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Fingerprints ( merged )

  • Thread starter Thread starter James Wood
  • Start date Start date
I wasn‘t fingerprinted until after I was enrolled and they were issuing me a military ID ...that was pre-September 11 though....things may have changed.
Howdie Fellas...

I seem to have run into a problem.
Hoping some of y‘all may be able to help me out...

I applied for employment (Reg. Force/Infantry@PPCLI) w/the CF back in Feb/2004.

Took about a week to get my summons for the CFAT (all went well) and then scheduled my Phys. Test for the next week (all went even better).
Having given in all the necessary documents, I was told I‘d have to wait about another week for the interview.

That was six weeks ago...

I called once a week, every one of those six weeks, for info on my file‘s status but never got more than a vague mention that I‘d be receiving a call shortly.

Last week, a Cpl from the Recruit. Ctr. called to schedule an appointment. But not for an interview, for fingerprints...

Having completed that process, I asked him how long the rest would take, to which he answered an additional 4 months!

Now I‘m confused...

See, I figured this might have to do w/the fact that I‘d been convicted of a petty misdemeanor for which I‘d yet to receive a pardon. And having been asked about it on the employment form, I had to mention it. But now, regardless of how small the actual offense, that very fact seems to impede my application.

After my CFAT, I was immediately summoned by a Capt. @ the Recruit. Ctr. for a short interview regarding this very offense. In the end, all he asked me to do was provide a court record attesting to the fact that my fine had been paid & that I‘d been cleared of all legal obligations (all that having occured back in 96) w/the rest of the mandatory documentation and assured me all would be well.
That was back in Late March.
During our short interview, the Capt. checked the PPCLI selection dates & noticed it was "closing out" April 4th, effectively cancelling my chances to make it in time. He then suggested a change of career or that I wait til Sept.
I chose to wait...
But now, w/these newest delays, it seems even Sept. would be to soon...

Anyway, here‘s what I‘m asking guys:
Anyone else been fingerprinted?
How long were your sec. checks?
Anyone else apply w/"legal baggage"?
Anyone else apply for PPCLI, hoping to make BT by Fall?
Anyone got ANY info for me??
Any ideas as to whom to talk/write to?

I‘m dying out here guys =)
I really need help!
Thanx a bunch.

P.S: In case it applies, I‘m situtated in MTL, Quebec. Been dealing w/the Recruit. Ctr Downtown/St. Catherine St. W.
Getting your finger prints checked is not uncommon. If you have a prior conviction, then they are going to take a closer look at you and confirm your identity etc.

If the recruiter is saying it will take 4 months, it can easily take four months. Myself, I am looking at a 3-13 month wait for my secruity clearance as I have been outside the country.

If you do a search of this forum, you will see that many people have applied with previous convictions, some of them quite serious. Some of them still managed to cut through all the red tape and got in despite many obsticles.

I don‘t know what your chances are for making it for the fall.

Almost all applications seem to take a very long time, sounds to me like your application is moving along pretty good. If you don‘t make the fall selection, then you will make it for the next round. Just be patient, keep at it, and you will succeed.

Thanx man...

Been browsing through the posts...
You‘re right, speed‘s not the motto =)

I‘ve also been reading about debts being a "no-no" as far as the Sec. Check goes.
How "heavy" are they really talking here?
A few hundred dollars?
A couple thousands?
Excessive student/bank loans?
Depts are not the problem, it is if your have a credit complaint against you. If you do, there are some posts that show how to handle that situation.
I have a $4000 dollar outstanding student loan that was defaulted (by accidental misunderstanding of the repayment terms).

I was required to prove that I was making payments to the collection agency, and when I did it became a non issue and my file was moved forward to the next step.

Plus "how heavy" depends on the induviduals circumstances.
Some debts can be easily explained without bringing a persons character under suspicion (even in the tens of thousands of dollars).
However, if you have a house full of furniture, a car, and 3 major credit cards that you refuse to make payments on, then it‘s going to indicate that you‘re not very trust worthy.
Nah, Nothing like that...
Couple hundred bucks w/Bell...
Been there a while though, hehe.

Still, nothing severe...

Thanx for the knowledge

"Anyone else been fingerprinted?
How long were your sec. checks?"

