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Entering the CF and YOUR Money....

maxwel_fredrick said:
Say you are a single male, no kids, no house, no student loans, no credit debt, no cable/internet/power/hydro bills, living in a Army base, working all the time as a full-time Infantry solider...

I've read that starting wage is $49,000 per year.

Other than savings, what does the average CF Infantry soldier spend his money on?

The average infantry soldier has cable and internet. 
maxwel_fredrick said:
Other than savings, what does the average CF Infantry soldier spend his money on?

This advice seems to apply to all trades.

" As for what you can spend you money on, more like what can't you spend your money on. Eating out when you're sick of food on base, movies, a car, taxi fare to get you to the bar and back, on a gf/bf, clothes, books.....the list is endless. However, if you are serious in having a goal for your money, then spend and save wisely.  Just don't go completely without.  Enjoy some treats, or you'll go nuts. "
Reply #2
maxwel-fredrick, not sure where you got the starting wage as 49k, the starting wage for a Pte is actually around 33k, 49k is the third pay incentive or after your second anniversary in the Forces. I suggest you try looking at forces.ca under pay scales, Regular Force and Class C. (finding the right table can be somewhat convoluted) I would also think that the average person spends the majority of their income on living expenses, and don't forget that normal deductions will take a large chunk of the wage.

maxwel_fredrick said:
Other than savings, what does the average CF Infantry soldier spend his money on?

:whistle: Liquor and whores....liquor and whores....
Military members pay CPP and EI: 4.95% and 1.88% of gross pay, respectively, up to the contribution limits ($51K and $47K).

CF Pension contributions: 6.85% of earnings up to the CPP maximum, 9.2% on earnings above the CPP maximum.  These rates will rise to 8.15% and 10.4% by 2015.

Thus, on your first $50K (or so) you'll pay 13.68% in pension and EI contributions, plus income tax on top of that.
Scott said:
:whistle: Liquor and whores....liquor and whores....

Cigarettes and dope and mustard and Bologna.....

Come on guys it doesn't take rocket appliances to get this reference.
Scott said:
:whistle: Liquor and whores....liquor and whores....

.... Cigarettes, and dope, and mustard and bologna, liquor and whores!!

Sorry, I read that and couldn't help thinking of Bubbles!!
RectorCR said:
Cigarettes and dope and mustard and Bologna.....

Come on guys it doesn't take rocket appliances to get this reference.

Just saw your post; i guess great minds think alike :)  :goodpost:

I’ve combed this thread and others, along with the forces site and web trying to find some current info on pay scales and deductions. While there is plenty of info out there I would like some current information. I’m going for REG forces NCM. I have the following questions:

What are the current deduction amounts while at BMQ? Are those same deductions going to continue throughout your career assuming you’re living “on base” whether it be training, posting or deployment? I did review this with the recruiter but that was last year and I don’t remember if there was a separation allowance given (which I believe is no longer offered to married members?). I don’t need the breakdown of what they are, just a net figure either before or after income tax would be great! I seem to remember it being about $1400/month after income tax and deductions. When you’re assigned to a posting (after training) I’m assuming if you live off base the deductions of room and board are removed?

Are the pay increments for PTE scheduled or based on merit? http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/caf-community-pay/reg-force-ncm-class-c-rates.page . If scheduled, when can you expect to reach Pay Increment 2 and 3? I’ve read that the increases in your current rank happen annually and I understand further promotion to Cpl is based on merit. Can someone please confirm this?

I’m going for AESOP or ACOP which based on the following link http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/caf-community-pay/specialist-pay-reg-force-ncm-mosids.page requires a rank of Cpl. I’ve read that in most cases a Pte won’t reach Corporal until year 4. Does this mean I won’t get to do the trade until year 4? Or are you in some sort of a “mentorship” program for a while after you’ve completed your basic and trade specific training? Anyone who has done, or is currently in this trade would be great to hear from.

I understand that speaking with the recruiter is the best way to get specific answers, however the closest recruiter is a 5 hour drive and contacting them via phone or email is difficult with more relevant questions regarding the application process. I can only imagine the response time and interest level of a recruiter for these questions, given that I’m not even merit listed yet. They’ve got a huge work load and I understand that. I’ll confirm all this with the recruiter when the time comes but any insight would be great at this time.

