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Domestic Terrorism/Public Attacks on CAF Personnel

whiskey601 said:
Is the other sentry accounted for? A media report suggests he took off... After the shooter or someplace else?

One witness said that he took off at the high port for the park Southeast of the memorial. 

City Hall and other facilities and embassies are all going into Lock Down; yet lots of 'rubberneckers' and journalists in area.
We've been told at work that all DND buildings in the NCR are currently on lock-down; nobody in or out for any reason.
Jim Seggie said:
First reports are ususally confused and at odds with other reports.
Indeed - here's a couple of "on the run" consolidated stories so far ....
Parliament Hill has been locked down in the wake of a shooting incident that left MPs and journalists huddled in secure rooms inside Centre Block as police hunted for the gunman.

Multiple reports say an unidentified gunman shot a soldier at the War Memorial before fleeing towards the Hill. MPs report seeing a body lying outside the entrance to the Library of Parliament inside Centre Block and that the shooter is dead. Journalists are reporting the building has been locked down and they’ve been gathered in the cafeteria for their safety.

According to one witness, an NDP MP reported hearing a gun battle outside their caucus door and the smell of gunpowder. Another MP reported hearing 30 shots fired inside Centre Block.

One witness reports seeing a man exit a vehicle parked on Wellington carrying an object wrapped in blankets, and that at least one of them headed to the War Memorial. Another witness quotes police saying two suspects approached the Hill in a brown car before running inside.

“I was stopped at a red light at the corner of Wellington St. and Elgin St. … In front of me is a little brown car parked beside the war memorial with no flashers on,” said one eyewitness. “I thought it was odd because there were no flashers. A man exited the front seat and opened the back seat on the passenger side. He pulls out what looked like a pile of blankets and ran around the back of the car to the memorial. I changed lanes to avoid his car, and then saw him running back towards the car with what looked like a pipe …”

MP John McKay said he was on his way to caucus when MPs were told to evacuate and that they heard multiple shots. He said he saw soldiers heading towards the Hill armed with assault rifles.

Witnesses report hearing more than a dozen shots fired. They also report seeing a man with rifle, wearing a light-coloured hoodie.

All MPs and senators are believed to be safe. A spokesman for Prime Minister Stephen Harper says he is off the Hill and is safe. Justin Trudeau and Thomas Mulcair are also reportedly safe ....

A soldier standing guard at the National War Memorial in Ottawa has been shot by an unknown gunman and there have been reports of gunfire inside the halls of Parliament.

Ottawa police confirmed they had a call at 9:52 a.m. with a report of shots fired.

Witnesses reported seeing the gunman running towards Parliament Hill, which is currently under lockdown. Others on the Hill say they heard shots being fired in several different corridors.

The whereabouts of the gunman are still unknown.

It is caucus morning on the Hill, meaning most MPs are in the Centre Block.

Police cars and emergency vehicles are clustered at the foot of the Peace Tower and the Centre Block is being evacuated.

Emergency responders are still on the scene and paramedics performed CPR on the soldier before he was taken away by ambulance ....
The Canadian Press
The news story on cbc.ca has a live feed, updated every few seconds it looks like; lots of pictures of journalists waiting around, but some interesting reports as well. 
Police ask that people DO NOT POST pictures of policemen,
as they can be <<geolocaliser>> (found).
The reporters in the area are tweeting that they are being told by police to get inside a building NOW, but they can't, because all the buildings are on lock-down.  Mayhem!  I hope emergency management folks take note.  Meanwhile, this is probably exactly what the shooters wanted.  >:(
Probably overloaded the cell capacity, usually txt messages still work.
This is going to take a while to sort out. Let's be patient.

Reports that all CFBs are closed to the public. I'm not sure what the Armories are doing.
CBC is now reporting all Canadian bases closed to all civilians.
Any confirmation here?
dapaterson said:
Probably overloaded the cell capacity, usually txt messages still work.

Actually my text messages are coming back 'failed ' now too. 
A couple of Twitter lists to follow whazzup here and here - caveat:  it's all shotgun bits o' info from all over right now.

Police are reporting three shootings.

Event is still unfolding, with concerns now over situation in the large shopping mall within the area, the Rideau Centre.  If you Google the area, there is a lot of possibilities within that 1 km (approx) area.  Google Maps or Google Earth will allow you to get a feel for events in Ottawa.