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Fingerprints ( merged )

  • Thread starter Thread starter James Wood
  • Start date Start date
Thanks for the really fast replies, seems like I'm not alone in this and it's nice to see that some of you only took a matter of weeks. Didn't mean to stir a pot, but thanks, I'll defenitely be keeping you all posted, April's when it all has to be done by. Not sure if I mentioned it above but the recruiter didn't lean in any particular direction whether or not I'd be on in April or not if you know what I mean? So he never said yes or no either way, play it by ear I guess.

Thanks again!

6 months for prints to come back?  Depends on how busy the system is, My prints took 11 month and 19 days. Only to have my file closed due to a very successful recruiting year for the CF.

My application will be re-opened by myself as soon as it can be. 438 days and counting.  Patience is the best skill an applicant can have.

My wish is for SIG OP, and a SIG OP I shall be.

For those of you changing trades "Just to get in" you are ruining the hopes and dreams for others. Please be patient, and wait for YOUR desired trade.. 
Occam said:
I thought it was DPM Secur?

DPM Secur does provide certain checks in respect of basic screening.  They may require fingerprints to do them.  Paper is the slow way.  Digital is the fast way, but not available everywhere.  Sending them fingerprints they didn't ask for messes everything up.
Ouch Carter, hope you get in your trade soon man, that's tough; but I wouldn't be suprised to see something like that happen to myself, which is why I'm still hanging onto my old job and all that jazz. Good luck man.

I love that Ièm being attacked saying I dont know what Ièm talking about etc I never said I have done a security check for CF which some had a problem with and I clearly stated that I needed to have security checks done for Nav Canada and Firearms Posession and Acquistion Licence and both times they were done by RCMP. I apologize to the poster cause by me just trying to inform him of experience I have had in the past with security checks I apparently have caused a bunch of bickering that has led off topic.
vmalin84 said:
I love that Ièm being attacked saying I dont know what Ièm talking about etc I never said I have done a security check for CF which some had a problem with and I clearly stated that I needed to have security checks done for Nav Canada and Firearms Posession and Acquistion Licence and both times they were done by RCMP. I apologize to the poster cause by me just trying to inform him of experience I have had in the past with security checks I apparently have caused a bunch of bickering that has led off topic.

You are NOT being attacked. You might find yourself being questioned because of the manner in which YOU posted your statements, but attacked? NO!

vmalin84 said:
I love that Ièm being attacked saying I dont know what Ièm talking about etc I never said I have done a security check for CF which some had a problem with and I clearly stated that I needed to have security checks done for Nav Canada and Firearms Posession and Acquistion Licence and both times they were done by RCMP. I apologize to the poster cause by me just trying to inform him of experience I have had in the past with security checks I apparently have caused a bunch of bickering that has led off topic.

You're not being attacked.

You don't know what you're talking about.

We know you've never done a security check for the CF- that was abundantly clear.

Your experiences having security checks done for other federal agencies is a) irrelevant, and b) conveys no certainty that you personally have any idea how they were done.

There is no 'bickering' here. There's you putting your two cents in on something you don't really know about, and there's a few of us calling you on it. Then you get pissy and defensive and call it bickering- but it is not. Despite this, it has not led 'off topic', but in fact has led to accurate informaiton being presented to the original poster as a result of correcting the inaccurate info you've given, particularly your 'as far as I know' comment about how the C.F. gets screening done.

Have I missed anything?
Hello everyone,

My question is wether they take digital finger prints or does it have to be ink and roll.... i talked to the security guy and he said he wasnt sure but he thought they only did ink and roll (Hence why im asking is because he sounded really really unsure)

My reason for asking is because if i have to drive a little further or pay a little more to get these electronic ones done and it cuts my wait time from 9-12 months for ink and roll down to 2-6 weeks then ill do it. The main reason why im asking is because the sargent at the OPP station were i went to get mine done this week asked why i wasnt getting the digital ones because hes done the digital for the military before =/.

I tryed contacting the recruitment office and left a message as im currently working 5:45am-7 or 8 every night so its difficult to ge in contact other then to leave a message and hope they leave a message on my phone.

If anyone has experiance in this matter or anything it would be greatly appreciated, after searching the forums ive seen some people do the electronic finger prints hence my confusion.

Thanks once again guys,


P.S this is for my ERC after they did my record check they told metheres probably another person out there with my name and stuff is comming back with a differnt record then what i have and they need to make clear whos record is whos. ( from  my understanding anyways) so hopfully that clears up any confusion bout what exactly the finger prints are for.
I would imagine either would be fine. A finger print is a finger print, whether it is optic scanned or ink rolled, they will receive the same information after processing by the RCMP.

From a quick google search it appears specific companies offer the digital fingerprinting and police stations themselves use ink. Cost and driving distance would then depend on where you need to go to get it done. So a better question is where are you located and have you done a google search for digital fingerprinting services in your area?
I wouldn't do anything on your own untill you have contacted the CFRC and asked them about it.  If you can't reach the CFRC by phone, do you have an email address for the person you are dealing with or a CFRC email address?  If possible could you talk to your current employer to get a day off so you can goto the CFRC in person?
Fiera said:
I would imagine either would be fine. A finger print is a finger print, whether it is optic scanned or ink rolled, they will receive the same information after processing by the RCMP.

From a quick google search it appears specific companies offer the digital fingerprinting and police stations themselves use ink. Cost and driving distance would then depend on where you need to go to get it done. So a better question is where are you located and have you done a google search for digital fingerprinting services in your area?

