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Firefighter's Thread


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Feel free to introduce yourself here, share a few stories and laughs, etc.

I'm an Oilfield Firefighter, Sift Foreman in the Grande Prairie, AB station for HSE Integrated www.hseintegrated.com

I started in this racket over five years ago with SafetyBOSS www.safetyboss.com and came to HSE when they bought SafetyBOSS's Canadian assets.

Started firefighting as a volunteer in Nova Scotia, went through MUN's firefighting program in 99-00, did a stint at Survival Systems Training in Halifax until hired by SafetyBOSS, now split time between HSE and the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources Helitack Crew just until HSE gets our office in Halifax a bit more established.

Been on some good fires in the oilfield, you can see pics at the SafetyBOSS site, also went to the G-8 in Kananaskis for HAZMAT and was on the House River Fire (2002, Ft McMurray area) as well as the fires of BC in 03.

hey all,

Well...i am a gonna-be. 

I just finished 3 years of schooling and hold a diploma in fire science with a fire protection major.  I currently have aps into 4 civi dept's and am investigating my options within the CF.  I have felt the heat on several ocassions through my school's fire playground  :D but i had to pay for that rather than the other way around.

I also own several fire service certificates and accredations.  Looking forward to exchanging and learning a thing or two from whomever contributes.  Their are a few CF FF's floatin around the board that have already helped me out with a bunch of Q's.


PV, are you going to turn that diploma into a Degree? I am investigating my options, concerning a degree, right now and will do so if it will apply to my current occupation (Meaning I want the bastards to pay for it!!)

Ever think of Industrial?

yes, very.  I have my NFPA 600 and hazmat operations level.  Unfortunatley Ontario industrial fire jobs are not to frequen, nevertheless i am always looking to see what is out there.  Ya, i know their is a couple of universities int the states that i might look at awhile down the road.  Once i get enough experience, i was also want to join the Institution of Fire Engineers.  Scott, i have some really good industrial fire photos if you wanna talk shop.



www.hseintegrated.com the company I work for, check them out, it's always an option. For some phots of some of the stuff I have been around visit www.safetyboss.com, they have some good shots of blowouts I have been on in the past. They also have some really fun gear!

Thanks for the link.   I will definately send off a resume, sounds like some good training, and definately meet all the criteria.   Do you know if they have an Office in Ontario ? What is the pay like ? i suppose i am looking at the intern position for starters.  Thanks again.


PViddy said:

Thanks for the link.   I will definately send off a resume, sounds like some good training, and definately meet all the criteria.   Do you know if they have an Office in Ontario ? What is the pay like ? i suppose i am looking at the intern position for starters.   Thanks again.



There are offices in Ontario but I don't know if they are recruiting.

Can't really comment on the pay but can say that it is pretty fair and reviews are common.

You should consider the intern position but if you have a 1001 then you should try to just come straight on full time. Sending a detailed resume never hurts. I know there are a few offices in the west that are looking for firefighters, it's just that sometimes, due to needs, we have to recruit experienced men. You never know though.

Hope that helps.

I'm the training officer in a small town volunteer dept., I'm not working towards a full time job at it but enjoy the work. 

Everyone is welcome here, I started as a volunteer and credit the Volunteer with teaching me alot of the "how to" that comes with this job. Still a vast majority of the communities in this country rely on volunteer emergency responders, let's hope the new volunteer bill passes in Ottawa, we all deserve it.

I seriously wished i had been raised in a rural community, or reside in one currently.  Rural Dept's are a great way to keep current on skills and participate in an on-going learning process, if you want to do this full time. 

Scott, thanks again for the info, i will investigate it further.  Maybe i'll be moving out west! hah



excuse my butting in here.. but i really do have a nagging question for ya'll firemen.

i KNOW we have a thread dedicated to spoofing off the opposing service be it fire/ambulance/police.

but come on, it really IS true about the 'how do you know when a firefighter is in the room, he'll tell you' joke

point in case, today back in class after a hiatius, one of my new classmates is a volunteer firefighter, that is all fine and dandy, but do you know what? I found out (was told) he was a fire fighter before I even knew my professors name.... and i think i found out (was told) the same no less than 4 times during the course of the day.

sorry.. rant over :)

Well, I guess I am guilty being that my profile says that I am a firefighter. It's a matter of pride, just like yours says you're a policing student, some guys have their CF Unit in their profile and so on.

I am proud to be a firefighter but don't show up at parties spewing "war" stories or anything. I enjoy the job but it is just that, a job. To me it is one that requires alot of a person mentally, physically, etc. I am dedicated and very proud to serve.

Some fellas I have known use it as a pickup line but I have met just as many cops, medics, soldiers, lawyers, etc, etc, etc. that do the same. I'm not trying to say that we get picked on, just that maybe we're the brunt of the jokes made about people who choose to do that. ;D It's all in good fun anyway - those cops and medics that natter at us just want to be firemen really.... >:D
C'mon when i was in school, all the Police Foundations students did the same thing! wearing jackets, hat's t'shirts etc. It's all the same...

