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Freedom Convoy protests [Split from All things 2019-nCoV]

And my wish is that we continue to be "British" and never feel the need to engage that kind of Standing Army.

Further to:

Up to the early 18th century, Britain did not have an official policing system backed by the state. A police force like the Maréchaussée already present in France would have been ill-suited to Britain, which saw examples such as the French one as a threat to their liberty and balanced constitution in favour of an arbitrary and tyrannical government. The enforcement of the law then was mostly up to the private citizens, who had the right and duty to prosecute crimes in which they were involved or in which they were not. At the cry of 'murder!' or 'stop thief!' everyone was entitled and obliged to join the pursuit. Once the criminal had been apprehended, the parish constables and night watchmen, who were the only public figures provided by the state and who were typically part-time and local, would make the arrest.

The Bow Street Runners are considered the first British police force. Before the force was founded, the law enforcing system was in the hands of private citizens and single individuals with very little intervention from the state. Judge Henry Fielding decided to regulate and legalise their activity due to high rates of corruption and mistaken or malicious arrests, therefore creating the Bow Street Runners.

Speaker's Corner and The Bow Street Runners were the British Alternative to Standing Armies of Riot Police.
Do you think there will be an honest effort for a transparent AAR? Anyone take a bet that the AAR gets pulled into the EA Inquiry and sealed for ‘National Security’ purposes? Perhaps a redacted version released a few hours before voting day for Election 2024…
About as likely as the Toronto Maple Leafs ever winning another Stanley Cup 😁
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Not so much efficiently as consistently - as in, application of criteria for responding and application of response measures. Also, a lot of restraint. All of the talk permeating everything governments do about valuing life and limb and all the things we do to avoid risk is just so much babble if we so easily reach a point where people start to say, "Fuck 'em/FAFO/Stupid games, stupid prizes" etc.

Brad - I screwed up and my fingers typed faster than my brain processed.

This is what I was actually thinking and MEANT to type. Wars have started over less.

As far as I'm concerned the end game here is - NOT, say again, NOT - to develop the ability to break up crowds efficiently.

I'd sooner that they never happened in the first place.
Do you think there will be an honest effort for a transparent AAR? Anyone take a bet that the AAR gets pulled into the EA Inquiry and sealed for ‘National Security’ purposes? Perhaps a redacted version released a few hours before voting day for Election 2024…

I think that regardless of whatever official history is generated there will be lots of AARs from all sorts of people. As normal.
Is Lich going to be held responsible for the change in atmosphere and tactics after she was arrested?

And I have vague recollections of another rebellion by a madman being handled by the government of the day. That went well.

Exile and mental illness[edit]​

During this period, Riel had been staying with the Oblate fathers in Plattsburgh, New York, who introduced him to parish priest Fabien Martin dit Barnabé in the nearby village of Keeseville. It was here that he received news of Lépine's fate: following his trial for the murder of Scott, which had begun on 13 October 1874, Lépine was found guilty and sentenced to death. This sparked outrage in the sympathetic Quebec press, and calls for amnesty for both Lépine and Riel were renewed. This presented a severe political difficulty for Mackenzie, who was hopelessly caught between the demands of Quebec and Ontario. However, a solution was forthcoming when, acting on his own initiative, the Governor General Lord Dufferin commuted Lépine's sentence in January 1875. This opened the door for Mackenzie to secure from parliament an amnesty for Riel, on the condition that he remain in exile for five years.[15][6]

During his time of exile, Riel was primarily concerned with religion rather than politics. Much of these emerging religious beliefs were based on a supportive letter dated 14 July 1875 that he received from Montreal's Bishop Ignace Bourget. His mental state deteriorated, and following a violent outburst he was taken to Montreal, where he was under the care of his uncle, John Lee, for a few months. But after Riel disrupted a religious service, Lee arranged to have him committed in an asylum in Longue-Pointe on 6 March 1876 under the assumed name "Louis R. David".[15][6] Fearing discovery, his doctors soon transferred him to the Beauport Asylum near Quebec City under the name "Louis Larochelle".[48] While he suffered from sporadic irrational outbursts, he continued his religious writing, composing theological tracts with an admixture of Christian and Judaic ideas.[6] He consequently began calling himself "Louis David Riel, Prophet, Infallible Pontiff and Priest King".[49]

Nevertheless, he slowly recovered, and was released from the asylum on 23 January 1878 with an admonition to lead a quiet life. He returned for a time to Keeseville, where he became involved in a passionate romance with Evelina Martin dite Barnabé, sister of Father Fabien.[6] He asked her to marry him before moving west "with the avowed intention of establishing himself" before sending for her; however, their correspondence ended abruptly.[50]
... All of the talk permeating everything governments do about valuing life and limb and all the things we do to avoid risk is just so much babble if we so easily reach a point where people start to say, "Fuck 'em/FAFO/Stupid games, stupid prizes" etc.
(y) Well summed up - regardless of who's protesting.
Is Lich going to be held responsible for the change in atmosphere and tactics after she was arrested?

And I have vague recollections of another rebellion by a madman being handled by the government of the day. That went well.

I have alluded to this elsewhere that the Nazis first tried seizing power in Germany in 1924. This was defeated and the leadership was arrested, Hitler himself was even charged with treason and imprisoned. He used the time in prison to work on his plans, indoctrinate others to the movement and change his tactics.

None of these people or their views are going away any time soon. The fact that it's come to a mass-mobilization of Police Forces from across the Country to deal with this should scare people.
"Police arrested protesters wearing body armor, they had smoke grenades on them and miscellaneous fireworks in their bags. Additional smoke grenades and fireworks were located and seized in a vehicle on Wellington."

"How many Romans?"
A couple of fun paragraphs in a NP article (paywalled if you've exceeded your free limit) today:

"But a senior federal official said, even as it became clear protesters weren’t leaving, the city’s plan didn’t seem to adapt to the worsening circumstances. “They’re just never seemed to be a moment where the city or the police said ‘this is not what we had planned for.’”

Trudeau changed his tone over the following weekend. “Despite their best efforts it is now clear there are serious challenges to law enforcement’s ability to effectively enforce the law,” he said on Monday, in invoking the act."

So: "they didn't try very hard", but "despite their best efforts...", so "EA ON!".
"Police arrested protesters wearing body armor, they had smoke grenades on them and miscellaneous fireworks in their bags. Additional smoke grenades and fireworks were located and seized in a vehicle on Wellington."

"How many Romans?"
Embarrassingly, your reference went over my head. Mind explaining the How many Romans line?