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Dog Tags

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The top part with the chain should stay with whatever body part is the largest it can attach to...The bottom goes to the supply guys for processing (why I don‘t know)
The bottom half of the dog tags goes to supply because Graves Registration is a G4 (Logistics) responsibility. If the body was handled correctly with a battlefield burial, then that lower half of the dogtag will be accompanied by the details of the burial for later recovery to a military cemetery or repatriation. Having the logistics branch handle this ensures that the medical corps resources are concentrated on the living.

Mike O‘Leary
one more thing are the dog tags stamped or are they engraved, i‘ve seen a bunch engraved, is this correct? :fifty:
Mine are stamped, but the lettering is fine enough that it could be mistaken for engraving.

Mike O‘Leary
The old tag‘s were aluminium (go figure).
The one‘s we have now are of steel so they can survive fire etc.
Uh oh... What if... You dont relly have a religion. I mean my mom says in christian. But ive never really went to church all that much. I mean ive read a vee from the bible once in a while, The lord is my sheperd.... Think they‘ll even let me in.. I saw on the news this one kid got kicked out of his scouts or somthin because he idnt have a religion =)
If you state no religion on the form, your Identity Disks will come back with NRE stamped on them in place of faith. NRE = No Religion Entered. No biggy, you don‘t have to have a certified religion to be in the Forces. Even the atheistic soldier mutters, Oh God, not again, at budget time. :D
The atheistic soldier is also known to mutter Oh/Dear God (I won‘t do this again) when making long distance calls on the porcelain bathroom phone as well... but I digress.

NRE has become very common over the past ten years, signs of the times I guess.
Once upon a time, a padre suggested there were no atheists on foxholes ...

When I attended funerals of Second World War veterans from my Regiment, I quickly discovered the old guys could recite Psalms from memory ... not because they were particularly religious, but because they‘d had to do it so many times during the War ...

So, even though I‘m not that religious, I remember my padre‘s words.

And, amusingly enough, we were reminded of the field expedience of carrying a pocket bible (you know - the infamous one that "stops the bullet") ... just in case there was ever the requirement to hold a charge parade in the field (chuckle).

And, one last word - if you‘re dead, and you weren‘t terribly religious, then you probably won‘t worry or care too much about your funeral. However, if your family or parents were more religious than you, they might appreciate giving you an "appropriate" farewell (in this case, appropriate refers to them, not so much as you). For the sake of being gracious/altruistic, it doesn‘t hurt to put down your family‘s religion - it gives you manoeuver room later on ...

Here endeth the sermon (chuckle - no disrespect to my brothers who wear the collar - I just thought they‘d enjoy a chuckle hearing me, of all people, extoll the virtues of faith ... wink)

Was thinking along similar lines. Many a Navy veteran can recite psalm and verse and tell of moments they shared with the Lord after finding that maybe, just maybe something more than dumb luck saved their Salty behinds.

You hit it on the head. A wizened old Padre in Cornwallis told us a very similar story.

"We are men, we can drink, we can cuss. We are expected to commit acts of sin in defence of our beliefs and we can blasphemy God. But it is our families who stand before him and consecrate their loss".

Didn’t miss a Sunday for 4 years after hearing that, then I followed another path. Still sticks to this day.
Whats on the Canadian miltary dog tags these days? I‘ve heard they‘ve changed in the last couple years but Im suspicious of this claim.

Is it still the standard four lines in the following format?

first name, middle intial
Hxx xxx xxx
blood type

I have heard they have included MOS now and changed the name formatting, can someone verify this for me and confirm the correct format before I say anything.

The format on my 6 month-old ID discs is;

A12 345 678
AJ Bloggins
(religion) Blood Type
this is what Canadian ID discs(Dog Tags) look like

The format on my 6 month-old ID discs is;

A12 345 678
AJ Bloggins
(religion) Blood Type
I didnt think religion was still put on the ID discs
C‘mon guys. We just went through this at the beginning of January.
Go here:

For anyone new (or not), please search the past threads before you post a question. We admire your thirst for knowledge and most of us are willing to give ours in spades. However, some time on your part will save much more on ours. If you still have questions after searching go ahead and ask, but look first and don‘t just post a query to anything that pops into your head without checking. Many of the recent, questioned subjects have already been covered ad nauseum. Some like this, fairly recently. Be resourceful, it‘s a growing, sought after trait in the CF. :)
Would you get chewed out if you wrote down "Athiest" on your forms? Because I have met some people who have the wrong idea of what an Athiest is. They think Athiests are people who don‘t care about life, worship satan, etc, which I certainly would not want my recruiters thinking...
If you‘re a wiccan, satanist, celtic spiritualist, druid or whatever else, it just gets filed under "other" and will be marked as such on your ID disks. It you‘re an atheist, just write NRE=No Religion Expressed, and THAT wil be marked on your ID disks.

They‘re not allowed to discriminate by religion. Unless of couse, you write "KKK" or "white supremist" or something on your forms. ;)
However, an Atheist isn‘t someone who doesn‘t have a religion. Atheism is an actual religion. it‘s a belief that nothing exists
Im Agnostic (I dont believe "He" exists, nor do I believe "He" doesn‘t. Can‘t say either way), and my religion is stamped NRE.

To be honest, I had thought about putting Catholic on there, for my families sake. But after research, I recognized that in the modern forces, with fears of law suits and human rights laws, in most modern situations the families of victims are given overall say in burial proceedings, excluding where a will or extenuating circumstances prevail.

So Im NRE.
Here's something to provoke thought:

Given the state of the world today, and the atrocities committed against POW/Hostages by extremist groups, what religion would you want your ID Discs to indicate if something *really* bad happened and you're now a "guest" of such a group?

If you're Jewish, would you put that down, seeing as how it would most certainly give you uncomfortable treatment?

What about Catholic, which may be construed as launching a modern "Crusade" against Islam?

If you're an "Other", or the abbreviation isn't well known, would you take the risk that your captors will research the abbreviation?

If you're an Atheist, would you admit to your captors you don't believe in any God?

Would you get a commercial set for use in 'special' times, where the religion is fully spelt out, providing a little bit of insurance against semi-illiterate captors who may construe unknown initials as being Jewish?

Just curious if anyone's given any thought to this matter...
