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Discussion of Canada's Role in AFG (merged)

Cannonfodder said:
  True our military is doing a good job stabilising and making Afghanistan a better place but this is not preventing terrorist attacks on Canadian soil .

And this is what I agree with.

Afghanistan is merely one of the many (albiet a very large one) paths that needs to be taken.  It is not the sole solution to Terrorism.
  Somalia , Sudan ,Algeria, Nigeria ; all fairly lawless states with radical islamic elements . If one wanted to snuff out potential terrorist staging grounds would not these be a good place to start ?. Keep up the good work in Astan but stability has removed it from the terrorist top 10 training grounds .
Cannonfodder and J Gayson,
Methinks that you are being short-sighted in saying that it is not a fight on terror.
You may be partly correct in your assumption that it won't stop them from recruiting more scumbags, however, just like you and I, most people just want a chance at a real life, and if we can show the rest of the possible recruiting area's that we [ the west] can bring peace and economic stability to a region, well maybe they will think there is hope and therefore.......
As for you Slim there is an old saying old it goes like never argue with an idiot , they will drag you down to there level and then beat you with expieriance .

In looking at your profile I see that you have no military expeience what-so-ever. I have 15 years, 5 of which were spent in the Intelligence Branch. Are you a university kid from Calgary who comes to sites like this to tell us all how it should be...?

I really want to know where your expertise and expeience in these types of situations come from. So, instead of calling the staff an idiot, why don't you tell us how it is that you know so very much about a country that you've never even been to...

If you do not, then I will ask another mod to come and look this situation over and deal with you in they way that we deal with people who knowingly post false information on the site. Which it apears to me that you have done.

Ball's in your court...
And every one we kill there is one less we have to kill here. To bad the ungrateful bastards in this country don't understand that.

If I only had as many people here in Canada say thank you, as I did Afgans say it, it would be a good day. Truth is, they want and need us there, and are thankful for our presence. I have little to account for to people here that rant and rave, supposedly, on my unsolicited behalf, then they go back to their half million dollar home to eat Swiss Chalet in front of their big screen plasma tv.
Cannonfodder said:
Keep up the good work in Astan but stability has removed it from the terrorist top 10 training grounds .

Talking out of your ass again. It is still a training ground. It's one of the places they go for their confirmation exercises isn't it?
  Obviously a one way range is developing here , grow up slim your really showing your true colors , childish snipes and then handing out verbal warnings is fairly immature . Iam all for a good debate but obviously your not up to playing by the rules so have a good day .
It shan't be long for you, dear boy. ::)
Cannonfodder said:
   Obviously a one way range is developing here , grow up slim your really showing your true colors , childish snipes and then handing out verbal warnings is fairly immature . Iam all for a good debate but obviously your not up to playing by the rules so have a good day .

I'm asking questions that you are not answering and I'm wondering why...?

And as for the verbal...It didn't come from me...
Verbal came from me as your conduct has violated the guidelines. I suggest a review of those said guidelines might be in order before you advance any further up the warning ladder.
Cannonfodder said:
   Obviously a one way range is developing here , grow up slim your really showing your true colors , childish snipes and then handing out verbal warnings is fairly immature . Iam all for a good debate but obviously your not up to playing by the rules so have a good day .

It's your own breaking of the guidelines, your own childish snipes, that got you a Verbal, and Slim didn't give it to you.  And your not debating. Your tossing out unsubstantiated bullshit, and not backing it up.

One way range? I guess it would be when your trying to counter our fact and personal experiences with your fantasy and theories. How could it evolve otherwise?
So I guess your more concerned about your personal stature rather than your utopian morale one.

If you have a problem with the Mods, solicit the owner, Mr Bobbitt. Your taking the thread off track.......another violation.
Cannonfodder said:
                            KIND OF LIKE A DOUBLE STANDARD???

I remember the two way ranges back in the 80's and they weren't very popular.  I always lined up opposite the medics, since they were never really good shots, and they had the equipment needed if they got tagged. ;D

Dude, how many taskings do you think we should take on at any given time?  You don't go flail off to another campain until the first one is sewn up.  Take it from the guys who have been there (not refering to myself).  A'stan is not over.  The terrorists have learned that if you just run into the hills and screw off for a few months/years, the "Christian infidel crusaders" will go away.  We aren't doing that this time, because now that the Afgans are starting to enjoy some standard of living, it would be cruel in the extreme to say "Okay, just holder 'er steady and she'll do fine", then screw off to Sudan or some other jug hump. 
Maybe the rest of the "civilized" world can step up and take some initiative.  Maybe the newly formed 1st Tibetan Expeditionary Force could take over and spread some peace.   ;D
grow up slim your really showing your true colors , childish snipes and then handing out verbal warnings is fairly immature .