Yes after some research last night i found that it will cost about 50 dollers and i can get them done in ottawa or kingston which either way isnt that far for me.

-Skeletor- said:
I wouldn't do anything on your own untill you have contacted the CFRC and asked them about it.  If you can't reach the CFRC by phone, do you have an email address for the person you are dealing with or a CFRC email address?  If possible could you talk to your current employer to get a day off so you can goto the CFRC in person?

I could possibly take the day off but the problem is that i just started the job this week and my roll on the team is fairly important and by me not being there will put a bigger workload on the other guys causing them to have a 1-2 hour longer day which would make me feel bad.

As well i do not have any CFRC email as they havnt given me one so i just gotta keep calling and leaving messages.

Also in my research last night i found this directly from the commisionaires site,

How long will it take for digital fingerprints to be processed by the RCMP?

If the applicant does not have a criminal record and has never been fingerprinted for a criminal offence in Canada, the RCMP will make every effort possible to process the request within 72 hours of receiving the electronic submission. (This means that the RCMP will put the results “in the mail” for mailing back to the applicant or third party within 72 hours.) In view of this, please ensure sufficient time is allowed for receipt of the results in the mail before commencing inquiries about the status of fingerprints. If a criminal record is encountered during the verification process, processing will be increased to 120 days.[/

As i do have a record i am fully expecting to wait the 120 days, hopfully it will be a bit quicker as my record is not big or severe but even if it does take the full 120 days that will be better then waiting 9-12 months just to find out i have to do something els to get threw this all.

From my understanding once this is completed they will send it to any third party agencies that i consent to so im assuming i would have to have it sent to the recruitment centre for documentation as well as whoever they have doing the background/criminal check in ottawa that way everyone that needs a copy of my prints and record have them and can process them a bit quicker.

This is all my understanding so far if anyone has any further advice im all ears,

Thanks again guys,

As you have a record the comparisons will have to be done. This is a labor intensive process and ink and roll is actually preferable to digital as the compression is havoc on the eyes when they are printed off. There is no benefit to doing digital.

I actually do this for a living now. Fingerprint examiners, and identfication specialists and technicians hate digital finger impressions.
The more i read the more i think that it is worth the extra oney as finger prints at the opp only cost 26.50 and these digital ones cost 50. But the cut in time seems worth it.

As well for anyone in my shoes that is reading this and is curious what digital prints are and are in the same boat as me ive attached below some information from the site attached below as well as far as times that was mentioned above in a previous post i made today.

Thanks again guys i truly appreciate all the input


What is digital fingerprinting?

Digital fingerprinting is the electronic capture of a person’s fingerprints via an optical scanner at a capture station. The scanned fingerprints, along with the application details, are then formatted into a standardized electronic package that is attached and emailed, via a secure link, direct to the RCMP’s Canadian Criminal Real Time Information System (CCRTIS).

CCRTIS compares the fingerprint package against the RCMP’s criminal record database. If no record is present, the RCMP will issue a certificate indicating a clear record. If the applicant does have a criminal record this will be indicated in the results.

Will the results of my fingerprints include a transcript?

Yes, fingerprint results will include a transcript. A transcript is a record of the applicant's criminal record and will clearly indicate either a clean record or it will list convictions. The transcript also details the nature of the conviction(s). This transcript is released to the applicant, or it can be released to third parties if the applicant provides consent at the time of fingerprinting.

How are results obtained?

Each applicant’s criminal record verification results can be sent directly to the individual or to a designated third party, such as an employer or immigration or pardons agency. If an applicant is under the age of 18, results must be returned directly to the home address. Please ensure that all the address information for the applicant and third party are ready during the application process.
It doesnt make a difference in your case because you have a record. Serious or not its the same process.

I apologize container i didnt mean to offend by making that second post with the information you must've replyed just as i hit submit haha. I was just putting it out there for people that dont know what digital/electronic fingerprints are. Thanks again
Hi all ! my name is Matthew. First off , thank you for having a forum rich in information , it is a very useful resource !
I applied last July for combat engineers and infantry . Everything is going great , really . I have successfully done my cfat , medic and interview on oct 20th 2015 .
I have been found guilty of a D.U.I back in 2013 , beside that incident , I have never been in trouble with the law.I was taking police foundation at the time of the arrest ..(.103mg , about a beer over the limit)  . Been very open about it during the interview . Late January , I have been asked to provide digital copies of my fingerprints ,
they are required to confirm that the hit when they ran the CPIC is indeed mine . Now the question here , How long should I be expecting before the CFRC gets the results back and hopefully , move on with my application ? I have indeed used the search function , and google searched aswell , I'm taking a long shot here , every post I read , OP gets flamed ..
If you happen to have personal experience but dont want to post public , feel free to PM .
Thank you all and have a nice day !
Necro is about to get real ! System changed from original ink and roll to now digital . On the RCMP website , it says 120 days for civil purposes . Was unable to know if the turn around was the same for military purposes .
Maybe things have changed but since you got found guilty of a criminal offence I doubt that your process will continue past the criminal check they are going to do since it hasnt been much time since you were found guilty. I dont think you will get in with a recent criminal offense conviction I might be wrong though.
being fingerprinted for another government department for FSWEP job. No criminal records. We will see how long this one takes. Maybe it'll help with CF recruitment if they share any info between various government branches. But I doubt it will happen.