I also understand that some of this information has been addressed in previous posts, but policies change and some current info would be preferred.

Thank you for your time.

This thread seems to have everything you asked WRT to BMQ pay and allowances covered
Does anyone have any tips for someone having to take a pay cut when joining the forces?

I found a few links through google (linked at bottom), but I am looking for some advice and possibly first hand experience. If I become a special little snowflake and am offered a job, my income will be cut nearly in half. I know many people were like me and looking to join the forces having already acquired a mortgage, car payments ect... My saving grace happens to be that I do not have any dependents and am still young.

Also, while I am thinking of it. Can I rent out my condo and still live on base? I would prefer to keep it as a rental in Grande Prairie until I am able to buy a larger house near a base.

Sorry if this is in the wrong spot. I am unsure if I should have started a new thread


Of course you can own a "rental property".  You will, of course, then not be able to claim it as your residence to avoid paying for Rations and Quarters.
And there are no assurances that you will be posted anywhere near Grand Prairie so look for a good property management company in the area.
George Wallace said:
Of course you can own a "rental property".  You will, of course, then not be able to claim it as your residence to avoid paying for Rations and Quarters.

Ahh no... Something tells me that the CF frowns upon people cheating the system

Thanks for clarifying! I got silly information from someone that you cannot live on base if you own property. I would hate to have to sell and lose what may be one the best decisions I have ever made.
Hi all,

I haven't been able to find the exact answer to this question in my searching of the forums so I am assuming that this topic is as good a place to ask it as any.

I am married with a family and own a house (or at least the bank does!) presently. I understand that as a 'raw recruit' the rate of pay (as per the CF website) is $2806/month, which equates to approximately $1500 net for someone in my position. Obviously this is about half what am I making now and I understand that while at BMQ/Land Course we will have to dip into our savings to cover our shortfall.

In the interests of making a short story long, my questions are these.

The CF website lists the 'starting salary for a fully trained (insert trade name here) is $49440'
(or, $4120/month..  Private Pay Level 1, Pay Increment 3 see here: http://www.forces.gc.ca/en/caf-community-pay/reg-force-ncm-class-c-rates.page?)

Would you be at this rate upon the completion of your MOC?

Using myself as an example, one of the trades I have applied for Supply Tech; a 70-day course at CFB Borden.
Similarly, I have also applied for ACISS, an 18-week trade training period in Kingston... would I be considered 'fully trained' (pay increment 3) at the completion of my trade training?

Also, do you remain at the pay increment 1 the entire time you are doing your trade training, or do you get moved up to Pay Increment 2 ($3430/month) after you complete your BMQ and get sent to your MOC?

I apologize if these specific questions have been answered in other threads, I couldn't find it if they were. These might be questions better asked of my recruiter but I thought I would pursue the combined wisdom of the group here.

I know (as with any career change) you have to start at the bottom and work your way up... just trying to get a sense of how I/we will need to budget if I am fortunate to be offered a position with the CF.

Thanks everyone for your time in reading this.
You start off at "Pay Increment 1" on enrolment.  One year later, you go to "PI 2" and two years after enrolment "PI 3".  Then no more increases until you are promoted to Cpl.

The website provides a very "bad" example and information that can be misinterpreted rather easily.
DAA said:
You start off at "Pay Increment 1" on enrolment.  One year later, you go to "PI 2" and two years after enrolment "PI 3".  Then no more increases until you are promoted to Cpl.

The website provides a very "bad" example and information that can be misinterpreted rather easily.

I was wondering, do you know what is the basis for the promotion to Cpl. ?
Generally 4 years time in, excluding trade specific advanced promotions, or skilled entry plans. 

But that's not written in stone either.  It's up to your chain of command, and your own motivation/lack of.  Meaning you can be promoted before 4 years if your chain of command thinks you deserve it.  Or you can serve longer than 4 years and not get promoted to corporal if they see you as a bag of spent casings.
cele-am said:
I was wondering, do you know what is the basis for the promotion to Cpl. ?


You have enrolled as a DEO CELE officer.  Why you are concerned about pay increases and promotions to Cpl is confusing.  Perhaps it is time for you to do more READING and research to better inform yourself.  So far, all the questions you have asked, have been answered hundreds of times already.  As an aspiring officer, perhaps you should get more familiar with research tools available to you.