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FIFA World Cup 2010

Luke O

Jr. Member
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So, is anybody following the world cup?

I've been watching a few of the games and it's from pretty good stuff.

Just thought I'd create a thread to talk about and discuss it.
I have the luxury of being unemployed in the 3 weeks left leading up to BMQ so needless to say im watching every game! (still training daily tho  :P)  And yes its been very exciting to watch thus far and its only group play! Can't wait to see what the bracket looks like come the round of 16.


oh yes mate not missed a match booked leave to cove me from the 11th June to the 1st July happy days as they say..

And for England Fans just heard this on the BBC NEWS

All future England matches have been moved to the Gay Adult channel. Apparently the sight of eleven arse hole's getting hammered frequently for 90 minute's has been deemed too explicit for ITV and BBC .    :piper:

Come on Brazil 
CorndogUK said:
oh yes mate not missed a match booked leave to cove me from the 11th June to the 1st July happy days as they say..

And for England Fans just heard this on the BBC NEWS

All future England matches have been moved to the Gay Adult channel. Apparently the sight of eleven arse hole's getting hammered frequently for 90 minute's has been deemed too explicit for ITV and BBC .    :piper:

Come on Brazil

haha ouch.  I'm hoping Portugal gets it done.
CorndogUK said:
All future England matches have been moved to the Gay Adult channel. Apparently the sight of eleven arse hole's getting hammered frequently for 90 minute's has been deemed too explicit for ITV and BBC .    :piper:

sadly enough i can't argue with you on that one....hopefully they can beat Slovenia...  :-\ or ill be burying my head in the sand for the duration of the remaining tournament.
Luke O said:
haha ouch.  I'm hoping Portugal gets it done.

7-0  some result, now see if Spain can produce the goods 2 night...I have them to win it. I've £50 on them
CorndogUK said:
7-0  some result, now see if Spain can produce the goods 2 night...I have them to win it. I've £50 on them

Yah, it was quite the game.
Just saw this online:
Fact 1. Brazil won the World Cup in 1994. Before that they had also won it
in 1970. Add these two years and you get 3964 (1994+1970 = 3964).

Fact 2. Argentina won its last World Cup in 1986. Before that they had
also won it in 1978. Add these two years and you get 3964 (1986+1978 =

Fact 3. Germany won its last World Cup in 1990. Before that they had also
won it in 1974. Add these two years and you get 3964 (1990+1974 = 3964).

Fact 4. Brazil also won its World Cup in 2002. Before that they had also
won it in 1962. Add these two years and you get 3964 (2002+1962 = 3964).

Conclusion = This year is 2010 & 3964 - 2010 = 1954. So, country that won
in 1954 will win this world cup (2010+1954 = 3964). The country that won
in 1954 was Germany. Hence, by this logic of numerology, this World Cup
will go to Germany.

Let us wait & see if this logic turns true - interesting. isn’t it..??

Interesting.  Thought I'd share this.

Just in case people think that "It was the West Germans who won in 1954", well, technically, it was the Federal Republic of Germany that won.  Same country that is at the semi-finals today.
BWAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!!!!  Auf wiener schnitzel, Fritz!  BWAHAHAHAHAAA!!!
Ladies and gentlemen, just as the octopus called it - again....
German football fans should brace themselves for disappointment in Wednesday's World Cup semifinal against Spain, according to the latest prediction of an octopus with a knack for picking winners.

Paul the octopus, a psychic cephalopod at Sea Life in Oberhausen, western Germany, has become a World Cup phenomenon after correctly predicting the victors in all five of Germany's matches so far. Tuesday's ceremony was carried live on German television.

Sea Life staff help Paul make his prediction by lowering two boxes of food into his tank, one carrying a German flag and the other bearing that of their opponents. The case he opens first is adjudged to be his predicted winner.

The octopus correctly picked that coach Joachim Low's side would beat Ghana and Australia in the group stages -- but also outwitted most professional pundits by predicting Germany's shock 1-0 defeat by Serbia.

In the knockout stages Paul tipped Germany to beat both England and Argentina.

But the cephalopod drew cries of despair from assembled watchers Tuesday when, after initially lingering over the box for the German flag, he plumped for the Spanish flag instead ....
Jumpin' up and down on streetcars on College St. They had to cut power on the Carleton, Dundas, and Bathurst lines. Looked like about 50 guys on top of some of the streetcars. You don't see that everyday.
mariomike said:
Jumpin' up and down on streetcars on College St. They had to cut power on the Carleton, Dundas, and Bathurst lines. Looked like about 50 guys on top of some of the streetcars. You don't see that everyday.
Not since the G-20, anyway  >:D
Congrats to Spain!  :salute:
Technoviking said:
Not since the G-20, anyway  >:D
Congrats to Spain!  :salute:

Yes! It's been about two weeks since I saw that!
Viva Espana!
The octopus was right!

mariomike said:
The octopus was right!

Yes, should have sided with his choice.  I was voting for the Netherlands, but didn't really care one way or the other.  Spain deserved to win, they played much better.
Post at Unambiguously Ambidextrous (with a swipe at Saunders of Eurabia at the end, and historical Predates):

World Cup final: Orange turns yellow, royal blue wins

Dutch win card game 10-5 (only 40 in all previous cup finals, one red too for the Orange), lose match...


World Cup beats Stanley Cup in Canada

National Post:
"G20 protesters have got nothing on Spanish soccer fans, it would seem, as thousands took to Toronto streets to celebrate Spain’s first-time World Cup win."
More pics. Check out the guy doing a Tarzan on the electric wires!
