makes certain assumptions and then produces a theory which is only as valid as the assumptions. The theory of Global Warming assumes that CO2 is an atmospheric greenhouse gas and as it increases temperatures rise. It was then theorized that since humans were producing more CO2 than before, the temperature would inevitably rise. The theory was accepted before testing had started, and effectively became a law.

As Lindzen said many years ago: "the consensus was reached before the research had even begun." Now, any scientist who dares to question the prevailing wisdom is marginalized and called a sceptic, when in fact they are simply being good scientists. This has reached frightening levels with these scientists now being called climate change denier with all the holocaust connotations of that word. The normal scientific method is effectively being thwarted.

Meanwhile, politicians are being listened to, even though most of them have no knowledge or understanding of science, especially the science of climate and climate change. Hence, they are in no position to question a policy on climate change when it threatens the entire planet. Moreover, using fear and creating hysteria makes it very difficult to make calm rational decisions about issues needing attention.

Until you have challenged the prevailing wisdom you have no idea how nasty people can be. Until you have re-examined any issue in an attempt to find out all the information, you cannot know how much misinformation exists in the supposed age of information.

I was greatly influenced several years ago by Aaron Wildavsky's book "Yes, but is it true?" The author taught political science at a New York University and realized how science was being influenced by and apparently misused by politics. He gave his graduate students an assignment to pursue the science behind a policy generated by a highly publicised environmental concern. To his and their surprise they found there was little scientific evidence, consensus and justification for the policy. You only realize the extent to which Wildavsky's findings occur when you ask the question he posed. Wildavsky's students did it in the safety of academia and with the excuse that it was an assignment. I have learned it is a difficult question to ask in the real world, however I firmly believe it is the most important question to ask if we are to advance in the right direction.

Dr. Tim Ball, Chairman of the Natural Resources Stewardship Project (www.nrsp.com), is a Victoria-based environmental consultant and former climatology professor at the University of Winnipeg. He can be reached at letters@canadafreepress.com
Here's an essay that drills deeper into the problem Timothy Ball identified, from Paul Graham: http://www.paulgraham.com/say.html.

Reproduced - Arrr!

"What You Cant Say

January 2004

Have you ever seen an old photo of yourself and been embarrassed at the way you looked? Did we actually dress like that? We did. And we had no idea how silly we looked. It's the nature of fashion to be invisible, in the same way the movement of the earth is invisible to all of us riding on it.

What scares me is that there are moral fashions too. They're just as arbitrary, and just as invisible to most people. But they're much more dangerous. Fashion is mistaken for good design; moral fashion is mistaken for good. Dressing oddly gets you laughed at. Violating moral fashions can get you fired, ostracized, imprisoned, or even killed."

and etc...

The whole thing is long but worth your time.
Dr Bell is definitely a heretic to the global warming crowd. However to me he is a breath of fresh air in this crazy debate. His credentials make it hard for the global warming supporters to refute so they probably will try to ignore him. I hope more scientists will coalesce around Dr Bell to debunk the myth of global warming.


Global Warming: The Cold, Hard Facts?

By Timothy Ball

Monday, February 5, 2007

Global Warming, as we think we know it, doesn't exist. And I am not the only one trying to make people open up their eyes and see the truth. But few listen, despite the fact that I was the first Canadian Ph.D. in Climatology and I have an extensive background in climatology, especially the reconstruction of past climates and the impact of climate change on human history and the human condition. Few listen, even though I have a Ph.D, (Doctor of Science) from the University of London, England and was a climatology professor at the University of Winnipeg. For some reason (actually for many), the World is not listening. Here is why.

What would happen if tomorrow we were told that, after all, the Earth is flat? It would probably be the most important piece of news in the media and would generate a lot of debate. So why is it that when scientists who have studied the Global Warming phenomenon for years say that humans are not the cause nobody listens? Why does no one acknowledge that the Emperor has no clothes on?

Believe it or not, Global Warming is not due to human contribution of Carbon Dioxide (CO2). This in fact is the greatest deception in the history of science. We are wasting time, energy and trillions of dollars while creating unnecessary fear and consternation over an issue with no scientific justification. For example, Environment Canada brags about spending $3.7 billion in the last five years dealing with climate change almost all on propaganda trying to defend an indefensible scientific position while at the same time closing weather stations and failing to meet legislated pollution targets.

No sensible person seeks conflict, especially with governments, but if we don't pursue the truth, we are lost as individuals and as a society. That is why I insist on saying that there is no evidence that we are, or could ever cause global climate change. And, recently, Yuri A. Izrael, Vice President of the United Nations sponsored Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) confirmed this statement. So how has the world come to believe that something is wrong?

Maybe for the same reason we believed, 30 years ago, that global cooling was the biggest threat: a matter of faith. "It is a cold fact: the Global Cooling presents humankind with the most important social, political, and adaptive challenge we have had to deal with for ten thousand years. Your stake in the decisions we make concerning it is of ultimate importance; the survival of ourselves, our children, our species," wrote Lowell Ponte in 1976.

I was as opposed to the threats of impending doom global cooling engendered as I am to the threats made about Global Warming. Let me stress I am not denying the phenomenon has occurred. The world has warmed since 1680, the nadir of a cool period called the Little Ice Age (LIA) that has generally continued to the present. These climate changes are well within natural variability and explained quite easily by changes in the sun. But there is nothing unusual going on.

