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English Flag Offends Muslim Prisoners

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13th century mentality with 21 century technology aint no good recipe either.

I think we are in for a bumpy ride mate.


Wesley H. Allen said:
I am not even going to bother waisting my time responding to the rest, as it seems to be you are sparring for some kind of a fight, and branding me some kind of a fantasiser who does not have a clue about 'reality' as you see it, but maybe your attitude will/might change when your own countrymen are MURDERED in COLD blood by the dozen (not soldiers but civilians, including women and children) at the hands of gutless suicide bombers, or when a muslim elected council member trys to ban pork products in your own suburb, or wants to have public pools open to only muslim women, banning all others, including any other women, or your girl friend is spat at for western dress or when a muslim political party tries to halt ant-terrorism laws (thats the latest whats going on here).

If I allowed ignorant acts by some muslims to cause me to make broad statements about the entire religion's constituency, I'd be no better than they are. I'm not trying to start a "fight", I'm disagreeing with your statements. If I was trying to start a fight, I'd be calling you idiotic names.

In previous posts I have said many Australian muslims are just normal hard working people here who go about their business as we do, but sadly, many are also not, and the meanstreamers do not condem the radicals (only the politcal based idiots like KyserTraid) try play the game to attempt to appease the non-muslims. we can see right thru this guy.

I'm not criticizing previous posts, I'm criticizing your "what don't muslims cry about these days?" statement and seeming support for a blatantly bigoted immigration policy. Banning muslim immigration to the country likely wouldn't achieve much more than to incite the resident muslim population (as well as the world's) to even more extreme positions. That's to say nothing of the ethical depravity of such a policy.

Many Australian based muslim clerics here are publically saying its 'alright to have Australian aquantances, but not Australian friends', and that one day 'Australia will be an islamic state'.

That's unfortunate and extremely ignorant. I don't think it justifies generalizations about the entirety of Islam or even the entirety of Australian muslims.

Also saying that 'Australia is an islamic country because Indonesian fisherman were here long before the Dutch'! Its shyte like this which goes on here every day, and comparing a Russell Crowe neo-Nazi MOVIE to reality, and refering Australians as Nazis is quite frankly downright offensive, and SHAME on you for even suggesting such!

Well, sorry if it's offensive but bigoted immigration laws and sweeping generalizations about an entire religious group are characteristic of skinhead politics. I couldn't help but recall the "this...isn't....your....country" line, although you're right about the comparison being off a bit - the skins in the movie were focused on Asians, they didn't appear to care about their religion.

When in fact many Aussies are quite fearful of islam, and the loss of our own identity, culture and way of life, plus the reality of terroist style of warfare hitting our shores, and yt again killing Australians. Even our Prime Minister has said attacks are likely. ASIO has prevented several attacks already, and the threat here is very REAL.

I have no doubt and I hope ASIO continues to prevent such attacks.

Australia is NOT Canada ( I have lived here for almost 11 yrs), and or North America.The culture is different, yet similar in some ways. We are a small country of what the population was in Canada 35 yrs ago (19,000,000), yet the size roughly of the USA (a little smaller), and we are in a troubled region already with radical islam rampant throughout the Australasian region (Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, Borneo, etc - they have serious problems with radical islam - and its getting worse, not better), and its the largest growing religion amoung Aboriginies here in Australia. Radical islam is alive and well in Australia, and especiallyin western Sydney. The IYM, and others are operating, but in much more expression. Muslim bookhops in western Sydney recently were raided by police for selling   'how to be a suicide bomber' books which even covered how to contrct a bomb. They sold heaps of these books (in arabic) locally! In our train stations, there is no rubbish bins, warning signs posted on unaccompanied bags and packs. Our TV and news paper/magazine adds are swamped with anti-terror adds, and we have hotlines and websites to report any suspicious activity.

And you feel that banning muslim immigration will stop this?

Now, what about the ABC TV crew beaten by mobs of muslim in a frenzy of attacks when filming in a muslim neighbourhood (western Sydney ghetto of Lakemba), or the islamic gangs (western Sydney based) who prey on Aussie girls and rape them because they consider them sluts. FACT! Some are doing time with sentances each of over 50 yrs, but many are still on the loose. There is a growing problem here, and it will get worse. Muslim clerics from Indonesia have also said that one day Australia will be a islamic state.

I can believe all of it, what I can't understand is how barring muslims from immigrating is going to solve the problem.

I, as many have lived the 'reverse discrimination' personally too many times to count, felt the hatred in the stares, and seen our western culture dwindle because of these, as you put it by the 'squeaky wheels'. You're way off mark in your comments. I can't speak for the larger centres in Canada, and how things are going there, but I bloody well know whats going on here!

We haven't had the same problems, to my knowledge, that you're talking about. Which comments was I way off the mark on? About muslims coming from everywhere? About banning muslim immigration being a bigoted, discriminatory policy that's unlikely to do much good?

