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First Nations - CF help, protests, solutions, residential schools, etc. (merged)

GR66 said:
....................  I'd be willing to allow the Reserves (collectively) to elect member(s) to Parliament based on their numbers and ...................

They are not disenfranchised from electing members of Parliament.  First Nations peoples are just equal as any other Canadian to vote.  They do have representation in Parliament.  There are even First Nations members in most, if not all, the sitting Parties in the House.
Holy FLASHBACK time!

From the Sun Editorial/Comment section:


First Nations ill-served by media darlings like Chief Theresa Spence
QMI Agency

First posted: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 08:00 PM EST | Updated: Thursday, January 10, 2013 07:34 AM EST

As Prime Minister Stephen Harper prepares for his big powwow with First Nations leaders, it's time to bring down the curtain on the bogusly-based theatrics of Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence.

With her supposed hunger strike having already stretched reality to its breaking point, and her reserve's financial records lacking forensic believability, her once well-intended supporters must accept that they were duped.

Spence is now devoid of any moral credibility, and those who persist in defending her are only weakening their own voices.

So here are a few words of advice for the grassroots Idle No More movement.

Never mention Attawapiskat again in the same breath as Theresa Spence. And don't allow people like Mi'kmaw activist and Ryerson prof Pam Palmater to appoint themselves to speak for you.

You are being used.

The feds have poured billions into reserves across this country, including millions to lost causes like Attawapiskat. They struck a welcoming reconciliation process over the sins of past governments and signed a land deal that gives the Algonquin title to the majority of the Crown land in eastern and northern Ontario.

After all that, why would any self-respecting aboriginal want Pam Palmater speaking for them?

To her, the Harper government's agenda has one purpose -- the calculated "genocide" of all First Nations people, this as the court ruled 600,000 Metis and off-reserve aboriginals should have full status.

But the consensus media, conned by Spence yet unwilling to admit it, still run to Palmater like water to low ground without asking what gives her the right to speak for Idle No More.

Why do they run to her? Because she puts herself out there, that's why, and because she gives good sound bites, and does not shy away from repeating the indefensible slander of racial elimination.

After all, she's First Nations.

She has a Don't Touch Me card.

If the Idle No More activists are really upset about the danger to aboriginals that purportedly lies within the Harper government's omnibus bill, then we suggest that they actually give it a read.

There is no danger there.

Instead, there's stuff about First Nations self-governance recognition, financial transparency, matrimonial rights, and safe drinking water.

This hardly sounds genocidal.
ObedientiaZelum said:
Does anyone know what exactly Moo Shum Enterprises Inc is about?

Found it here:

Kennedy went to work as an accountant in 1979, managing the George Jeffrey Children's Centre in Thunder Bay, Ont., for about 15 years, the court document says.

According to the affidavit, he also holds a two-year certificate in health-care administration from Ottawa-based Certified Health Services Executives, which he says he completed around 1997.

He says he has worked for several other First Nations in the areas of finance, project management and administration since 2000.

Corporate documents show Kennedy incorporated a business called Moo Shum Enterprises in October 2003 — roughly two years after he first started working in Attawapiskat.

In his affidavit, Kennedy said the company provides "expertise and advice primarily in the areas of finance and management."

More at link

Why, oh why am I not surprised??  ::)

It was announced that the GG will be meeting with the Chiefs during a press conference that was held in Manitoba earlier today.

newwifey said:
It was announced that the GG will be meeting with the Chiefs during a press conference that was held in Manitoba earlier today.

Yes, but it will, properly, be a purely ceremonial event, after and very separate from the working meeting with ministers.

There are some important Constitutional conventions that need to be observed and the Government (GG+Cabinet) has reached an elegant and Constitutionally acceptable solution with a separate, purely ceremonial meeting.
E.R. Campbell said:
Yes, but it will, properly, be a purely ceremonial event, after and very separate from the working meeting with ministers.

There are some important Constitutional conventions that need to be observed and the Government (GG+Cabinet) has reached an elegant and Constitutionally acceptable solution with a separate, purely ceremonial meeting.