Since I obtained my doctorate in climatology from the University of London, Queen Mary College, England my career has spanned two climate cycles. Temperatures declined from 1940 to 1980 and in the early 1970's global cooling became the consensus. This proves that consensus is not a scientific fact. By the 1990's temperatures appeared to have reversed and Global Warming became the consensus. It appears I'll witness another cycle before retiring, as the major mechanisms and the global temperature trends now indicate a cooling.

No doubt passive acceptance yields less stress, fewer personal attacks and makes career progress easier. What I have experienced in my personal life during the last years makes me understand why most people choose not to speak out; job security and fear of reprisals. Even in University, where free speech and challenge to prevailing wisdoms are supposedly encouraged, academics remain silent.

I once received a three page letter that my lawyer defined as libellous, from an academic colleague, saying I had no right to say what I was saying, especially in public lectures. Sadly, my experience is that universities are the most dogmatic and oppressive places in our society. This becomes progressively worse as they receive more and more funding from governments that demand a particular viewpoint.

In another instance, I was accused by Canadian environmentalist David Suzuki of being paid by oil companies. That is a lie. Apparently he thinks if the fossil fuel companies pay you have an agenda. So if Greenpeace, Sierra Club or governments pay there is no agenda and only truth and enlightenment?

Personal attacks are difficult and shouldn't occur in a debate in a civilized society. I can only consider them from what they imply. They usually indicate a person or group is losing the debate. In this case, they also indicate how political the entire Global Warming debate has become. Both underline the lack of or even contradictory nature of the evidence.

I am not alone in this journey against the prevalent myth. Several well-known names have also raised their voices. Michael Crichton, the scientist, writer and filmmaker is one of them. In his latest book, "State of Fear" he takes time to explain, often in surprising detail, the flawed science behind Global Warming and other imagined environmental crises.

Another cry in the wildenerness is Richard Lindzen's. He is an atmospheric physicist and a professor of meteorology at MIT, renowned for his research in dynamic meteorology - especially atmospheric waves. He is also a member of the National Academy of Sciences and has held positions at the University of Chicago, Harvard University and MIT. Linzen frequently speaks out against the notion that significant Global Warming is caused by humans. Yet nobody seems to listen.

I think it may be because most people don't understand the scientific method which Thomas Kuhn so skilfully and briefly set out in his book "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions." A scientist makes certain assumptions and then produces a theory which is only as valid as the assumptions. The theory of Global Warming assumes that CO2 is an atmospheric greenhouse gas and as it increases temperatures rise. It was then theorized that since humans were producing more CO2 than before, the temperature would inevitably rise. The theory was accepted before testing had started, and effectively became a law.

As Lindzen said many years ago: "the consensus was reached before the research had even begun." Now, any scientist who dares to question the prevailing wisdom is marginalized and called a sceptic, when in fact they are simply being good scientists. This has reached frightening levels with these scientists now being called climate change denier with all the holocaust connotations of that word. The normal scientific method is effectively being thwarted.

Meanwhile, politicians are being listened to, even though most of them have no knowledge or understanding of science, especially the science of climate and climate change. Hence, they are in no position to question a policy on climate change when it threatens the entire planet. Moreover, using fear and creating hysteria makes it very difficult to make calm rational decisions about issues needing attention.

Until you have challenged the prevailing wisdom you have no idea how nasty people can be. Until you have re-examined any issue in an attempt to find out all the information, you cannot know how much misinformation exists in the supposed age of information.

I was greatly influenced several years ago by Aaron Wildavsky's book "Yes, but is it true?" The author taught political science at a New York University and realized how science was being influenced by and apparently misused by politics. He gave his graduate students an assignment to pursue the science behind a policy generated by a highly publicised environmental concern. To his and their surprise they found there was little scientific evidence, consensus and justification for the policy. You only realize the extent to which Wildavsky's findings occur when you ask the question he posed. Wildavsky's students did it in the safety of academia and with the excuse that it was an assignment. I have learned it is a difficult question to ask in the real world, however I firmly believe it is the most important question to ask if we are to advance in the right direction.

Dr. Tim Ball, Chairman of the Natural Resources Stewardship Project (www.nrsp.com), is a Victoria-based environmental consultant and former climatology professor at the University of Winnipeg. He can be reached at letters@canadafreepress.com
This isn't the first time I've heard about global warming being a myth, and frankly after having read some excerpts of Dr. Bell's research I would have to agree.
Too often we hear the shrill cries from the "global warming crowd" that to call down the Kyoto accord is to enemy of the environment. The world is warming, of that most scientists agree, it is the "why is it warming", that the fights break out.

Also it seems that people mistakenly lump environmental causes with climate change causes when the comparison is akin to apples and oranges. I personally am all for reducing our consumption of natural resources and using more energy efficient appliances, but not because it "might" be warming the planet but because I want to save money! :o Our resources are not finite, and finding more efficient ways will end up lowering costs in the long term.

I remember once hearing someone descibing how ridiculous it is to assume that man could "kill planet earth", the only thing in danger of dying from mans actions is mankind.

Dr Bell sounds like a smart, well spoken man, unlike most Kyoto supporters!

Remember Kyoto= socialist money redistribution plan.