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Freedom Convoy protests [Split from All things 2019-nCoV]

The fact that a leader who himself was clearly negligent in failing to provide appropriate direction and guidance in the first place, is now espousing the blanket recovery of funds from auction of protesters assets, vice through the use of the Emergencies Act - Part V - Compensation through the Federal Government’s Consolidate Revenue Fund again goes to show how far out of the realm of understanding the issue and the means available, was/is understood by Mayor Watson…

For the love of God, Watson…do us all a favour and shut up already!
A handful of incidents in the past few years, mostly resulting from natural causes, created severe disruptions. Our technology- and trade-dependent society is vulnerable to disruptions that have effects all out of proportion to the effort needed to create them.

"Squeeze those people until they bleed" is a counter-productive doctrine.
Why should the taxpayer be on the hook for their criminal activities? Normally you're all for fiscal responsibility in Govt.
Forfeiture of assets is common enough....
It is common (I'm all for it with drug deals and such), but for conspiracy to commit mischief or mischief though?

It seems like they're pulling the old administrative measures because charges won't stick trick. No?

If the government thinks they're acting like terrorists then charge them with terrorism.
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The fact that a leader who himself was clearly negligent in failing to provide appropriate direction and guidance in the first place, is now espousing the blanket recovery of funds from auction of protesters assets, vice through the use of the Emergencies Act - Part V - Compensation through the Federal Government’s Consolidate Revenue Fund again goes to show how far out of the realm of understanding the issue and the means available, was/is understood by Mayor Watson…

For the love of God, Watson…do us all a favour and shut up already!

He does sound like someone who gets all brave after the door is locked....
It was bad enough, as far as Japanese-Canadians were concerned that they were arrested, relocated and interned.

It was made immeasurably worse by the profiteering that occurred when their property was confiscated then sold to their neighbours and competitors.

It certainly didn't make them better Canadians. Fortunately they tend to be some of the most "accepting" people you will ever meet. They just get on and do.

Not all of our current population is so inclined.
He does sound like someone who gets all brave after the door is locked....
It’s his M.O.

When things look good he will always be there, in front of a camera. When they are bad he isn’t to be found or he blames everyone else.

He’s really good at showing up to seniors’ breakfasts, ribbon cutting and what not. But ask him to explain the light rail debacle or this event (actual city issues and responses) and he’s always deflecting. He’s created a little circle of support in council to bully his way to whatever he wants.

I’d get rid of most city councillors at this point. None have shown any real leadership. Ottawa has cleansed council before and I hope they do it again.
I've heard a lot of chatter about jurisdictional issues in Ottawa, so we will see if much comes of it. I'm not sure I'm a fan of a federal territory a la DC or Canberra, if for no other reason that it would have to include Gatineau and; Good. Luck. With. That. I'd have to be convinced whether carving out larger pieces of the downtown into the Parliamentary Precinct is feasible or offers much of an improvement. Unless they do it by complete city blocks, you would end up with weird jurisdictional issues divided by invisible lines, and make the the Speakers of Parliament responsible for law enforcement on public and private property.

Years ago I was in a meeting with the RCMP liaison at the embassy who mentioned the number of federal and local law enforcement agencies in DC (I forget) and quipped that whoever picks up a drunk that passes out on a sidewalk depends on the sidewalk and which way he falls. I don't think we need to emulate that.
Having seen what the Federal government (and SNC lavilin) can do to run a mall into the ground with heritage buildings in tourist central, I would not wish that onto the people that live in the proposed area.
It was bad enough, as far as Japanese-Canadians were concerned that they were arrested, relocated and interned.

It was made immeasurably worse by the profiteering that occurred when their property was confiscated then sold to their neighbours and competitors.

It certainly didn't make them better Canadians. Fortunately they tend to be some of the most "accepting" people you will ever meet. They just get on and do.

Not all of our current population is so inclined.
If they are so hard done, I hear some US states are offering political asylum

Proof that men, who are all misogynists (and some who are also racist), shouldn’t be allowed to vote… (silently thinks the LPC brain trust)


Just have to see how divided Canadians are when the next election comes around. 🤷‍♂️

The divided community of Coutts, Alberta. Population 250.

“I had lunch with a friend recently after not seeing her for a while, and she said she was worried I was mad at her, because she didn’t support the protests. I had no idea,” O’Hara said.

“If there is a division, I don’t think it will last that long. I would hope people would get past that. There are always differences of opinion.”

Keith Dangerfield, who along with his wife Carolyn operates the Hills of Home Cafe/Bed and Breakfast, was an avid supporter of the truckers. His restaurant became a regular gathering spot.

He said there’s a third group that’s part of the division — people who had mixed feelings about the blockade.

Dangerfield, who is also a pastor, said some were in favour of the protest, but didn’t like goods coming from the United States being blocked.


“This town has had all kinds of things happen. The people who are against the trucks and the people who are for the trucks will go out and have barbecues next summer,” he said.
Are people allowed to put politics aside for 37 seconds?

I remember when the biggest political controversy on our street was whether or not to install sidewalks, and why the garbage collectors stopped going around back of the house. There's no Liberal or Conservative way to fix a sewer. :)
Another big misinformation that is going around is that the woman involved was the one charged by police for using the bicycle to harm the police horse.

Also, it appears from another video I saw that the "walker" is a broom with a white flag attached to it.
So I going to edit this to say that, I have re-watched the video and you can see the handle of the walker in the bottom of the screen at one point. She is also holding a broom with a white flag.

Either way, I really wonder why she thought that it was a good idea to be that close to the front-line of the protest.
So I going to edit this to say that, I have re-watched the video and you can see the handle of the walker in the bottom of the screen at one point. She is also holding a broom with a white flag.

Either way, I really wonder why she thought that it was a good idea to be that close to the front-line of the protest.
Because King was spreading false information that if you have a white flag, police can't do anything
Because King was spreading false information that if you have a white flag, police can't do anything
I know that, but even if there were not horses present she was still at risk of being nocked over by another protestor.