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Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

  • Thread starter Thread starter geofftheref
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Hello i am a Canadian Citizen from birth but also have USA citizenship. i started the process in sept 2014 for AV tech and ATIS and got everything done very quickly, but waited 8 months for RCMP background check and came back clean. after completion they call me to review everything and put me on the merited list, during that little interview because i lived in the USA most of the last 10 years the officer selected me for a long form PRESEC. it is now months and months that i have been waiting, the only answered the recruiting office is telling me is CSiS are in process. I called CSIS customer service and asked how long it usually take for a person with my kind of back ground. She answered me "they can do it in a matters a days if it is urgent." and she also told me to contact the person who is in charge of my file and only him\her can ask to be process faster. by the way in the beginning i provided the recruiting office with a FBI check (it took less than 2 weeks for the FBI to complete) my question is for a person who only lived in the USA and Canada and never went to an unfriendly country. how long can it take to get the PRESEC done? anyone coming from USA and have the same problem as me? and is it true the recruiting center officer can get my PRESEC faster if he wants to.
sumokobonsai said:
Hello i am a Canadian Citizen from birth but also have USA citizenship. i started the process in sept 2014 for AV tech and ATIS and got everything done very quickly, but waited 8 months for RCMP background check and came back clean. after completion they call me to review everything and put me on the merited list, during that little interview because i lived in the USA most of the last 10 years the officer selected me for a long form PRESEC. it is now months and months that i have been waiting, the only answered the recruiting office is telling me is CSiS are in process. I called CSIS customer service and asked how long it usually take for a person with my kind of back ground. She answered me "they can do it in a matters a days if it is urgent." and she also told me to contact the person who is in charge of my file and only him\her can ask to be process faster. by the way in the beginning i provided the recruiting office with a FBI check (it took less than 2 weeks for the FBI to complete) my question is for a person who only lived in the USA and Canada and never went to an unfriendly country. how long can it take to get the PRESEC done? anyone coming from USA and have the same problem as me? and is it true the recruiting center officer can get my PRESEC faster if he wants to.

See also,

Security Check/Level Superthread (incl dual citizenship) - Check Here First 
sumokobonsai said:
Hello i am a Canadian Citizen from birth but also have USA citizenship. i started the process in sept 2014 for AV tech and ATIS and got everything done very quickly, but waited 8 months for RCMP background check and came back clean. after completion they call me to review everything and put me on the merited list, during that little interview because i lived in the USA most of the last 10 years the officer selected me for a long form PRESEC. it is now months and months that i have been waiting, the only answered the recruiting office is telling me is CSiS are in process. I called CSIS customer service and asked how long it usually take for a person with my kind of back ground. She answered me "they can do it in a matters a days if it is urgent." and she also told me to contact the person who is in charge of my file and only him\her can ask to be process faster. by the way in the beginning i provided the recruiting office with a FBI check (it took less than 2 weeks for the FBI to complete) my question is for a person who only lived in the USA and Canada and never went to an unfriendly country. how long can it take to get the PRESEC done? anyone coming from USA and have the same problem as me? and is it true the recruiting center officer can get my PRESEC faster if he wants to.
hello Sir good day to you! I did read to post you just sent me and also read the 35 pages before this one …. none of them answer my 3 questions. i have dual citizenship USA and Canada never have been to unfriendly country.
1) how long for a PRESEC coming from USA (supposedly a friendly country)?
2) anyone with the same background as mine willing to share there story (someone coming from USA only)?
3)is it true the recruiting officer can send a paper to CSIS to get my PRESEC completed faster?
thank you
sumokobonsai said:
hello Sir good day to you! I did read to post you just sent me and also read the 35 pages before this one …. none of them answer my 3 questions. i have dual citizenship USA and Canada never have been to unfriendly country.

1) how long for a PRESEC coming from USA (supposedly a friendly country)?

You claim to have read the post; so you should have clued in to what was said: "NO ONE can give you a definite timeline as to how long it will take.  YOU are an INDIVIDUAL, and as such, not the same as any other INDIVIDUAL. 

sumokobonsai said:
2) anyone with the same background as mine willing to share there story (someone coming from USA only)?

You claim to have read these pages, and within them are several instances of INDIVIDUALS who are DUAL CITIZENS.  If you go back to your question 1, you will once again see that each has taken different amounts of time to get their documents in order and processed.  Extrapolate from there.

sumokobonsai said:
3)is it true the recruiting officer can send a paper to CSIS to get my PRESEC completed faster?

