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Education Requirements to become a MP or MPO

As per what Kincanuks said, call the recruiting center. They keep a list of approved schools by location, and by name. If your school is not on the list that they Maintain, even though it may be, or seems to be equivalent, to you, and everyone else, it will not be recognized by the CF. And again, if it is not on the CFRC approved list of schools by name, it's not approved to allow application processing for the MP Trade.

I called CFRC Toronto, and told them I was attending a Private Career College in Cobourg Ontario, a 52 week, 20 hour a week Police Foundations program. I gave them the name of the school, and they said it was on the list of approved schools for MP application processing.

Good Luck.
Hello all,
Well, I have searched a little bit on the site regarding my question and have found some mixed answers.  Basically, I'm interested in becoming a MP NCM.  The Forces recruiting website states that:

"The minimum academic requirement is a community college diploma in Law and Security Administration, Police Foundations, or a similar program from a recognised Community College or CEGEP. Related employment experience will also be considered in determining education equivalency."

I have a University degree with a major in Political Science.  I do not have a community college diploma in Law and Security Admin or Police Foundations.  Am I still a suitable candidate?  I am looking for a concrete answer as most of the information I have found has been a little ambiguous.

PO2FinClk said:
What did the Recruiting Centre tell you on this?
Called them and they are going to get back to me.  It seems rather silly that I wouldn't be able to get on with a degree when they are mandatory for MPO's.
Well, I got a call back and not only is my degree not good enough to be a MP NCM, it's also not recognized for MPO.  How truly dissappointing.
Unfortunate fact of the requirement for specific diplomas and degrees is the Branch has narrowed the available pool of candidates to those who were working towards a career in policing when they started school. 

It's not just an issue for those who want to be MPs, this is a problem for anyone who hadn't really decided what they wanted to do when starting school and simply took a program which "interested them".  By the time they figure out what they actually want to do they could find out they wasted 2-4 years getting a piece of parchment which didn't actually qualify them for the career in mind.
Gorak said:
Well, I got a call back and not only is my degree not good enough to be a MP NCM, it's also not recognized for MPO.  How truly dissappointing.

One of my friend has a Mech Eng degree and is an MPO (straight from the beginning).  How can Mech Eng be related to MPO?!

*shrug* I dont know :) not trying to infer anything. Just maybe that they're a little more liberal for MOCs if you came from RMC.
MP 00161 said:
Unfortunate fact of the requirement for specific diplomas and degrees is the Branch has narrowed the available pool of candidates to those who were working towards a career in policing when they started school. 

It's not just an issue for those who want to be MPs, this is a problem for anyone who hadn't really decided what they wanted to do when starting school and simply took a program which "interested them".  By the time they figure out what they actually want to do they could find out they wasted 2-4 years getting a piece of parchment which didn't actually qualify them for the career in mind.
It's funny you mention that because I'm currently in background with the RCMP to be a Mountie.  I was inquiring about this position merely as a back up option because military police does also interest me.  Most Municipal departments was applicants that have degrees and the RCMP takes people without any post secondary education (although serious life experience is required).  I suppose the RCMP has 2000 positions to fill this year, while the CF is out to fill much less than that.  It's still rather dissappointing that here I've got a degree from a top 5 university in Canada and it's not acceptable.  Meanwhile, in my own opinion, your average Joe Blow could achieve a Police Foundations diploma and be given preference.  I guess that's just the way the world works.  Now suppose I went into a different trade (I've been looking at a few others that my degree is acceptable) would it be possible to component transfer? 
So once again I am confused and seem to be getting mixed messages.  A guy I know who is a MP NCM told me that I would qualify for either MPO or MP with my credentials.  He told me that his detachment CO has a degree in political science.  Can anyone, who actually is 100% sure, tell me what I need to know, that is, can I be a MP NCM with a University degree in political science?
And I know a MPO who has no degree whatsoever...  The education "someone" who is already in has has no bearing on the current requirements.  If it did, 99.9% of the Snr NCOs/WOs in the MP Branch would no longer be in the Branch as they don't meet the current requirement to be recruited.

