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Favourite War Movies

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I know the answer by heart - "The Immortal Battalion." One of the truly great war films, along with these:

Battleground & The Story of GI Joe.

Thanks.  Have never seen the Story of GI Joe but  thanks for mentioning Battleground which.harkens memories of Red Ball Express and Darby's Rangers and one about the Japanese-American regiment that fought in Italy & France.  Don't remeber the name of that one either but like Battleground I think it starred Van Johnson.
Red 6 said:
I know the answer by heart - "The Immortal Battalion."

I enter that into the search, and I get "The Way Ahead".


Same movie?
"The Immortal Battalion" and "The Way Ahead" are essentially the same film.

The latter was the version released in the UK; the former was edited and then distributed in the US. The major difference that I recall was the handling of the story of a member of the platoon, whose wife was having an affair. In the original, the solider went AWOL and his platoon commander (David Niven) and platoon sergeant tracked him down and then brought him back after they stood guard while he beat the crap out of his wife's boy friend. They then went to bat for him and were able to get his time in the digger reduced because of the circumstances. Perhaps because of Hollywood's moral censorship, the incident did not appear in the US version.
Danjanou said:
You know I don't think I've ever seen the words "sunny" and "Grafenwoehr" used in the same sentence before?  ;D

Graf, the only place in the world where you can be up to your ass in mud, yet still have to wipe wind driven sand and grit out of your eyes!

Does anyone remember a movie, starring Glen Ford, set during the Ardennes offensive. He plays the part of a Sergeant who masquerades as a General (?) to rally a shattered unit and hold up the German advance. It was a comedy/drama. Can't remember the name of it and haven't seen it in years.
Ok I went through the IMBD data base on Glenn Ford and can’t find anything that matches this plot/character?

Go For Broke (1951) was the movie based on the real life exploits of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team formed from Japanese Americans. IIRC the real 442 RCT was one of the most decorated units in the army and their nickname was the “Purple Heart Bn.”

Van Johnson was the big name star in this one.

Some interesting bits of triva in IMBD on this movie.

ExSarge said:
... movie, starring Glen Ford... plays the part of a Sergeant who masquerades as a General ...
Imitation General  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0051767/
Hale said:
I reckon Red's right with Sahara, although i could have sworn it was a HELL of a lot more recent, maybe a recent version? Desert tigers sounds good though! I reckon i'll look that one up.

It appears you were right Hale. It turns out there was remake of Sahara made in 1995 in Australia with James Belushi in the Bogart role of Sgt Joe Gunn.

Haha! I knew there were Australian involved. Thanks heaps for that mate, i'm going to look it up as soon as i get home. Cheers,
von Garvin said:
There was a Star Trek (The Original Generation) episode based on that.  It was the one where the Romulans first had their cloaking device (they were the Germans, I guess) and the Enterprise tried to blindly fire at it (depth charges) and Kirk was being obsessed with its destruction.

The episode was called "Balance of Terror".  Imitation is the sincerst form of flattery.

Nice to see "No Man's Land" mentioned a couple of times waaay back (around page three).  That movie showed how f**cked up the Balkans were "back in the day".

I was surprised that it took about 20 pages before "Master and Commander" made the grade.  Although I'm not a big fan of Russel Crowe, I thought it was an excellent film.
Master and Commander is truly a great movie. I just finished rewatching it.
While we are talking about wooden ships & iron men there is also:

Mutiny on the Bounty with Trevor Howard & Marlon Brando,
The Bounty with Anthony Hopkins &  Mel Gibson.
Damn the Defiant with Alec Guinness & Dirk Bogarde
Captain Horatio Hornblower RN with Gregory Peck
I just watched The Bounty on Encore and it's truly an outstanding film. Well worth hunting down.
uncommon valor and behind enemy line's , excellent movie's no drama straight to the point fact's of true sacrificejust between the grunt's.
Does anybody remember "Sniper" with Tom Berenger and Billy Zane? From what I remember it was pretty good.
" Sniper " was an exceelent movie and the second one wasn't to bad either but number three was terrible.typical Hollywood money grab on the sequel train.
I had no clue there was a sequel and then some.

I've been waiting to order 'Stalingrad' - a German movie about... Stalingrad!