Hi all,
I haven't been able to find the exact answer to this question in my searching of the forums so I am assuming that this topic is as good a place to ask it as any.
I am married with a family and own a house (or at least the bank does!) presently. I understand that as a 'raw recruit' the rate of pay (as per the CF website) is $2806/month, which equates to approximately $1500 net for someone in my position. Obviously this is about half what am I making now and I understand that while at BMQ/Land Course we will have to dip into our savings to cover our shortfall.
In the interests of making a short story long, my questions are these.
The CF website lists the 'starting salary for a fully trained (insert trade name here) is $49440'
(or, $4120/month.. Private Pay Level 1, Pay Increment 3 see here: http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/caf-community-pay/reg-force-ncm-class-c-rates.page?)
Would you be at this rate upon the completion of your MOC?
Using myself as an example, one of the trades I have applied for Supply Tech; a 70-day course at CFB Borden.
Similarly, I have also applied for ACISS, an 18-week trade training period in Kingston... would I be considered 'fully trained' (pay increment 3) at the completion of my trade training?
Also, do you remain at the pay increment 1 the entire time you are doing your trade training, or do you get moved up to Pay Increment 2 ($3430/month) after you complete your BMQ and get sent to your MOC?
I apologize if these specific questions have been answered in other threads, I couldn't find it if they were. These might be questions better asked of my recruiter but I thought I would pursue the combined wisdom of the group here.
I know (as with any career change) you have to start at the bottom and work your way up... just trying to get a sense of how I/we will need to budget if I am fortunate to be offered a position with the CF.
Thanks everyone for your time in reading this.