You are no more SPECIAL than any other prospect.  The bureaucracy will grind on at its own pace and the CF Recruiter will have no power over how fast an outside agency works.

[Edit to fix coding for quotes.]
yes sir, i do claimed i read those 35 pages of that post because i surely did. i do have a clue that no one can give me a specific time on how long it will take , but i surly am sure someone can tell me that they were coming fro USA with similar facts and would love to share with me there story and how long it took them (1-2-3-4 months).

On that post, many people speak of dual citizenship from china, japan, russia but no one claim they came from USA and has sheared the story behind it and how long it took them. by the way, i never claim i was special and will never do so.

with all due respect sir, i am looking for info, I'm not looking  for someone who insult every one he can, because he is in charge of a post.

and about the CSIS woman  telling me the person in charge of my file can ask to get my PRESEC done faster. like many of them do and did when some of there men get ready to be ship overseas or for some government job that as to be filed, those people had received clearance within days. whats wrong with my questions? you don't like them? i have been more then polite, i am just looking for some light on what is happening with my case.

i don't want to be rude Sir, but we are coming here to have some help or ask questions that can make us feel better and get constructive answers. we are not coming here to ask questions and get answers that make us feel stupid because we asked.

so beside to do the police on what we should have read or how we should to things and especially telling us how special we think we are, why don't you try to be a gentleman, teach and help people understand what is going on and be constructive about the subjects.  good night sir, thanks for your help!
Hello everyone,

I wrote back a while ago about my application process and now my recruiter has finally contacted me back saying they ate awaiting my back round check. It has been almost a year and I have spoke to countless people in the military and they all agree that this is taking way too long, especially for the reserves, I'm a little irrirated and running out of hope, being in the military is life long dream so is their any way I can speed things up with the process, I'm pretty sure a back round check doesn't take a year.
Kv-super said:
Hello everyone,

I wrote back a while ago about my application process and now my recruiter has finally contacted me back saying they ate awaiting my back round check. It has been almost a year and I have spoke to countless people in the military and they all agree that this is taking way too long, especially for the reserves, I'm a little irrirated and running out of hope, being in the military is life long dream so is their any way I can speed things up with the process, I'm pretty sure a back round check doesn't take a year.

No, a background check doesn't normally take a year.  But if you were subject to a "Pre-Security Clearance Screening", then depending on the countries which are involved, the process can take from 6-18 months and sometimes longer.
See also,

OP: Kv-super

Losing moral 

Kv-super said:

It's been around a year since I applied to the reserves for infantry in the lorne scots regiment, I have completed all testing and handed in all medical forms, my recruiter finally contacted me back and informed me that I have to still pass my back round check after a year! I'm 18 I have no credit, no criminal offences, I haven't even been suspended from school, I don't understand what's taking so long because most people i have talked to in the military have said it's ridiculous that this is taking so long because I am reserves. If anyone can shine the light for me I'd be so happy because I am very fusturated at this point I just want to be merit listed and get the ball rolling.

Sergeant Laen said:
Good Day,

I wanted to clarify one point for you, being that you are joining a Reserve Unit you will not be merit listed.  The "Merit List" exists solely for Regular Force applicants.

Recruiting for Reserve Units rests solely with each individual Reserve Unit.
When someone applies to join a Reserve Unit online, the application is sent directly to that Reserve Unit. When they give the "green light" to the supporting Recruiting Centre that there is an opening within their unit and that they'd like to enroll you is when processing occurs.  The Recruiting Centre will do your Aptitude Test, Interview, Medical and Background check.  Although you're 18 you will still need to undergo a background check, this is a requirement for everyone joining the Forces.  While you state that you have no credit, no criminal offences - that is not the case for every 18 year old who applies.

Looking at your posts, you stated on 20 February that you had just applied to the Lorne Scots.  While I can understand that even at 7 months you're feeling disheartened, you are not at the year mark.  I know I've posted on here explaining that during the summer most Reserve Recruiting is on hold, this is because of Reserve Unit Staff are away for the summer instructing.  Very little occurs between beginning June to end August because of this.

When you look at the time of when you applied and take out the time your file was on "hold" due to Reserve Summer Training your file has been in process for approximately 4 months.  Most Reserve Units have now commenced their Fall Training and the Reserve Recruiter should be back at the unit (assuming they're not taking leave after working all summer), you should follow up with your Reserve Unit Recruiter.  Being that the Lorne Scots fall under 32 Canadian Brigade Group, if you want to send me a private message with your name, DOB and email address I can get in touch with one of the Brigade Recruiters and ask them to follow up with you.

