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Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

  • Thread starter Thread starter geofftheref
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ERC results take roughly a working week to get positive results back, thats if everything runs perfectly.

ERC's should be sent the day you completed the CFAT and returned for MCC to review before your interview commences.  If any part of the system is clogged or there are higher priorites to take care of your ERC is put on the back burner for abit.  Once the results are returned, the recruiting centre is still responsible to make sure that information is accurate and then a clerk has to process the results, enter the info and paperwork back into your file.

Now if you've lived outside of Canada during the past 10 years and/or have immediate family members who live over seas you'll in for a long wait.  Pre-secure forms take about 6 months-2years to process!
Hi my security check came back in a little over 2 months (did something stupid years ago) but I was told that was pretty fast considerating the situation. It should'nt take too long ....it will come through. Have you tried calling RC to see what's happening.  :salute:
Yeah, it's weird. I called the Recruiting Centre and they said everything came back a ok, and my file was now off to the unit. So I called the unit and they said they dont have it, but the unit recruiter said he would contact the recruiting centre and call me back. He called me back and said that it was a miscommunication and my security check wasn't back. Then the next day I called the recruiting centre again and they again told me it was all done and someone would be in touch with me tomorrow. Tomorrow came which is today (confused yet?) and no call. I'll call again on Thursday to see whats up. They're giving me the run around!
As they say "Patience is a virtue"

I waited 8 months from when I applied to when I went off to basic and that seemed typical from the people I encountered. Just wait out for now. The wheels of red-tape don't spin as quickly as we'd like in the CF.
PinkPanther said:
ERC's should be sent the day you completed the CFAT and returned for MCC to review before your interview commences.

This is all dependant on the CFRC you deal with and their policies.  I completed my CFAT and then immediately (within 15 minutes) started my interview.  When the ERC came back, along with the credit check, the MCC gave me a phone call with a question about it. 
This month is the two-year anniversary of my DEO MARS application. I lived in the UK for a year in '99 and I had to do a verification of former service, and thus I wait. Shouldn't be too much longer now, though. When I joined at 17 ten years ago it took a month to get in uniform and start basic, mind you that was a reserves application.

Just thought I'd share the details of my application journey...
I read the FAQ and I couldn't find a difinitive answer for this question. Is the credit check apart of the background check?

Reason I ask is, I just called the RC and they said my background check came back OK, now they are just waiting for my medical. So now I wonder if a credit check was completed. I have an outstanding student loan, but have already made arrangements to pay, and I informed the RC of this during my interview.

I just want to know how close I am to getting in, and don't want any surprises delaying my file.
A lot of people have student loans and they joined without a problem. Just be patient, the process takes time. When I joined it took me 8 months from the day I walked into the recruiting centre to the day I left for basic training. Your rainbow will come :)
They just want to know that you are not going to be a financial/administrative burden on them. I was told that even an unpaid parking ticket is enough to raise eyebrows. This may seem far fetched but I got it from the recruiter....believe or not.
Everything is up for discussion with your military career councillor.  If you had some bad debt, tell him/her about what happened and what you are doing about.  Debt is a fact of life.  As long as you are doing something about it maturely, it is not really an issue.  If you just don't feel like dealing with your debt or decided the cops were wrong to give you that ticket so you aren't paying....the MCC is going to scratch their head and starting thinking about your maturity and more importantly how you are dealing with the problem.  You can't just decide not to do stuff in the military so how you handle your own affairs is indicitive of how you will handle yourself in the CF.

Credit check is part of the enhanced reliablity screening.  You sign the form that had all the areas that you had to initial.  If you have some debt issues, best to discuss it when asked in your interview.


ex MCC
depends on the level of security needed... For Enhanced Reliability (ER) then i think it's a simple Background Check, police report, etc. For your Lv 3, it's much more complicated.. MUCH more complicated... CSIS comes a knocking on the doors of your neighbours, takes your friends out for coffee.. they'll know everything!

hope this helps

I hear that in order to join the CF, you need to acquire a level 1 security clearance. I am a US Citizen, and have lived my entire life in the United States. As to why I want to join the CF, that is explained in my previous topic "What are the Lasik policies of the CF".
My question is, as a US citizen who has never really spent any time in Canada, how would they conduct a background check if I have no records in Canada? Do they talk to the US embassy or something? Would that significantly delay the already long application and selection process? I have no criminal record, never been arrested, don't do drugs, brush my teeth, voted against Bush, am nice to people, etc, so would I have a problem getting the needed security clearance? Just wondering,
You may also want to read the CF's recruiting page.


It states rather clearly that in order to be a full member of the CF, you need to be a Canadian citizen.  SOME jobs are available with permanent residency status, but I don't think that applies to you.  Sorry.

I'm thinking of joining the Infantry. Possibly Airborne Infantry. I will have a permanent residency when I apply, and I'm looking into getting a Dual US-Canadian Citizenship, but to keep things simple, how hard is it for a permanent resident, who happens to be a US citizen, to get the clearance to join the Infantry?
The CF is currently hiring Canadian Citizens only.  In order to get level 1, you are required to live in Canada for a minimum of five consecutive years, they must be the last five years.
:( Well... so much for that dream... Unless the US Marine Corps changes their LASIK surgery/eyesight policies, it looks like I wont be able to serve in the military... :'( Oh well, there's always police work. BTW, does the 5 year residency limit apply to the Reserves as well?
I'm not positive about this but I'm pretty sure all the requirments are the same for getting in, you just choose what one (reg. or res.) you wish to join.  :cdn:
Hi folks!

I finally had my interview on Nov. 24th, after waiting a month since I had my rendez-vous on Oct. 26th. I was so eager to do it! Enthousiasm as I was, I went to meet the recruiting officer, all went well until we talked about my job in Germany I had 2 years ago. Then, what I most dreaded came on the table, in the talk I mentioned that I had been French as Foreign Language Assistant in Germany for 8 months. After mentioning that, he explained to me that the procedure requires to ask a security clearance to the german government and that my application will be on hold until it comes back to DND (or CSIS for what I know...) and then that means that wait length is undetermined but could be 6 months and up to a year. The officer explained to me as well that DND can't push german government authority too much because it could turn back on us if they push too hard. That I understand quite well and I believe in that kind of procedure, even though I know my file is as white as it can be in Germany as well as in Canada (I even never earned a speed ticket!!). That's frustrating but necessary.

Now, knowing as well that german bureaucracy is not the best ranked in speed, what is available to me? Just wait and be patient until CFRC call me back?? I received a suggestion that consists in writing the canadian embassy in Germany to ask them if they can push to complete my security clearance as soon as possible... Really don't know if that worth it, but I'll try even though my chances are slim. Any suggestion or advice would be welcome...
Having talked with a recruiter, this weekend, you must be a Canadian citizen to apply to the Reserve force.  He mentioned that this is a relatively new requirement.  There is a minimum residency requirement for a Landed Immigrant to apply for Citizenship.  So the short answer is yes, there is a minimum time you must have lived in Canada to apply for the Reserves.
I guess all you can do it wait, yeah, you could try to write to the German Embassy, see if that could fasten things up a little.
Otherwise, be patient.

Good luck  :salute: