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Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

  • Thread starter Thread starter geofftheref
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PuckChaser said:
Another post, that's answered here and didn't need another thread. You've also lived abroad for a majority of your life thus far, expect a long security screening process.

Hello All

I have recently joined the Army Reserve and have my fitness test soon but that is not what i am most worried about. What i am most worried about is the fact that i am learning Russian and have a friend who lives in Moscow and so she helps me with my Russian. I've known her for 3 years now. Will this affect my application in any way especially with what is going on in the world today between NATO and Russia?

Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this

No. Learning a second language will not affect you getting into the cf. It's beterment on your part.
The applications that take forever are for people that lived in countries where records aren't kept / corruption exists / doubtful. My application processing took max 5 months because I did most of the leg work prior, and all the recruitment had to do was followup with phonce calls / fax to the places I lived in for more than 6 months. My top secret took 1 week, with my SA taking slightly longer.


Opcougar, what do you mean by doing the groundwork by yourself? Can you please explain?
Has anyone gone though enhanced reliability twice? I understand that it's part of process and that one of my parent is out of country and I was in US for studies for a bit (left 2013 and in canada ever since) but nothing's changed since then other than moving across the country.
Do they check everything all over again or pick up from where it was left off? Also anyone know why I need to get FBI history check again since I have no new history there since 2013? (need to follow the rules to play but wait time is 3-4 months)
let the waiting game begin. (hoping to get in by sept now)
The recruitment centre had emailed me a few days ago to inform me that they had re-opened my file and asked me to update a personnel screening form. I followed the instructions, filled, checked, and signed the form and returned it. I just realized now that there's a box on the form that asks if I have completed such a form before. Not remembering that I had filled out one before in the initial CF application I accidentally selected no. However, it also says "If yes, give name of employer, level and year of screening". I have filled out one before but I have no idea what the level of screening was. At the same time the File Manager has not contacted me with any problems after I've emailed back the form, just wondering if I need to correct that incorrectly checked box?
canucksnation said:
Hello everyone! This is for anyone in my situation, solidarity!

I just did my CFAT earlier this week on March 16th 2015 and passed. While the Master Corporal was going over my results and whether I qualified for the trade I was pursuing, I was informed that my background checks of all sorts will begin. I asked the Master Corporal from his experience, roughly how long it will take and he told me that the longest was 18 months. I'm being realistic on myself and looking at 18 months, perhaps even longer. My situation is that in the past four years (from November 2010 to September 2014), I was working abroad in Hong Kong and China at a job that required me to travel back and forth between Hong Kong and China quite a lot. While working abroad in Hong Kong and China during those four years, I traveled a lot throughout Asia and Europe as well. Furthermore, I was already doing a lot of traveling prior to my working abroad in Hong Kong and China from 2010 to 2014. On the Pre-Enrolment Security Clearance Pre-Assessment Questionaire, the section it asks you to list all the places you have traveled to outside of Canada in the past ten years, I had fill out on this separate form https://docs.google.com/document/d/12bYEI-YaHEPs6YYiNL9JJ92rGZrMx1LeAmsIiKg6QdY/editand all my travels outside of Canada was TWO PAGES FULL! When I finally do get the okay that all my background checks are done, I'll find this post and update again, that way it will give anyone a suggestion on the average. Good luck to everyone who already are or will be in the process!

canucksnation said:
UPDATE. So as it turns out, I am getting the 'full blown' Pre-Security Assessment. For anyone who had this conducted on their application, how long did it take for the Pre-Security Assessment to be completed?

Update: Back in late September, I was contacted by my recruiter that my application file was closed as I needed to provide criminal record checks from Hong Kong and China (places that I've previously lived in within the last five years). Getting the criminal record check from Hong Kong was easy. The criminal record check from China? Not so much. Had to fly all the way to China just to get my criminal record check. Submitted my criminal record checks two weeks ago and my application file was reopened earlier this week (had to redo a lot of the forms as it had expired). After a year of no activity since writing the CFAT, I'm booked for my medical and interview next month. When the Master Corporal told me in his experience, the longest was 18 months for an applicant to go through the whole process, I might just beat that record!

One year later and even more eager than ever to join!
Just completing my DND personal data verification form and had a question regarding the employment history section. It states that "You can advise us not to conduct a check of your employment background only if it pertains to your current employer(s)

Im in a situation where I kinda don't want my current employer to know Im applying for the Forces. Not because I don't want my current employer called by the Forces or anything...I am totally confident I'd be spoken of positively by my current employer. Its a personal issue that I don't want to discuss on a public forum so we'll leave it at that.

Anyways..that being said am I able to advise the Forces not to do conduct a check on my employment background with my current employer for that reason?
The first five threads have now been merged into this one.

