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Dozen's gather for anti-war protest at U of G

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The whole "no recruiters on campus" thing didn't go anywhere.  ;D
Piper said:
...especially now that they brought back Kokanee

~gaaack~  What are the hippies drinking? Maybe I'll hang with them afterwards   ;)
It should almost be time for Bock Biere.  Guelph should be primed for Bock biere by now.  Interesting concept.  I'll pass on the Kokanee.  It is almost as bad a Raindeere Piss Rainier.
Journeyman said:
~gaaack~  What are the hippies drinking? Maybe I'll hang with them afterwords  ;)

Jack & Coke followed by vodka shooters ;)
Piper said:
That, good sir, is hearsay!

A cold Kokanee is a wonderful thing.

I thought they didn't like coke, being the big evil corporation that it is.  ;)

The Hippies Anti-Globalization-ists nutbars Student Union at McMaster got Coke Kicked off campus. Hilarity Ensued.... also the food went rapidly downhill to my understanding...
At UWO ("University of Wealthy Ontarians" -- probably one of the more conservative universities in the province), the student newspaper has seemed to support the CF...
(further letters to the editor echoed these sentiments)

...even when a few of the university's own start to question it (a rare occurrence at UWO):
Cpl Thompson said:
The Hippies Anti-Globalization-ists nutbars Student Union at McMaster got Coke Kicked off campus. Hilarity Ensued.... also the food went rapidly downhill to my understanding...

Didn't our last hippie bashing thread end up in talk about beers?  HMMM..... ;)
Thank you to Mr George Demopoulos, where ever you are, for your support of the armed forces (ref http://www.gazette.uwo.ca/article.cfm?section=Opinions&articleID=672&month=11&day=16&year=2005 )

Note to my brothers in uniform, if any body has Mr Demopoulos email, let me know so I can send him a thanks for his loyalty and support of us.

My gf is going to Guelph next year. Maybe she'll sort em out.. or become one.. I hope not. So when do we go to the hippie rallies and go for beers after? count me in!
zipperhead_cop said:
Didn't our last hippie bashing thread end up in talk about beers?  HMMM..... ;)

I thought it ended up with bannings after some people just couldnt understand the coolness of transformers and the obvious likeability of soup.
ArmyRick said:
Thank you to Mr George Demopoulos, where ever you are, for your support of the armed forces (ref http://www.gazette.uwo.ca/article.cfm?section=Opinions&articleID=672&month=11&day=16&year=2005 )

Note to my brothers in uniform, if any body has Mr Demopoulos email, let me know so I can send him a thanks for his loyalty and support of us.

We should also note that Josh Curk also had a hand in writing it (his name wasn't highlighted though).

I'll send you their email addresses.
Here is one way to deal with this problem in the future:


Featured Press Release:

April 12, 2006 - For Immediate Release
Contact: William Perry Pendley

DENVER, CO. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld should withhold federal funds from a California college given the failure of the college to ensure the safe presence of military recruiters on campus, the Secretary was advised by a public interest law firm in a letter released today. According to news reports, military recruiters were forced to flee yesterday from a University of California Santa Cruz job fair because of a raucous mob. Mountain States Legal Foundation advised Rumsfeld that the college’s actions violate the Solomon Amendment, which requires that colleges permit military recruiters on campus or lose all federal funds. UC Santa Cruz received $80 million in federal funds during 2005. A unanimous Supreme Court ruled the Solomon Amendment constitutional early last month.

“It is outrageous that members of the Armed Forces, who are asked to serve in harm’s way in Afghanistan and Iraq, are driven from a campus by a mob in America,” said William Perry Pendley, president and chief legal officer of Mountain States Legal Foundation. “Unless Secretary Rumsfeld responds to this craven violation of federal law, radicals on other campuses will be emboldened, will endanger the lives of men and women in uniform, and will deny students the right to learn how they may serve their country.”

The Solomon Amendment, named after the late Congressman Jerry Solomon (R-NY), requires colleges and universities to allow military recruiters on campuses “at least equal in quality and scope to the [degree of] access to campuses and to students that is provided to any other employer.” The law was enacted in 1996 but was not enforced by the Clinton Administration.

On September 19, 2003, Forum for Academic and Institutional Rights (FAIR), a group of 24 law schools and faculties that oppose military recruiters on college campuses, and its allies filed a lawsuit against Secretary Rumsfeld and five other cabinet officers in the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey. On November 5, 2003, the District Court ruled against FAIR.

On November 29, 2004, the Third Circuit, by a 2-1 ruling, held the Solomon Amendment violates the freedoms of speech and association of the law schools and their professors because it suppresses their free speech and forces them to associate with a message they “abhor,” that is, the military’s policy as to homosexual activity. The dissent, noting the sophistication of law school faculties and students, wrote that they were able to disassociate themselves from the military’s “message.” The Supreme Court agreed to hear the case on May 2, 2005, after considering a brief filed by Mountain States Legal Foundation. The case was argued on December 6, 2005. On March 6, 2006, the Court upheld the law by a vote of 8-0.

Mountain States Legal Foundation is a nonprofit, public interest law firm dedicated to individual liberty, the right to own and use property, limited and ethical government, and the free enterprise system. Its offices are in the Denver, Colorado, metropolitan area.
a_majoor said:
Here is one way to deal with this problem in the future:


What a brilliant idea!  But pulling federal funding from universities would pretty much wipe all of them off the map in Canada, wouldn't it?  (not saying that like it is a wholesale bad idea)

Cpl Thompson said:
I thought it ended up with bannings after some people just couldnt understand the coolness of transformers and the obvious likeability of soup.

Ha!  The funny part about that, it was my work IP that got blocked, not my home one.  So, sadly, no one in the entire WPS will be able to "Break the silence".  [probably wasn't going to be a big issue anyway]
I fail to see how citizens of a nation attacking it's soldiers while they are working in their official capacity is anything less than treasonous.

Yank the funding Rummy, and tell the world why - we'll see how many universities can afford the lefties once the consequences of their actions become apparent.
I actually think we should throw the damn punks in jail.... Put them in a camp say in Guatonamo Bay with Al Queda?
ArmyRick said:
I actually think we should throw the damn punks in jail.... Put them in a camp say in Guatonamo Bay with Al Queda?

No no, that's solitary - maybe if we could get them into that jail from the TV show OZ...

"shower time!!"  >:D
This fundng idea is an interesting one. It's already pretty well known in Canada, at all levels of govt, that following this or that Federal policy is a prerequisite for getting this or that Federal funding download. It doesn't seem like such a big stretch to me to require that universities give the CF access to campuses for recruiting, or lose Federal funding. After all, students don't have to go to the display or talk to the recruiters. I would see nothing wrong with allowing students to represent their own point of view, or set up a counter-display, just as long as they don't prevent the recruiters from getting their message across to those students who are interested. We only want access to present our view, some facts, and the opportunity to serve. We are not interested in controlling what the students think. (or ARE we?....thunder, flash of lightning, creepy organ music...)

I agree with the stop the funding idea. Although all university students will speak about the importance of freedom of speech what they really mean is: you can speak as long as I agree with your message.." I doubt the Gov't of Canada would have the stomach for the inevitable lawsuits that "stopping funds to campuses that deny recruiters access" would cause.

Let them protest, students enjoy making noise and Soldiers enjoy making a difference!  :salute:
GO!!! said:
No no, that's solitary - maybe if we could get them into that jail from the TV show OZ...

"shower time!!"  >:D

I'm betting that for a bunch of them, that would be more rewarding that punishing...