As for you Slim there is an old saying old it goes like never argue with an idiot , they will drag you down to there level and then beat you with experience .

Do you know why you're in trouble right now? I thought not.

Its because you (pay close attention now):

-Do not have first hand expedience in A'stan, yet claim to be an expert on the subject.

-Do not answer questions that myself and other have put to you about where your 'expertise' comes from.

-Cannot tolerate or accept the corrections of people who have been in that country, gone out on the patrols and spoken to the population directly

-Call people names and 'wash you hands off' when confronted with your earlier mis-behaviour.

I did tell you to can it and call you a jackass...Because that's exactly what you're acting like. You are in a debate with people who have been there and done that for real...Not TV or the movies or a good book that your prof gave you to read. These people have gone out and experienced life over there first hand. They've heard the bullets go by and know what they're fighting for.

Meanwhile you sit around in Second Cup on Tenth Ave wailing to your pals about the evil injustice of the Bush administration and how fighting terrorism should really be done. But you don't know the first thing about it! There are people on this board who do (believe me) and they laugh when they read the tripe you and others like you post. If we want to keep their respect and keep them coming back them we remove the garbage and warn the posters of the garbage not to do it again. If we didn't we would be no better than some of the other sites out there who just let anyone post whatever they like and, subsequently, have a poor rep with the REAL soldiers.

BTW this site is fairly tame in comparison to some others where you would've been run out the door by now...

Why not take the opportunity to sit back and learn from those who have heard the rounds go by and count yourself lucky that you have that opportunity?

The only thing I still don't understand is why you don't get that...?

This thread had 66 responses discussing the point before you entered with this:

Cannonfodder said:
      We should be careful in trying to decide for others what they want , yes we are in Afghanistan at the local governments  wishes . However it is a western friendly government that is in power because of Western backing . True the mission will help the people but is not  going to stop terrorism . Unfortunately any efforts to stop terrorism by being in Afghanistan should be viewed as closing the stable door after the horses have gotten out . That is not to demean the efforts of our forces , there doing a good job but the illusion of a war on terror is a misrepresentation of the facts .

Then for the next few dozen posts, you've been espousing empty rhetoric:

Cannonfodder said:
    Sometimes the truth hurts , try to think in grays not the conventional black and white .

Sniping at other members:

Cannonfodder said:
  Please tell me what is not true on about what I said . Dismissing someones opinion because it differs from yours is myoptic ,surely you can elaborate more intelligently.

Offering personal insults:

Cannonfodder said:
As for you Slim there is an old saying old it goes like never argue with an idiot , they will drag you down to there level and then beat you with expieriance .

And accusing staff of executing personal vedattas against you:

Cannonfodder said:
  Obviously a one way range is developing here , grow up slim your really showing your true colors , childish snipes and then handing out verbal warnings is fairly immature . Iam all for a good debate but obviously your not up to playing by the rules so have a good day .

And yet, you have yet to return this thread to the original topic and clearly lay out your proposal for a better plan to counter terrorism.

We do await your educated and supportable solution, for you apparently claim knowledge and understanding that far surpasses the personal experiences of those service members who have served in Afghanistan.

So please, trade up to a more mature approach and get the thread back on track, because so far you've only managed to present yourself as a troll in this thread.

Thank you.

          Actually if you read my profile you will see that I can speak with a level of expieriance .
Cannonfodder said:
Actually if you read my profile you will see that I can speak with a level of expieriance .

Did I miss something? I thought your profile was empty half an hour ago. Maybe I'm mistaken. Oh well, in that case, I am even more disappointed in your views. But that's just me.

It was emptry when I sent the Warning PM.
Cannonfodder said:
          Actually if you read my profile you will see that I can speak with a level of expieriance .

So, just to clarify, is that supposed to justify your actions thus far .... or the case against being in Afghanistan you have yet to present?