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Dog Tags

  • Thread starter Thread starter maple_leaf_forever
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Hey, I have a few questions concerning Dog Tags...

1.) Do CF members even get Dog Tags ?
2.) If so do all 3 branches recieve them ?
3.) And are they like the traditional Dog Tags like the US Military uses (the 2 piece Tags) or does the CF use a different type of Dog Tag.

Thanks in advance.

No, they are one piece with a groove down teh center to break it in half. The info is written on the top and the bottom again. You leave the top part on the dead person.
The current style of dogtag was introduced in the late 1940s, and was used in the Korean War and up to present day. The material has changed and the protocols for information have changed slightly over time, but for the most part they have not changed in 50 years.
do they still print the members‘ religion on the tag?
Yup, the tags include your religion in an abbreviated form, e.g. ACC for Anglican Church of Canada.

Only one of the tags gives your blood type and RH factor, which I guess makes sense, it‘s pretty much useless info if you‘re dead... :blotto:

If you don‘t want a religion listed on the ID Disk, don‘t fill in the space on the app form. They‘ll enter NRE (no religion entered) on the disk.
Well, technically, us Militia types do rate dog tags and mil ID cards. But after 4+ months in the regiment, I don‘t have them, nor do any of the guys who were on QL2/3 with me. Then again, it may just be that our BOR is filled with usless pouges. Who always seem to have nice shiny new field kit us line animals don‘t have issued. Go figure.
Get on your CSM, thru your Pltn WO. We got all our new guys in the WR done as soon as they came back and for the most part they‘re completed for ID cards and Disks.
Yeh mine say NRE as well. Is the religion section so they can give you your last rites?
Yea, that possibility exist I suppose. Padres in the military are able to cover a large spectrum of religions, no matter their own. It‘s done by keeping things non denominational and an aggreement with the religious hierarchy in Canada. Therefore a Rabbi could minister to an RC if he were the only one avail and ya still get to heaven! Besides, they say everyone finds god on their deathbed, and I don‘t think most people are fussy about who‘s he is!

As for the rest, fill in the form and submit it. If nothing happens, (give it time to work, even regs don‘t get theirs by that afternoon!), put in a memo to the Adjt. Make sure you create a paper trail and push it up the chain. These things are part of your standard issue stuff. Most times nothing happens because someone has left the request in a basket and it gets shifted around the office till it‘s lost. We like to ask for ours in a large run. We‘ll wait till Sept-Oct, canvass the Regt, submit all requests at once and voila!, everyone gets ID Disks. Try that.
Yes, you‘re supposed to. Although I‘ve filled out the form for them 7 times in 4 years and still haven‘t seen mine.
Wow, you haven‘t gotten your ID Discs for 4 years? I put the papers in 3 months ago and they‘re in, just waiting to be picked up when the office is actually open when I‘m on parade.

But, on the other hand I don‘t quite have any winter kit yet, and probably won‘t have any until after this month‘s ex.. I‘m hopping it‘ll be really warm that weekend. :)
^How about you don‘t bet on that? ;)

I got sized for Goretex stuff, but I doubt they‘ll arrive soon...

And it snowed today! and it‘s only first of november
What information, line by line, goes on the dog tags? An example would be great too.
thanks :fifty:
Service Number
Inits Last Name
Religion Blood Type
Cdn Forces Cdn
Service Number
Inits Last Name
Cdn Forces Cdn

Do Not Remove
Ne Pas Enlever
I assume the one they leave on the body is the one with the blood type, correct?