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Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

  • Thread starter Thread starter geofftheref
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Writing to the Canadian embassy is not going to cut it.. They have more important things to do.. Rules are rules, so you gotta wait..
Thanks for your words.

StormTrooper said:
Writing to the Canadian embassy is not going to cut it.. They have more important things to do.. Rules are rules, so you gotta wait..
I wasn't complaining or trying to bypass the process. Just asking the question. I know that procedure are there to insure we have a secure force.

Anyway, a friend of mine explained to me that embassies are there for consular jobs and politic...

Gosh, I only hope that will only take a few months rather than a year or two, which is really a good way to discourage any candidate. Unless, you plan to join only lather in your career... Note that the pre-evaluation security clearance form states that it can take "a few months up to 2 years (or more)". Like saying we don't know how long at all, hehe.

Hmm, train, read, train, read, hope, and wait for the call is my burden now.
Yeah, but does that whole "landed immigrant to Citizen" process take 5 years? That's a pretty long time...
SilentWolf said:
Yeah, but does that whole "landed immigrant to Citizen" process take 5 years? That's a pretty long time...


To become a Canadian citizen you must:

have lived in Canada for at least three of the four years before applying (amongst other things.)

BTW, it only took me a couple of minutes to Google for that.  Maybe you might want to try that next time.

You are probably better off heading back to USA to join their army.  If the marines doesn't work out how about the U.S. Army?

For a last resort you can always sign up with England military
Since September 11th, all (repeat all) level III sec clear must now undergo the following:

Background check
Reference Check
Work History Check (past supervisors)
Neighbourhood reference check

A full fledged, field investigation will be instantiated by CSIS upon reception of the request from DMP Secur 2. 

A CSIS Intelligence Officer will personally meet with people mentionned in your application.  As I was told, by people of experience, the preferred way of meeting them is by contacting them at work, CSIS employees also work on a 9-5 schedule.

The typical phases for DND sec clear goes as follow:

  • Submit Paperwork (1-2weeks)
  • Paperwork info is entered in system(1-2 weeks)
  • DMP secur 2 verifies entry clerk's work
  • application is triaged and assigned to priority list
  • level III and above are flagged for background investigation request
  • CSIS gets requests from DND and establishes its own priorities
  • Investigation is performed, the more widespread are the travelling and residency physical locations of an applicant, the longer the investigation takes
  • Investigation report is issued to DMP Secur 2
  • DMP Secur 2 acts on CSIS recommendations by 1. issuing the security clearance, or; 2. denying the sec clear and issues a certificate of denial to the investigated subject
  • If granted, DMP secur 2 informs the subject's unit security officer to brief member's on its new security clear
  • A Sec clear certificate is issued to the member, which can be used to access information, on a need to know basis
Throughout this process, depending on the specifics of the sec clear requirements, a personal interview with the subject and other types of tests may be required.  I cannot elaborate on these since they are constantly changing.
No US branch will take me since the DOD has a Service Wide restriction on eyesight. I am currently looking into getting into the Miami Police Dept (my home town) and possibly entering one of their SWAT teams after a few years in. After a few years of that I might be able to land a job for BlackwaterUSA (www.blackwaterusa.com) and do pretty much what I wanted to do in the Armed forces. It'll take a helluva long time though....
SilentWolf, I don't know why the DoD would have a restriction like that, considering the US Army provides laser surgery to its members that want it.
Sorry if this is a dumb question.

Does this mean CSIS comes to interview former neighbors/bosses etc of everyone who is joining the forces?  Or is this just for some higher level of security clearance?
No, they only conduct this kind of in-depth investigation for level 3 clearances, and you only need that for certain MOCs that may handle material which has that classification. So it's not everyone (wow that would take forever!)
Thanks for clearing that up.  I thought that would be a little extreme.
Hey guys,
6 months ago I handed in my enhanced security check because I lived in switzerland for 10 months last year.  I was born in canada and except for this excursion have never been out of country.  They said it was going to be 6-12 months.  I was wondering if anyone has any past experiences for my situation and how long it took for a reply and also if going down and visiting the cfrc a lot makes a diference(I have started calling now).  The recruiter told me I was still processing and thats it.  I was told by someone that these forms are a lot of times not sent back by the foreign country because it is not compulsory to sign and send back these forms to canada, has anyone had this problem?  This almost gave me a heart attack because the army is my dream.  Any help/advice would be welcome.
Thanks guys
The form it self is not sent to the country of interest.  A request is made by Ottawa to the other Sovereign Nation to obtain the information about the applicant (Who is he/she, where did they live, what did they do, what Education do they have and are they criminals).  Certain countries and Canada do not get along, therefore it may take a while for them to process the request (if they even act on it).  Other countries (a certain rather large unnamed one, that made up the largest land mass in the former USSR, comes to mind) do try to cooperate, but do to either piss poor records keeping or a serious breakdown in internal communications have trouble retrieving the information asked of them.  Others (US and Britain) have no trouble tracking this and usually the return happens in about 3-6 months.  Ahhh Bureaucracy at it's best. 8)
Hrmm. In the past two-three years I was in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, England and Ireland. Some of these countries I have only been in for a few days (just driviing through) while others I have been in for months at a time and have made a couple of different trips to. Anyone have experiences like this? I was in all these countries for legitimite reasons, but I know some of them may be viewed as "skecthy"  ::) I passed in my application about 2 mos. ago and graduate from Uni. in June. Any thoughts on whether this may slow down my processing??
  I passed in my application about 2 mos. ago and graduate from Uni. in June. Any thoughts on whether this may slow down my processing??
What security clearance form did you fill out? If they felt you were living in other countries for a long period of time, they will give you a 'long' security form. They did that with me as I was out of the country for over 2 years. It took 8 months for my clearance to come back.

If you did not have to fill out the 'long' security form, from what I recall you should get your clearance in a few weeks. (Not sure the exact time, but it is not nearly as long)

Have you been in contact with the recruiting center since you passed in your application? You should be calling every couple of weeks to check its status.

That's the thing I didn't fill out anything yet. Funny thing is I got a call one week later from someone asking me why I passed in my application when I hadn't yet graquated friom uni. Before all this when I was talking to a recruiter though they said to pass in my application before i graduate  ??? I told them this, then they said oh ok, we'll get back to you then. I called them last week and they said the same thing, it's being processed and we will get back to you  ::) From what I hear on this forum I'm not putting a whole lot of faith in them to be getting back to me anytime soon though.
As long a the form has not filled out, nothing is happening with your file.   CFRC can not complete a ERC on your if they don't have it.   Same with your references.
Something does not sound right. Perhaps they are waiting to do your security sweep after you graduate? How long before that happens?

If I were you I would go talk to these people in person, and figure out what is going on with your file.
i have been waiting since semptember for security clearence, is antbody else waiting or received clearence from cfb borden lately ?