Now we once did a Fire vs. Police combat challenge for two local charitites in the area, man the Police folks walked home hurtin that day!  >:D :D :salute:


yea but you know... i just came back in 2nd semester this year for police foundations, as I took of 2nd semester last year.

anyways i've noticed the 'new batch' is all gun-ho, almost 95% have police foundations jackets, pants, hats, sweaters, shirts you name it.

i guess some people just like to really show off what they have (which is funny since proably 90% of the 95% stated have no chance in hell of ever being in any form of law enforcement) :)

i am all for being proud of what I accomplish, but I feel that you should be proud of it when you HAVE accomplished it... as in finished what you started.

and hey, when my ass is on fire for some reason you can come save it.. i promise

Sappo said:
...i am all for being proud of what I accomplish, but I feel that you should be proud of it when you HAVE accomplished it... as in finished what you started...

This is the exact Reason why I dont wear anything that say Police or Police Foundations in it on my person..... Im not a Cop yet, Why dress like a wanna be, when I'll be there soon enough. besides... I have Enough Army Related paraphenalia to wear.... Though I could use another ARMY.CA T-Shirt or two......

*runs off to the Army.ca store to blow paycheque....*
This is the exact Reason why I dont wear anything that say Police or Police Foundations in it on my person..... Im not a Cop yet, Why dress like a wanna be, when I'll be there soon enough. besides... I have Enough Army Related paraphenalia to wear.... Though I could use another ARMY.CA T-Shirt or two......


However, when i was in school, it was definately a sense of pride; in my program, my school and the fire service.  Heck, nevermind the t-shirts i had to wear a uniform two days a week when i was training on the fire grounds so it was very much a sense of identity.  We even had inspections! the whole purpose was to get us ready for a job in the fire industry, so they made it very realistic.  It's a pride/esprit de corps thing i guess.


I wear fire shirts for a couple of reasons.

They were free.

I need to wear a shirt to work.

I don't wear work shirts to the bar, work shirts are usually torn, stained or a combination of both. I wear a hat that says "HSE Integrated" (free) but it says nothing about me being a firefighter. I really don't care if I happen to go into Tim's or the LC with a work shirt on, I'm not trying to let people know what I do, I'm wearing a frickin shirt!
Aye... i almost wish they made us wear some sort of uniform at school... you should see the slobs that pass for post-secondary students these days. Not to mention when they go out in public wearing the shirts, cursing and swearing at restaurants and acting like no one knows who/what they are.

bah... after doing a course and having to always be 'ON' it makes me wish that they took a more hard-line approach to certain education paths.

an ex o.p.p officer told me 'back in the day' the ontario police college used to be run like that military somewhat, with shouting drill instructors and all that jazz..... oh lord bring it back!
Ah the never ending bantering between police, fire and paramedics.......may it always continue.... ;D

For all the fire fighters on the post, keep up your good work......glad its you not me ;), I did a rig rescue and rapel course last year in which a lot of future fire fighters were also taking the course....I didn't realise until after speaking with them how many courses/certifcates etc, a lot of the newer guys have to get just to get hired.

For those of you who are in Law and security or police foundations....not sure what it is called now, and have military experience, the day you head down to OPC in Aylmer you will most likely be disappointed on how it is run.  The ex opp officer is right, it has changed.

Everybody stay safe
PViddy said:

However, when i was in school, it was definately a sense of pride; in my program, my school and the fire service.  Heck, nevermind the t-shirts i had to wear a uniform two days a week when i was training on the fire grounds so it was very much a sense of identity.  We even had inspections! the whole purpose was to get us ready for a job in the fire industry, so they made it very realistic.  It's a pride/esprit de corps thing i guess.



From what ive seen there is a big difference between the College Level FF course and the PF Program. the firefighters seems more switched on as a whole... and i dont blame them... they seem to get a hell of alot more relevant hands on training... naturally there are certain things that you obviously cant do in a police foundations program, for Legal reasons... but even still... the closest thing to accual police work I did there was writing a Provincial Offence Ticket for one of my classes.... it sometimes felt like all the program was, was a big cash grab. I did learn a few things I wouldnt otherwise know, but i mean come on... our class didnt even need to pass the PREP to graduate. (granted we were the only year that happened due to the equipment being Broken...) but it was pathetic... we had Bags who couldnt even get to Stage 3 on the Shuttle Run, and who had no chance with any of the restraint sims. or Push/pull test.

to my understanding (correct me if im wrong.) but at humber the firefighter and paramedic courses require physical tests to get in, as well as once per semester. and its alot more physical then the PREP and 6.5 on the shuttle run.... 

also it seemed like humber Paramedic and Fire were getting hands-on Trg. with the respective services as well as ride outs and such.... all PFP got were a few movies and alot of theory, only some of which could accually be applied i think. but thats just MHO.

anywho sorry about the rant. I have no problem with alot of the firefighter and paramedic types wearing the school stuff. ive just found that too often PFP students who advertise the fact tend to do it in a negative way.