Given the nature of fingerprints and
shared electronic informations systems
betweem the military, CSIS, Transport
Canada, and police forces, recruits
and everyone in the Forces eventually
will be fingerprinted.

If you have "legal baggage", your finger
prints may be taken as a matter of procedure
during the application process. During the initial verification, the fingerprints
will be compared to other databases as well
as other information to see if you meet
entry requirements.

If you meet a certain level of security
criteria, your status is pasted on to the
next stage.

Once you are offered a job, regular or reserve,
and you accept, your security file will be
updated further as you continue through BMQ.

At the training or gaining unit, your security clearance will likely have to be upgraded again
to meet a level for you MOC. To get a Level 1, 2, or 3 clearance, everyone has their fingerprints taken.

Fingerprinting is a routine procedure so don‘t worry about it.
Sounds kosher, Bert...
To be expected...

What about these additional sec. clearances, any delays to be expected with those?
Or are they routines for every recruit?

You also stated: "Once you are offered a job, regular or reserve"
Is there a possibility to be offered a Reservist‘s position even if I applied for Reg.?
Recruiters never said nothing bout that...
They are not additional security clearances. Your clearance evolves to what is specified in your MOC and employment locations.

No matter what, it takes time to process a security clearance. The higher the level, the
more time. The more stuff you‘ve done in your life (an 18 year old compared to a 35 year old)
and the nature of the stuff, the more information that has to be checked and itemized.

Every member goes through a security clearence process and information is gathered from time
to time. Its normal.

Given the information in your CF application, the Canadian Forces will offer you a job (likely the
1st, 2nd, or 3rd MOC choice) near to the end of the application process. With any job offer, you have the right to accept it or say "no thanks"
and exit the process if you have second thoughts.

Generally, the recruit goes thru a limited security procedure during the application process.
If the recruit-candidate decides not wish to continue with a career in the Forces, then his application and security process is stopped.

If the recruit continues into BMQ, then the security process continues and the recruit should
have a level by the time he/she leaves the course.

Each MOC or job in the Forces, Regular or
Reserve, has the member working in secure environments, using various equipment, working
in special locations, that may require higher or
more extensive security levels.

The gaining unit or the training unit will continue to update the member‘s security clearence to the level the MOC and location specify.

If you know someone working in the govenment, the
process is similar.
Choppy, I had to have fingerprints taken for a prior offence as well. I applied in may of 2003 and had my prints taken in June, told it could take six months to get them back. I waited that entire time to be called when they came back, I figured it would most likely take the the full six months.

Dont wait  that long, I would call at least once a month to find out if they were back, mine took 4 months but I waited till the six months were up to call, needless to say had I called earlier my file would have moved a little quicker or at least I would have been able to schedule my next steps.

You should have no problems once your fingerprints come back though. Since you record is from a while back they will talk to you about it and thats all. I'm in the same boat as you except that my criminal record is from only two years ago and because of what it is for I have to wait until next you before I can get in. So as everyone else has been saying just keep on calling and they'll get back to you eventually.

Thanx a bunch for all the input guys!
Makes it all sound pretty good...

Good luck to each & every one of you w/your applications/careers. You guys've lightened the load somewhat =)
Much appreciated, much appreciated!
Hi all,for security check I submitted a form in Jan. 2004. My security check is not complete yet. They did not take my finger prints.

My question is do they take finger prints from everybody ???  In the beginning of recruitment process OR at the end when they offer employment ???
they don't take the finger print except u have criminal record.
They will probably take your fingerprints during basic.  For us, it was at the same time that they took our ID card photos.  That might just be an officer thing though, I'm not sure.
they don't take the finger print except u have criminal record.
Not quite true. They will also take your prints if you have a common name. Any reason where they want to confirm your identity.

Did you fill out the long security form? if not, it seems like a long time. Have you been in contact with CFRC?

Ive read a couple of older threads on the issue, but I was wondering if anyone has any recent experience with the fingerprinting wait times?

I submitted mine the first week of October and completed my CFAT medical and interview the next week.

Now the only thing in my way is this wait time.

anyone with more current experience that could let me know would be appreciated

Pure curiosity... why were you required to provide fingerprints?
I was never required?