Best Regards,
Sgt Laen
For reference,

From Ask a CAF Recruiter,

DAA said:
As a dual "national", there is no requirement for you to revoke foreign citizenship.  It is entirely possible that as a result of dual nationality, you will need to complete the Pre-Enrolment Secur Clr Pre-Assessment Questionnaire and after review, you may be subject to the "Pre-Security Clearance" processing requirements,
Hey everyone..so 2 months ago i wrote my cfat,i was told i qualified for my choice(infantry reg) and my background check started.My issue is that i was born in Greece and pretty much lived my whole life there.I've moved to Canada a couple of months ago.My parents live in Greece i have duel-citizenship, and also because of my previous army service(in greece mandatory service) its gonna take awhile.Can i help the cfrc somehow to speed up the process.I have also provide the recruiting center with my military discharge paper..just to speed up the process.

Thank you in advance... :salute: :salute: :cdn: :cdn:
Tony35mk said:
Hey everyone..so 2 months ago i wrote my cfat,i was told i qualified for my choice(infantry reg) and my background check started.My issue is that i was born in Greece and pretty much lived my whole life there.I've moved to Canada a couple of months ago.My parents live in Greece i have duel-citizenship, and also because of my previous army service(in greece mandatory service) its gonna take awhile.Can i help the cfrc somehow to speed up the process.I have also provide the recruiting center with my military discharge paper..just to speed up the process.

Thank you in advance... :salute: :salute: :cdn: :cdn:

my application situation was somewhat close to yours:
1/ i have Dual-Citizenship.
2/ i haven't lived in Canada continuously for the 10 years prior to my application.
3/ i had a direct family member (my oldest brother) living abroad.

and according to the CF guidelines, each and any one of these "Foreign Implications" require you to undergo further Security Clearance Pre-Assessment and fill up some extra forms. and this can delay your application a little further depending on the countries involved and how many of them. (in your case Greece).

In my case, it was 2 foreign countries (Egypt & Kuwait), so that took a little longer, but i kept checking with the recruiting centre every month or so, and i was asked once to provide a criminal record check from the country i lived in before moving to Canada cause i was above 18.

as for your previous military service, i don't think that can be a "bad point" against you, if anything, you have some knowledge of military discipline, drill, commands and such. and unless you served in a armed forces of a country that's deemed an enemy to Canada (like North Korea, Iraq, Iran, ...etc.)., on of the guys in my BMQ had served in military in Serbia or Croatia.

AFAIK, Greece is a NATO ally, your military service there, or you having lived there shouldn't hinder your application as much as in my case.

FYI, my whole application process from submitting the online application to getting enrolled took me almost 3 years (2 years and 10 months), but i doubt yours should take that long and i've heard they've changed a lot of things in the application processing steps to expedite things.
Anybody Know what some security check or clearance to Ottawa is for the application process after the CFAT or Before?

Would help me out alot if someone knew.

Thanks :cdn: :salute: :warstory:
BCstangWA said:
Anybody Know what some security check or clearance to Ottawa is for the application process after the CFAT or Before?

Would help me out alot if someone knew.

Thanks :cdn: :salute: :warstory:

It would help us if you would try to use your words. It's pretty much impossible to determine what you're actually asking here.
Also, you should not be posting the same question more than once. That does not mean go post the same thing in another topic under a different title. You have done this a couple times already. Maybe you should go back and re-read the rules you agreed to when you signed up for this site. The mods are going to get very unhappy with you if you continue this double posting. Use the search button!
BCstangWA said:
Anybody Know what some security check or clearance to Ottawa is for the application process after the CFAT or Before?

This thread was already a big, honking thirty-five-page monstrosity before I merged yours into it. How could you miss something that huge? And it's even stickied, as well.

Read older threads, especially the stickied ones - they are stickied for good reasons. Learn to search.
On the application it says they won't contact your current employer if you so wish... I am just wondering if that is actually true or if they just contact them anyway?
Do you think it's some kind of a trap or something? Questions and check boxes are there for a reason, and it's not to trip you up.
I don't think it is a trap, but my current employer is not exactly thrilled that I am looking for another job, i have already gotten heat from them about it. So much so that I would not use them as a reference. So my apologies for asking a normal question on a public domain..
Knowing that you have search Goggle: "site:army.ca contact employer" and read the 6 threads that address the question, I'm confident there is a suitable answer.