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Family Member inqiring about Training


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My common law partner was sent to Bordon for Basic Training on Jan 14th. He is going in for Signal Operations. The sheet of paper on the job description provided by the recruiting office said that he goes for basic training then soldiers qualifications and then signal's operations training and then on the job training. He has not been told if he gets to come home in between training sessions, does anyone know if he will be able to? Is soldiers qualification as hard as basic training ? Will he have weekends of during this time? Sorry for all the questions I am super organized and plan things in advance not knowing anything is driving me bonkers.
Lovebug3168 said:
Sorry for all the questions I am super organized and plan things in advance not knowing anything is driving me bonkers.

Unfortunatly this will be "the way of life" from now on ... I rarely know when/what/where my husband will be going/doing very far in advance. His unit is on 24 hrs notice to move at all times, so if he has to deploy I may not ever now until 2 days before. (Though this doesn't happen often.)

"Not knowing" is an unfortuante part of being a military spouse - trust me though - you will get used to it, and It should get easier.

Go to "the Home Front" and the "Training" parts of the forum and you will be able to learn a lot,.... though Muffin's premise still stands.
Lovebug3168 said:
... I am super organized and plan things in advance not knowing anything is driving me bonkers.
This is an essential quality for a the spouse of a member of the Military, keep it up !!
Unfortunately, "not knowing anything", which should actually read "not knowing everything"  ;) is the nature of the beast... but most people get used to it. We don't always like it, but we tolerate it...  8)
Thanks for all your help.  One more question will SQ training be as stressful on him as BT? Will they have the same kind of schedule? Up at 5:30 to bed at 11pm?
Last question, i hope.. Valentine's Day is coming up, am I able to send him a package of goodies or will they just take it and eat it on him?
They will not take his mail - that is a federal offence. My hubby is on PLQ in Borden right now and he has always received the pacakges/mail we have sent.

Thanks, I am glad I will definatly send him something. then. thanks for your help.

My man is done his basic training March 30th in Borden, Ontario. Does anyone know when the SQ course starts?And if you know where it might be. Please advise if anyone knows. :warstory: