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Enrollment / Swearing In Ceremony [MERGED]

  • Thread starter Thread starter JDG
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MGB, it went not too bad, we ad one there that missed it all, was the third time they booked it on her, there were 8 of u i beleive. about 2.75 hours for the paper work then 30 minutes for the affirmation. my suggestion is never bring small children to something like that, lots of interruption there.
Here's a question....

Does anyone know at what point we begin running when we start BMQ? I know we do our testing (pushups, situps, beep test, grip, etc) in the first week, but when do we actually start daily PT?

I'm asking because I hurt my leg a while back and it's still healing a bit. I'm pretty sure it's a stress fracture.

Hopefully it has a chance to heal good before we start doing a lot of PT. If I end up having to be recoursed because of it I'm going to be severely sad-faced :(
Wow  feetfirstintoheck- I'm really sorry to hear that. Did you inform your file manager of this injury? I would strongly suggest that you seek guidance through official channels. It would be terrible if you injured yourself by pushing too soon.

To answer your question - I was told that PT and running (up to 5k) start during the first week.
feetfirstintoheck said:
Here's a question....

Does anyone know at what point we begin running when we start BMQ? I know we do our testing (pushups, situps, beep test, grip, etc) in the first week, but when do we actually start daily PT?

I'm asking because I hurt my leg a while back and it's still healing a bit. I'm pretty sure it's a stress fracture.

Hopefully it has a chance to heal good before we start doing a lot of PT. If I end up having to be recoursed because of it I'm going to be severely sad-faced :(

From the Basic Up episodes, recruits started running from week 1.

I hope you recover soon. Good luck!
MGB said:
Wow  feetfirstintoheck- I'm really sorry to hear that. Did you inform your file manager of this injury? I would strongly suggest that you seek guidance through official channels. It would be terrible if you injured yourself by pushing too soon.

To answer your question - I was told that PT and running (up to 5k) start during the first week.

I haven't mentioned anything to anyone yet. It was bothering me a while back, then I went on vacation to the east coast for 3 weeks and didn't run the whole time. It was feeling great until I came back home and started running again. Within a week it was hurting again and still hasn't totally subsided. I haven't done a whole lot of running in my life up until recently and I think I just pushed it too far too fast.

I've been babying my leg and taking calcium supplements, hoping to speed up the bone recovery if it is a fracture and hopefully I'll be good to go by the time we start PT.
I just figured out something horrible 

I'm only 18 and my birthday is December 12 so if most of us start on September 7th I wont be 19 till after grad which isn't the problem.

The problem is the drinking age is Ontario is 19. So I cannot drink with my buddies on weekend passed and after grad 

I thought I was going to go to St. Jean in Quebec with has a drinking age of 18 which would of worked out great. and only now did it click into my head that Borden is in Ontario .

P.S. I don't drink often I could say I drink rarely but it would of been nice if I could of celebrated with my Buds at the bar.

LOL... I'm going reserve Artillery this Fall. Our DP1 course will be run in Summer 2011, more than likely it will actually be held in Michigan. Just think about all the poor souls who I'll be on course with who wont be 21, and getting their cap badge to boot!
Bluebulldog said:
I just figured out something horrible 

I'm only 18 and my birthday is December 12 so if most of us start on September 7th I wont be 19 till after grad which isn't the problem.

LOL... I'm going reserve Artillery this Fall. Our DP1 course will be run in Summer 2011, more than likely it will actually be held in Michigan. Just think about all the poor souls who I'll be on course with who wont be 21, and getting their cap badge to boot!

You as well. 
:army: First of all ... just because you're not of age to drink in ontario, doesn't mean you won't be havin a blast with them in Barrie, at hotels etc.  I spent my
BMQ at Borden and it was a blast. "BRITAIN BOY" for Life lol  :salute:

You will have many experiences in BMQ that will make memories last!! Just don't get caught up in the booze too much. It's very easy. Now I'm posted in
Gagetown at RCAS awaiting my DP1 Course. Been on Pat Platoon for 6 months and starting course in a month. Once you're a qualified gunner or sapper
or whatever, you will be one happy lad!  Just make sure you pay attention and study lots. It will serve you better!! Enjoy your experience! :yellow:

"Ubique" - "Quo fas et Gloria Ducunt"

feetfirstintoheck said:
Here's a question....

Does anyone know at what point we begin running when we start BMQ? I know we do our testing (pushups, situps, beep test, grip, etc) in the first week, but when do we actually start daily PT?

I'm asking because I hurt my leg a while back and it's still healing a bit. I'm pretty sure it's a stress fracture.

Hopefully it has a chance to heal good before we start doing a lot of PT. If I end up having to be recoursed because of it I'm going to be severely sad-faced :(
I am in a very similar situation. Although I doubt it's related with bones. Stress fractures are localized but in my case I can feel the pain if I press in my anterior shins on both legs all the way along the shin muscles.
For the last few months I've tried everything: running every day, getting proper shoes, running on stadium track instead of pavement, running every 2 days, running every 3 days, taking a week off running, doing shin exercises and it seems to have gotten better but I can still feel it come back each time after running. More than likely it has something to do with my terrible nutrition.
I am able to run 5.5, and I'll probably be able to run level 6 by the 7th, but to be honest the idea of having some extra preparation time and professional training before BMQ seems much more appealing to me than meeting the bare minimum standard for BMQ and hurting my legs on the very first week.
If not for my legs problem, it would never become bottleneck of running for me and I am certain that by now I would be running like level 7 or 8 at least because if my legs were fine, I could run every single day and I wouldn't have to stop early because of the pain.
Let me get this straight?