Well, Mr 23U, unless you have walked in the streets of the western suburbs of Sydney's ethnic ghettos (Greenacre, Liverpool, Punchbowl, Lakemba, Wiley Park, Yagoona, the list goes on) here (your accent would get the shyte licked out of you because you'd be taken for The Great Satan, and if you said 'wait I'm Cdn', they'd say 'USA, Canada both the same') and experienced this first hand, you can take your left winged views and shove 'em.

I don't think abhorring inaccurate generalizations and despising religiously discriminatory immigration policy is particularly left-winged. Nor do I think walking through ghettos would drive me to a position where I'd accept such things. Walking through Harlem and getting my *** kicked wouldn't drive me to hate black people or advocate their exclusion from immigration. If it did, I'd be quite the knee-jerk reactionary.

Life expereince in the real world always overcomes textbooks in a classroom.

I'm sure. I'm also sure that "real world" experience doesn't justify bigotry.

Sydney has a big problem with the growing ethnic hatred and rising ethnic crime, and its organised , and sadly, most of it is muslim generated (not by Aussie converts either, but by migrants and offspring from the middle east), but not by the older ones, but the younger generation, and the older ones sit back and do nothing.

So what do you suggest be done?

I knew an muslim CPL (I am NOT saying all have this attitude) from a Sydney Unit, first name Chadi (age mid-late 20s), he told me those Aussie girls were nothing but sluts, and deserved to be raped (The girls were pack raped, literally staked down in a park, with their legs spread and a Glock 9mm held to their heads as 14 males (not men) had their sick and twisted way with them. Later these girls were hosed off with a fire hose to destroy any cowardly DNA).

No one EVER deserves that mate! EVER!!! After GWII started, he discharged after an altercation with other members, he played the race card saying he was victimised for being a muslim. In fact any attention he drew on himself was saying that rape comment infront of a 'hard corps' WO2!. he was discharged after AWOLing himself.

Sounds like a real idiot who deserved much worse than he got. All of this stuff you're listing off, though, is anecdotal. Is it symptomatic of a larger problem? I'm sure it is. But you can't allow idiots like that to determine your opinion of Islam or muslims in general.

Don't go comparing Christian acts of centuries ago with what current terrorists are doing right now in the 21st century! Anthing else is a cop out.

Centuries ago? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/2255902.stm

How about all the atrocities committed by Christians in the Balkans?

Why is it that whenever you refer to Christian violence, people always harken back to the Crusades? The Holocaust was carried out primarily by Christians but we don't label Christianity a "violent" religion because of it. As the link will testify to, the Christians found no shortage of excuses to slaughter muslims (and vice-versa) during the Lebanese Civil War. No shortage of Christians slaughtering people in the Balkans either. Christian violence didn't stop with the Crusades.   Where Jews are concerned, it's not Muslims that have been responsible for the overwhelming majority of persecution and slaughter throughout history, it's Christians. Again, that's not to say Christianity is a vile or evil/violent religion because of it or that Christians are all rampaging religious zealots.

Everyone's guilty, everyone's done their share of hateful, ignorant crap. Christians are no better than Muslims and vice-versa. If all this terrorism tripe was being carried out by Christians, would you blame Christianity and advocate the banning of Christian immigration?
Go ahead and call me a biggot for stating facts and truths (I am far from it actually). I don't really care what you think anyways. Aside from a few good sentances in your response which I whole heartedly agree, the main body of your response was excatly as I thought it would be. Left and limp wristed. Ever consider a carreer in politics?

I guess we can agree to disagree, and I hope that Canada never has to endure what we have in Bali, and the near misses on ouur own shores.

I believe in ONE country all treated equa no matter if you are rich or poor, or born there or not. When you immigrate to a country, do as the Romans do, adopt the culture with open arms and enjoy life, although NEVER forgetting where you come from. I'll never forget those wheatfields of Saskatchewan! I opened up to Australia embracing everything it had to offer, and I fell in love with this place, and would stand my ground any time for it.

You never hear of the Irish community, Scottish community, the USA community or Cdn community or Christian community, or RC community, here, why the the muslim community, and others similar (the Palestinian community etc). One thing. Are you an Australian, or a citizen of another country living in Australia? I dont give a shyte what colour you are, what religion you are or any of that crap, just tow the line, obey the laws ( no honour killings sharia law etc), speak english, and have some loyality to your new country. Your new country - Love it leave as far as I am concerned. If you don't like it, or publically promote hatred or terrorism  GO HOME WE DONT WANT YOU HERE!

Former Labour Party Prime Minister Paul Keating was quoted a few yr back commenting on mulitculturalism in Australia. He said all we have created is just a nation of tribes, and thats exactly what it has become. Large cities have segregated ethnic ghettos. Is that a harsh name? Well thats exactly what they are!

I'm seeing a lot of condesending and goading posts here, and I think it's turned into a pissing match. So............time out, cool off, and remind me to open it in a week or so to continue.
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