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Fitness for Operational Requirements of CAF Employment ( FORCE )

Ignorance must be bliss.

(1) This is not an Army fitness test.  It is a CAF fitness test for everyone - all ranks, all trades.

(2) It removes the age and gender differentiation that were present under the old standard, and provides a single standard for all CAF members.

(3) It is not an all-singing, all dancing military fitness stress test.  Rather, it is a series of tests which correlate highly to the genuine military requirements, as defined by CAF experts, that every CF member must be able to achieve.

(4) It is not merely a long, boring stroll carrying weights with little correlation to real world tasks sailors, soldiers and airpeople may be called upon to conduct.

(4) It is intended to be simple, easy to conduct, and relatively quick.  Unlike the infantryman, many CF members are employing their military skills day to day and can't take a week or two away to re-enact the Bataan death marches and call it "Ultimate Warrior Fitness Workout III".

(5) Nothing in this prohibits commanders frm working their troops to a higher standard.

As well, it is a reasonable and scientifically validated standard that we can hold individuals responsible for maintaining (and boot them out without a Charter Challenge if they fail to meet it).  We can't have the minimal standard of fitness being the number of <insert exercise here> that the <insert leader here> decides his soldiers should have to achieve.
dapaterson said:
Ignorance must be bliss.

(1) This is not an Army fitness test.  It is a CAF fitness test for everyone - all ranks, all trades.

(2) It removes the age and gender differentiation that were present under the old standard, and provides a single standard for all CAF members.

(3) It is not an all-singing, all dancing military fitness stress test.  Rather, it is a series of tests which correlate highly to the genuine military requirements, as defined by CAF experts, that every CF member must be able to achieve.

(4) It is not merely a long, boring stroll carrying weights with little correlation to real world tasks sailors, soldiers and airpeople may be called upon to conduct.

(4) It is intended to be simple, easy to conduct, and relatively quick.  Unlike the infantryman, many CF members are employing their military skills day to day and can't take a week or two away to re-enact the Bataan death marches and call it "Ultimate Warrior Fitness Workout III".

(5) Nothing in this prohibits commanders frm working their troops to a higher standard.

Great post.
daftandbarmy said:
Except that 'ignorance is bliss' comment. In my case, it's actually an operational requirement  ;D

Well, you are an infantryman after all...

..and that comment was uncalled for - my apologies.  It had been one of those days; and I unfortunately vented at the first target, not the appropriate one...
It was nice to see Minister MacKay out challenging the test.  I cannot remember an MND as engaged as he is and, certainly, none of his predecessors would have done what he did today.

The VCDS Group CPO1/CWOs will be doing it on Wednesday as part of the Group Chief's annual conference.
I have done a look at the information and I could not see if it said what the dress is for the test.  Is it PT strip, combats or combats with FFO?  While I would like the units to be able to administer it themselves like the BFT I suspect that this will be done only by PSP, it would be nice to see that in writing (one way or another). 
It will be done by units without need of PSP.  All video that I have seen show participants in operational clothing (combats and NCDs) but not load carriage or PPE (ie. not in FFO).
MCG said:
It will be done by units without need of PSP.  All video that I have seen show participants in operational clothing (combats and NCDs) but not load carriage or PPE (ie. not in FFO).

I've heard the opposite: that the test will be conducted by PSP and will be in PT strip. This was from a PSP instructor. Of course, this is all just our typical rumour mill until something solid is released.
ARMY_101 said:
This was from a PSP instructor.
That empire would be messaging everybody with that idea.  It is job protection.
Anyway, this is from two pages back:  http://vimeo.com/m/54119198
MCG said:
It will be done by units without need of PSP.

This is true within the Army and can be conducted by anyone qualified PLQ or higher.  However, the RCAF have apparently decided to leave testing with the PSP.

MCG said:
All video that I have seen show participants in operational clothing (combats and NCDs) but not load carriage or PPE (ie. not in FFO).

I heard the rumour today was that the Army would conduct the test in FFO.  Not true.  This is a CF common test and the dress must be common/standardized throughout.  I was a FORCE and DFit lab rat and we conducted the test activities several times but always in CADPAT/NCD with running shoes and also in PT strip.  Never in FFO or even combat boots.
Today my Unit here in Germany CC NAEWF  ( NATO AWACS) is having  a mandatory PT Pde  and PSP from CFSU (E) is coming over to introduce and conduct a practice session of the tasks.  I'LL post my findings and comments later tonight or tomorrow....

More info on the tasks:


And a FAQ:

I have no stake in this as a retired member, but curiosity got the better of me about this test.  The video in the previous post shows the sandbag drag being done in a gym on some kind of mat.

Now, I haven't actually measured them, but as a technically inclined kind of guy, I'm pretty sure the coefficient of friction between a sandbag and a mat isn't going to be the same as it is for a sandbag on a slick gym floor, or as it is for a sandbag over dirt, or a sandbag over pea gravel, or a sandbag over wet grass.

Is this test only ever going to be conducted in a gymnasium environment, or has anyone thought that far ahead yet?
Occam said:
Now, I haven't actually measured them, but as a technically inclined kind of guy, I'm pretty sure the coefficient of friction between a sandbag and a mat isn't going to be the same as it is for a sandbag on a slick gym floor, or as it is for a sandbag over dirt, or a sandbag over pea gravel, or a sandbag over wet grass.

.... or a 200lb rifleman with a sucking chest wound being dragged over a farmer's field to a ditch ;D
MCG said:
That empire would be messaging everybody with that idea.  It is job protection.
Not so.  Talking with the top man at the Dkyd Gym about it the other week.  He said that it's going to devolve down to the units to test.  He said that the writing is on the wall for PSP as they won't need them around eventually.  He was being relatively pragmatic about it. 

Maybe he and I are also being paranoid, but we both feel that this new project is the start of a cull.  They with units taking over the work, and amongst the rank and file for what may be a great number of failures and possible injuries amongst personnel doing the new test.  :Tin-Foil-Hat:
jollyjacktar said:
Not so.  Talking with the top man at the Dkyd Gym about it the other week.  He said that it's going to devolve down to the units to test.  He said that the writing is on the wall for PSP as they won't need them around eventually.  He was being relatively pragmatic about it. 

Maybe he and I are also being paranoid, but we both feel that this new project is the start of a cull.  They with units taking over the work, and amongst the rank and file for what may be a great number of failures and possible injuries amongst personnel doing the new test.  :Tin-Foil-Hat:

I would have to counter that with "What ever happened to the UPTA qualification?"  The PERI trade was done a way with years ago and it's evolution was pretty much what we see in PSP today.  So if they put an end to PSP, who will operate the fitness facilities?  While we like to think that we as military members, can standardize things, experience has shown that concept not to be true but then again, the same can be said for PSP staff.

Time will tell...
The new standard, different as it is from the EXPRES, is the minimum CF standard.  Not everyone needs to be or can afford the time to become Paratrooper/CSOR/JTF2/SAR Tech/Clearance Diver fit.