5 May 2010 you posted:
Manticure said:
« Reply #35 on: May 05, 2010, 18:58:34 »
I am not setting up for a failure at all, I've been preparing for basic training ever since last September or so, although sometimes I don't go on runs for weeks because of bad weather or being too exhausted from work.
And I can't discount the possibility that even after all the preparation for it and the right attitude, I might still fail because of my aerobic fitness.
Don't get me wrong, military is gonna be my lifetime career and I am doing everything possible to do my best at it. If it was that simple I wouldn't have even a slightest doubt about passing it.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2010, 20:14:40 by Manticure »
So you have been planning for potential failure for four months.
Manticure said:
At this point we can't really do much. The only thing I could say is, if you are able to pass the level 6 of the shuttle test, it may be a good idea not to pass it on purpose and go to WPC (RFT) for a few weeks to give your legs a more gradual increase in running, and perhaps some advice from instructors there on how to fix your legs problem. If you go straight to BMQ, then as people say here, you'll be running up to 5km and such a sudden increase will make a high chance of hurting your legs again.

You have enrolled in the CF and subject to the code of service discipline. Tonight's post indicates that you are counselling to other member's, a potential  action that would mean they would not be performing a skills test, on course that is not up to their fullest ability.
From a member of the NRTD staff, I would not recommend anyone counsel people to not do the best they can with regards to the Expres Test.  This will take place approximately the 3 day of the course.  If you do not meet the minimum requirement, which is dependent upon age, etc, you will be released from the service and returned to home location.  Not all individuals are forwarded to St Jean to the Warrior platoon any more.  Also as a reminder for those who are currently injured and have not reported the condition, I must remind you that the Canadian Forces Policy regarding Ethics covers such things as honesty, integrity, loyalty, etc, which is covered in DAOD 7023 (http://www.admfincs.forces.gc.ca/dao-doa/7000/tc-tm-7023-eng.asp) and that with this DAOD, administrative action, IAW QR&O 15.01, can be taken against an individual. To consul someone to mislead on their health and physical capabilities is unethical, and can be released under Item 1D - fraudulent statement on enrolment (http://www.admfincs-smafinsm.forces.gc.ca/qro-orf/vol-01/doc/chapter-chapitre-015.pdf) or under Item 5E, Irregular enrolment.
What is the best thing for me to do? I can't really say I have an injury as my legs are fine. I only get pain sometimes after running for 5-10 minutes. Should I report this to a recruiter anyway? And what will happen if they do see it as an injury?
This is a really grey situation. Some people and doctors recommended me to completely stop running for several weeks until I don't get any pain any more. Others tell me to continue running but make sure I don't run if it starts to hurt again. That's what I've been doing. What else is there I  can do.
And I don't expect a failure. I am merely being realistic: I anticipate the worst but I do my best. I believe that if you are always just positive and never anticipate anything worse, then once eventually the worst happens, you will not be prepared, you will not know what to do and fail.
But yeah, I realize now that was a stupid thing I said about passing the fitness test. I should just give my 100% and let the experienced PT staff decide what to do with me.
Have you taken personal responsibility, regarding your concerns about your health and future career, when you throw your hands up and ask "What should I do?"

Rereading this thread and facebook, you are the third person who has mentioned a real concern over a potential medical issue.

To date, of the three people who come to an unofficial website for answers from stranger's, only kkramar has faced things head on by informing his CFRC his concerns. Yes, as a result of this, he has been informed that his BMQ date will be delayed due to their concerns about him. His health comes first and he will have the greatest potential for a longer, healthier career by doing so.

I respect him for making that difficult decision.
I just recently got the call saying my course got deferred because of runners knee.... They conveniently called and told me the day after my last day at work. Even though they had the file for over a week. So now I have to get reassessed on my medical and get on a short list for open spots, or wait till January..... It kinda sucks...
Bluebulldog said:
Aha George.....what happens when one assumes? LOL.

I know BMQ and DP1 have an aging affect on many, but it isn't going to add three years to your age in one years time to allow you to drink in Michigan. 
George Wallace said:
I know BMQ and DP1 have an aging affect on many, but it isn't going to add three years to your age in one years time to allow you to drink in Michigan.

Bluebulldog's profile says hes 37......i think hes safe, even in Michigan.
Bluebulldog said:
I just figured out something horrible 

I'm only 18 and my birthday is December 12 so if most of us start on September 7th I wont be 19 till after grad which isn't the problem.

Either he needs to pay attention to detail, learn to type, making false statements,  or he is still eighteen. 
Sorry George, I was quoting an earlier post by the one who started the thread. It didn't come out as a quoted post however.

Yep...I'm 37, and will be hoisting a stein or two when I'm in Michigan next Summer. Assuming of course that our DP1 course still gets run there, but everything so far indicates that that will be the case.