Drew Grey - Does the form limit you to specific reasons only, or even request reasons?
Drew Grey said:
Just completing my DND personal data verification form

For reference,

DND Personal Data Verification
Drew Grey said:
Just completing my DND personal data verification form and had a question regarding the employment history section. It states that "You can advise us not to conduct a check of your employment background only if it pertains to your current employer(s)

Im in a situation where I kinda don't want my current employer to know Im applying for the Forces. Not because I don't want my current employer called by the Forces or anything...I am totally confident I'd be spoken of positively by my current employer. Its a personal issue that I don't want to discuss on a public forum so we'll leave it at that.

Anyways..that being said am I able to advise the Forces not to do conduct a check on my employment background with my current employer for that reason?

Well, considering there is actually a question "If current employer, may we contact?" Yes  No  Not Applicable

I would check "No" and move on...
Drew Grey said:
Just completing my DND personal data verification form and had a question regarding the employment history section. It states that "You can advise us not to conduct a check of your employment background only if it pertains to your current employer(s)

Im in a situation where I kinda don't want my current employer to know Im applying for the Forces. Not because I don't want my current employer called by the Forces or anything...I am totally confident I'd be spoken of positively by my current employer. Its a personal issue that I don't want to discuss on a public forum so we'll leave it at that.

Anyways..that being said am I able to advise the Forces not to do conduct a check on my employment background with my current employer for that reason?

Take a closer look at your PDV Form, specifically the very first page where you will see......

"For your employment history, all your previous employer(s) will be contacted; you can advise us not to conduct a check of your employment background only if it is pertains to your current employer(s)."

Hello! I am new here in the forums and would like to say thank everyone for this awesome experience. Into my question now.
I joined the Canadian Military under the reserve co-op program they had at my school in the year of 2014. my teacher had printed me out all the sign up sheets that I needed and I signed up right away and went into the recruiting center to hand in all my signup sheets on my 18th birthday, in September. I did my physical later that month around the 25th and I passed. They schedules my CFAT (Canadian forces aptitude test) in November of that year. I completed my CFAT and they scheduled my Medical for January of 2015 . a couple days before I was supposed to go to my medical and interview I got a call saying my application had been closed due to a failed security check and that I would be able to rejoin in January 2016, next year. Basically I was on bail for some youth charges when I joined. Now im an adult and dont have any charges. What would I need to do to rejoin? would I fail the security check again? I also want to go regular force instead of reserve, would that take them any extra time to switch? Would I have to get my mugshots erased? I'm also involved in a civil case right now that may or not may reach the courts. would that have any effect on my signing up?
Infantryeric said:
I got a call saying my application had been closed due to a failed security check

Infantryeric said:
would I fail the security check again?

Security Check/Level Superthread (incl dual citizenship) - Check Here First 
24 pages.

Infantryeric said:
I also want to go regular force instead of reserve, would that take them any extra time to switch?

reserves to reg force application
"I have recently applied to the Reserves and completed my fitness test Dec 11. However, I would like to change my application to that of the Regular Forces"

Infantryeric said:
Would I have to get my mugshots erased?

Criminal Record (merged)
12 pages.

Infantryeric said:
I'm also involved in a civil case right now that may or not may reach the courts. would that have any effect on my signing up?

Must be free of any Legal Obligations (fines, probations, etc).

Thank you for the information. I read the forum post about the "criminal record" link you posted. I got charged when I was a youth so everything was under the youth justice act. So currently my adult record is clean as a whistle. I still have those mugshots from when I was a kid though.
Infantryeric said:
Thank you for the information.

You are welcome. Good luck.  :)

See also,

Need Information Regarding my Youth Record

Fingerprints/youth criminal record 

Young Offender 

Sealed record

Young offenders act?
2 pages.

As always,  Recruiting is your most trusted source of information.

For reference, perhaps "Flagged during security check for the Canadian Military" will be merged with "Security Check/Level Superthread (incl dual citizenship) - Check Here First"
From what I recall from my process by the time you get to the interview it is best to have all legal matters settled (including parking fines). any pending issues that could pull you away from your duties pose an issue. Just my two bits based on my interview
If you have any obligations to the "judicial" system, also known as "Judicial Obligations", this will prevent your application from being processed until those obligations no longer exist.

If you have met those obligations and it's been less than 1-year since your original application, you should be able to just visit your local CFRC and ask to have your application re-opened.  If it has been more than 1-year, you will need to reapply online.

Nevertheless, I'd suggest you visit or make contact with your local CFRC and ask about re-opening your file.
Thanks you for the information DAA, very helpful. I also wanted to know if being flagged once "it was longer then a year ago from my application" will have any repercussions when I sign up again. By the looks of it I will have to completely redo my application process. Will it take extra longer because I was turned down once? Plus I already had my service number.
Hi, I am an applicant to the Pres and I need to undergo PRESEC clearance because I lived in the USA for 10 years (at the same address). I was wondering the length presec would take for an applicant living in the US. Also if it would help should I print out a criminal record check from the Washington State Patrol? (I have criminal record) Thanks.