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Enrollment / Swearing In Ceremony [MERGED]

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I'm sitting here reading this thread to see any new developments for people I'm doing BMQ with in 7 days and I'm getting to the most recent post and I was like how the fuck am I getting pulled  into the convo after posting something several months ago. Then after a little deeper reading I figured it out and It made me giggle a little bit.

P.S. people should learn how to quote properly  ;D
SixFishSticks said:
I'm sitting here reading this thread to see any new developments for people I'm doing BMQ with in 7 days and I'm getting to the most recent post and I was like how the frig am I getting pulled  into the convo after posting something several months ago. Then after a little deeper reading I figured it out and It made me giggle a little bit.

P.S. people should learn how to quote properly  ;D

There...see...old dogs can learn new tricks...LOL!
I started running 2 May's ago.  At first, man oh man, right up into the middle of LAST summer I would have extreme shin pain.  To the point of not being able to walk down the stairs.. and MOST CERTAINLY not being able to run the next day.  I ALSO could produce pain by pressing my fingers onto my shins up and down the shin/bone area.

BUT, thankfully things have changed, and i'll try to add insight on why and how.

-New shoes (I went to a New Balance outlet and they picked a selection of shoes for me to choose from based on what I asked for, I didn't even look at shoes on the wall)

-Orthotic insoles.  They hold my foot up and reduce pronation.  Not much more to add but they have helped BIG TIME.

-When I had pain, I rested, for sometimes up to 3 weeks.  And whenever returning to running, ALWAYS ease in.  I became fed up in late summer of last year, and even though I had run 4km's before.. I re-started my running regimen at 1.2km, 3 times per week.  Each week I would add 1 SINGLE LAP.  Never 2 more.. had to stay the course.  Things overall began to look up for me and my running from this point on.

-Stretching (more stretches and better stretches).  But also sitting  Seiza-style (google it, it will come right up).  It would produce a satisfying click/clack almost pressure reducing sensation in my knees.  I think that has helped with making my knees a little looser and more flexible.  Furthermore, gently pressing down on your achilles heel area while sitting seiza seems to flatten or stretch the front of your shin.  Now, use at your own risk, I would ease into sitting like this.

-Lastly, I think TIME has helped also.  I think FINALLY my legs/shins had developed to a point in which they were used to the pounding of running.  I'm no doctor but I believe over time, and through rest periods, my legs were able to adapt to this new element of my life, frequent running.

So I started running about 15 months ago, and it took about 10 months to get a point where I could run regularly, with decent distances.

With all that being said, sure sometimes after a run I have some discomfort.. but the difference is it's sometimes, not everytime.  And when there is some discomfort, it goes away within 15 mins or half an hour.  Also the discomfort is different, its like fatigue not trauma lol

Well this has been quite the post lol..I'm heading to Borden for Sept 11.  After this post, when we meet on the track or trail at Borden don't expect me to be a Simon Whitfield or anything, i'm not a special runner by any means lolol..  But I have gone through the shin splint BULLCRAP and wanted to just say you're not alone and it can be overcome!
aside from myself, which of us here if any is flying from Calgary on sunday? pm me if u are so i can see if we can get the same shuttle to base
I'm flying from Regina to Toronto at 1030 i'll arrive at 1531 on Sunday. I booked my shuttle but I don't know when its departs
For your sake I hope it gets better. Because since you didn't tell your file manager you could be perma released for medical reasons if they find out it was preexisting. From what I hear at least.

Your post is much like the problem with Facebook and Twitter.......

Expand a bit so people don't have to assume what you're writing about.

      I was sworn in last week at the reserve unit in edmonton, it is a surreal feeling and almost over too quickly to believe it.  take it all in and get ready for one heck of a road!!! :salute:

RTG :cdn:
readytogo said:

      I was sworn in last week at the reserve unit in edmonton, it is a surreal feeling and almost over too quickly to believe it.  take it all in and get ready for one heck of a road!!! :salute:

RTG :cdn:

RTG..What unit are you going into?

I'm being sworn in this week here in Guelph ON.

I am a member of 15 field ambulance in edmonton, im awaiting a course date to start my basic(im being told 2 Oct)  and yourself??

RTG :cdn:
11th Field Regiment RCA ( Arty).

I'm guessing my BMQ will start around the same timeframe as yours.

Going to be busy of the next few weeks drawing kit etc.

After the long wait, it's finally here.

Best of luck on yours.
BMQ will be here in ON. More than likely either Meaford, Borden, or London. I think they'd find it kind of expensive to ship us out to AB every second weekend......LOL
probably true!!!!! good luck to you and hopefully its everything you were hoping for

RTG :cdn:
Thank you. You as well.

However, I've got previous experience, so unfortunately, I'm well aware what I'm in for. ( Glutton for punishment I guess).

Funny. I'm actually in better shape now at 37 than I was when I went in for the first time 16 years ago.....
Into week six, all badged up, done the range and now onto first aid, i wonder how many people will drop this week?
Got called during lunch just now, being sworn in next Tuesday at 6:00pm.
All the nice lady said was 'wear city clothes, no jeans'

Wondering what is acceptable otherwise. I'm not going to wear a suit, but if I wear black chinos, and a black polo shirt, would that be okay? Could I leave it untucked? What about shoes? I don;t own dress shoes at the moment, so, would black Nikes classics be okay? (geez I sound like a dweeb)

Also, thanks everyone for all the information over the last 8 months! I've been reading a lot of posts in anticipation and preparation, and thanks for answering the questions for us newbies.

Its been a long road, but I made it!
Proper Business causal like this would be your best bet:

hantzu said:
Got called during lunch just now, being sworn in next Tuesday at 6:00pm.
All the nice lady said was 'wear city clothes, no jeans'

Wondering what is acceptable otherwise. I'm not going to wear a suit, but if I wear black chinos, and a black polo shirt, would that be okay? Could I leave it untucked? What about shoes? I don;t own dress shoes at the moment, so, would black Nikes classics be okay? (geez I sound like a dweeb)

Also, thanks everyone for all the information over the last 8 months! I've been reading a lot of posts in anticipation and preparation, and thanks for answering the questions for us newbies.

Its been a long road, but I made it!

My advice would be to wear the best clothes you have -- don't buy anything especially for the occasion.  I'd suggest tucking your shirt in.