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Dissention in the ranks? Don’t go where IEDs are?

Media or no media, who really cares.  If there is no story they will make one.  They have their orders much the same as we have ours.  Now, staying in ones lanes, and gag orders and all this other talk is fine.  But remember that this is a open source website, anyone can see it.  We preach about OPSEC on here, yet we continue to bash the media.  Whose to say that they don't read this and formulate opinions from what they read.  As for the MCpl, his opinion is his opinion.  We were not there and cannot in any way critcize his actions or comments.  Nice to do it from back here where its all nice and safe, but give it a rest.  Theres enough armchair experst and retired wannabes out there already, lets not make anymore.
Seems like this guy forgot the gist of the lecture on the "Strategic Cpl",  I know he got it, hell I even know who gave it...he's here too.  ::)

Damage is done, the civvies won't understand, the media will play it up and the next thing you know we'll have Taliban Jack calling for an inquest into the mission based on the incompetence of the CF's leadership.
PPCLI Guy said:
The true problem ain't the Strategic Corporal - it is the nano-tactical 3 star......

Ahh, yes. The sock-checkers...the sewing kit inspectors....the sentence re-structurers. Their motto: "Take care of the little things and the big things will go right into the ditch take care of themselves".

On a smilar note WRT the strategic corporal.......... Don't believe it's a mere coincidence that quite often, Cpl Riggins is being interviewed by the media. Media plugs know that Privates and Corporals are more apt to speak exactly whats on their mind as they usually don't have that much time in the Military.  Go interview Sgt. Crusty and chances are, he'll throw up blocks to every single attempt to draw him into saying something off the cuff and re-direct masterfully......... He ain't going to make for juicy headlines. Ahhh...... But Cpl. Riggins over there may well be willing to spew accusations about "Incompetent leadership" and many other indescretions that most certainly will sell newspapers and get ol Taliban Jack and his gang up in arms in the House of Commons.

After Sgt Gillam and Cpl Mitchell were killed last fall, I met a roaming reporter in the parking lot at Timmie's on Base, and the guy would approach an individual coming out of Timmies, see a Crown or 3 hooks on the epaulet and turn around and walk away, but a blank epaulet or 2 hooks, he was all over them..........  I loved being asked "What do YOU think of Canada's mission in Afghanistan after hearing about the death of more of your comrades?"  "Well, my job isn't to decide on the role Canada should play, my job is to do what Canada's elected Government tells my superiors to do, and that information is in turn passed down to me and I do what I'm told"  He poked and prodded for a few minutes, lost interest in me and left me to my solitude, cigarette and coffee.........

I may be out in left field with my thoughts, but I do think there may be some substance to them.

It was Taken out of context. and for the record. IMHO Given his trade, his experiance and his time overseas, he was well within his lanes on this one...

out of respect for the Trooper, I will not comment further on the issue here. PM if you like.
Ohh, God...puh-leeeze don't get me started. The memories have only just started to fade.


Don't get me started about how "fun" Petawawa was in 1991 when the "Section Commanding" Colonel became the Base Commander...

All living in Officers had to wear jacket and tie when in the mess when not in uniform...in the summer.

We went from about 125 living in officers to 25 in about 2 months.  Good times...

That was over the hill, even for the old army. In the summer we could take our jackets off (this was in an era when rockers performed in jackets and ties) and even wear golf shirts before 1800.

A officer who was quite senior to me at the time once told me that most generals of our era acted like company commanders, because that was the last job they really understood.