It was unclear at the time, just an announcement, but you are probably right.

If you can find a recording of the live news conference, I recommend.  In a nutshell they are supporting Chief Spence (as well as the others on hunger strikes), demanding an end to Colonial rule (not a request) and that if the GG did not take part they would not be present at the meeting and that we'd likely see more Chiefs from other areas making the same type of announcements.  It was interesting listening.
newwifey said:
In a nutshell they are supporting Chief Spence (as well as the others on hunger strikes), demanding an end to Colonial rule (not a request) and that if the GG did not take part, we'd likely see more Chiefs from other areas making the same type of announcements.
Was the announcement drafted by Shakespeare? 

As in:
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage.
And then is heard no more: it is a tale.
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

::)  <---  me, finding it more and more difficult to care. Their political capital is increasingly spent.
newwifey said:
It was unclear at the time, just an announcement, but you are probably right.

If you can find a recording of the live news conference, I recommend.  In a nutshell they are supporting Chief Spence (as well as the others on hunger strikes), demanding an end to Colonial rule (not a request) and that if the GG did not take part they would not be present at the meeting and that we'd likely see more Chiefs from other areas making the same type of announcements.  It was interesting listening.

I think it is important to read a lot. I am anything but knowledgable but my reading says that some Chiefs support Spence, others are somewhere between embarrassed and furious at her cheap theatrics.

My opinion: this is a win for the Prime Minister ~ he will spend an hour or two with the Chiefs, outlining his his agenda; then he and the most of the media will depart and he will then leave with the Minister and the bureaucrats to discuss their agenda. No new money will be committed to anything, except for some new audits. In the evening the GG will give the Chiefs coffee and cakes on the everyday china and refuse to hear a single substantive word anyone might want to say.

I am tired of this "BLACKMAIL".

I think that this BS will only further alienate the Taxpayers who are "supporting" them and further radicalize non-FN members of the population.  Will we see armed citizens in the streets attacking the barricades that the INM movement set up?  I doubt it.  Not with legally acquired weapons, anyway.  We cater to their every wish.  I think that those days will slowly be coming to an end.  People are getting fed up with this BS, and the more BS like this they pull, the quicker the day of reckoning will come.
I am tired of it also, but there is little hope that 1.2 million Indians will stop blackmailing 33 million Canadians. After all they learned from the very best: Quebec. It is the Canadian way.

From SDA  http://www.smalldeadanimals.com/

News Shaping vs. News Reporting

The following should be a primer for all Journalism 101 students:
George Wallace said:
Funny.  I see some family resemblance there.  Could it be?    >:D

Rob Ford for mayor of Attawapiskat?  8)
Crantor said:
Chief Spence for mayor of Toronto?  ;D

If it wouldn't be so damned heavy on my wallet, I'd say that that is two groups who absolutely deserve each other, as they both disappear up their own respective a**holes.
Theresa Spence will still not be attending the meeting tomorrow.  Because the PM and GG are to attend the meeting together, not separately.

Further to that, if the GG and PM don't stay for the full meeting, there may not be a meeting.

video attached in case I missed something else in the details.
http://www.cbc.ca/video/watch/News/Politics/Power & Politics/ID=2324468297

I'm curious, when will it be enough?? 
I've appreciated the dialogue here, without the racial bashing and constant racist slinging as there is elsewhere.
She seems to be making a mockery of the PM, GG and the Gov't of Canada.!  I, for one am fed up hearing her name. Somebody please toss in a few BK Whoppers  into her lodging and maybe add a "diet coke" to wash them down and call it a day.!!! 

Theresa Spence....your 15 mins are now up.!    :salute:

Note:  Wonder if there will be any sort of inquiry to the lack of paper trail of the money and its purpose.?
Diet Coke?....Diet Coke only has a minimal amount less of calories than regular Coke, but way more carcinogens..... >:D
George Wallace said:
Diet Coke?....Diet Coke only has a minimal amount less of calories than regular Coke, but way more carcinogens..... >:D

Either way George, it's making me  :boke:

(but mikeninercharlie's post is spot on.!!!)