My suggestion to you is to contact a recruiting center direct.  No-one you are speaking with is directly involved in day to day recruiting so they are not the definative source.
And to further muddy the waters, Res MP who have done a tour employed as MP in TFA are being offered CT without the educational requirements.
As everyone has said...talk to a recuiter....or join a reserve Pl, get your 3's done, go overseas (to Afghanistan mind you) then CT to Reg.
Gorak said:
It's funny you mention that because I'm currently in background with the RCMP to be a Mountie.  I was inquiring about this position merely as a back up option because military police does also interest me.  Most Municipal departments was applicants that have degrees and the RCMP takes people without any post secondary education (although serious life experience is required).  I suppose the RCMP has 2000 positions to fill this year, while the CF is out to fill much less than that.  It's still rather dissappointing that here I've got a degree from a top 5 university in Canada and it's not acceptable.  Meanwhile, in my own opinion, your average Joe Blow could achieve a Police Foundations diploma and be given preference.  I guess that's just the way the world works.  Now suppose I went into a different trade (I've been looking at a few others that my degree is acceptable) would it be possible to component transfer? 

Top 5 University in Canada according to who? Maclean's? haha
tannerthehammer said:
Top 5 University in Canada according to who? Maclean's? haha
::) Thanks for contributing.  Not to get into and argument, because in reality a Bachelors these days is nothing to write home about, but sure the school I attend is top 5 according to Macleans.  On paper it's a pretty damned reputable school and I worked hard to get there and where I am today with my degree.  Are you in the MP trade?  Do you have anything else worth stating?  If not, I'd like to focus on members that know what they're talking about regarding the trade.
Gorak said:
So once again I am confused and seem to be getting mixed messages.  A guy I know who is a MP NCM told me that I would qualify for either MPO or MP with my credentials.  He told me that his detachment CO has a degree in political science.  Can anyone, who actually is 100% sure, tell me what I need to know, that is, can I be a MP NCM with a University degree in political science?

First of all, don't confuse the education requirements of MP NCMs and Officers as they are two different things.  For new NCM recruits, the minimum requirement is completion of a recognized college program, not university...that is for officers.  While, it is possible for an MPO to have a degree in Political Science, he/she probably entered the Branch prior to the requirement to have a degree in law, criminology, etc.  The NCMs job is different than that of an Officer.  Accordingly, the educational requirements differ as well.  I was going to post the link to the .pdf file ourlining the education requirements, however, it is no longer there.  If I find it I will post it.

Best regards.
Gorak said:
::) Thanks for contributing.  Not to get into and argument, because in reality a Bachelors these days is nothing to write home about, but sure the school I attend is top 5 according to Macleans.  On paper it's a pretty damned reputable school and I worked hard to get there and where I am today with my degree.  Are you in the MP trade?  Do you have anything else worth stating?  If not, I'd like to focus on members that know what they're talking about regarding the trade.

Relax man, if you plan to get in the MP trade I suggest you develop your sense of humour...You'll need it...Best of luck...
WATCHDOG-81 said:
First of all, don't confuse the education requirements of MP NCMs and Officers as they are two different things.  For new NCM recruits, the minimum requirement is completion of a recognized college program, not university...that is for officers.  While, it is possible for an MPO to have a degree in Political Science, he/she probably entered the Branch prior to the requirement to have a degree in law, criminology, etc.  The NCMs job is different than that of an Officer.  Accordingly, the educational requirements differ as well.  I was going to post the link to the .pdf file ourlining the education requirements, however, it is no longer there.  If I find it I will post it.

Best regards.
Thanks for your help.  I appreciate it.
And Tanner, dually noted.  It's just frustrating getting misinformation each way you look, shouldn't have taken it out on you.  You're in school I see, which Uni/Major?  Want to be an MP?
Gorak said:
Thanks for your help.  I appreciate it.
And Tanner, dually noted.  It's just frustrating getting misinformation each way you look, shouldn't have taken it out on you.  You're in school I see, which Uni/Major?  Want to be an MP?

Ya I'm in school...I'm a history/labour studies major at Brock University...I already have a police foundations diploma and yes I want to be an MP NCM...I'm also currently a reservist in the Artillery and will be CT'ing to the Regs once my degree is done and upon successful completion of the MPAC process...