quadrapiper said:
Might actually be easier for students in some programs to take a term or a year off, rather than dealing with penny-packet disruptions.
It could work, but I have a few reasons why I think it might not:
A) At the university I was at CO-OP started in the second summer, and you couldn't miss any time after that (I gurantee each University is different, but it is definitely something to consider). I got lucky because I transferred into program which gave me two summers to muck around with the reserves ;D. I even asked about the fact that I was a reservist and was told that they didn't accommodate.
B) Lots of summer student jobs require you to be full time before/after and the work term, depending on when this ends you
might miss out on a summer of employment in your field.
C) I know personally I would of lost my parents benefits if I took a term/year off and wasn't full time. My benefits are fairly lucrative and lot more than what I get as a CLS A reservist in terms of benefits.
D) Member get's hurt on the course. Now what?
E) What about pre-req's, I've had courses that were only offered
once a year, in my 3rd year in a fairly large university. There were also courses that were "easier" to take in the Fall or Winter because there were more time slots. I.E Stats 1 had 6 courses in the Fall and 1 in the Winter, whereas Stats II had 2 in the fall and 4 or 5 in the winter. You need Stats 1 for like 5 other courses and if you had conflict or failed it you typically set yourself behind a semester. Again not the end of the world, but it is something to consider (other programs may have more strict/flexible timelines depending on the major).
F) Course gets cancelled what now? I've just put my life on hold.
Don't get me wrong, it most certainly
would be easier to get trained in one shot. You could train BMQ-L + DRVR WHL + ACISS DP 1.0 in one summer. It would be tight, but for university students it would work. They currently run the DRVR WHL's and the ACISS DP 1.0's back to back and it is working fairly well. Heck if you started the basic on the weekends in Sept and did SQ after you graduated then you could without question train everyone up and have them ready for their 3's in May. (Other than the INF since they don't do SQ any more). High school students are another issue but if they could get BMQ + SQ during the school year, and have 2 months to give.
Could it perhaps be a national course and be optional while still running the other courses in blocks?
MCG said:
What if occupations requiring a full summer just for occupation specific stuff were trained as infantry in the first year. They could even be employed in an infantry unit over the next year until going to occupation training the next summer and joining the parent unit in the fall. Unsuccessful students would stay with the infantry.
What about the fact the infantry is a V3 Occupation? There are numerous people who I know who are only sigs because they couldn't get into inf in the first place. ACISS DP 1.0 is only 2 months so it
may be a moot point. However you are "supposed" to have DVR WHL prior to going to go on the course (So i've been told) I believe that the really long NCM courses are combat eng and a lot of the service battalion techs.
Halifax Tar said:
Perhaps what is needed is less officers and more NCMs and compulsory training, your civi commitment or job be damned. Granted some form of parliamentary legislated job protection would be needed but if you want the Army reserve to be taken seriously start acting seriously, step one: hold people accountable.
If someone is that available why not just join the reg-f in the first place? As for the civvy job it is going to be a tough sell to task people to take 3-6 months off to go back to part-time after the course. Though again it could work well in seasonal jobs (Fishing, Farming and Construction), and perhaps this is where the reserves should target if they want people other than university students. But when the reserves are working how available are these people going to be?