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Disability Awards: Debating the System (merged)

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post it so mods feel free to move, but how much did vets coming home from WW2 recieve in comparison with what guys and gals get today?
NSDreamer said:
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post it so mods feel free to move, but how much did vets coming home from WW2 recieve in comparison with what guys and gals get today?

You will have to do some extra digging to find historic rates, but the current rates for vets disability pensions for Second World Service are here:

Michael O'Leary said:
You will have to do some extra digging to find historic rates, but the current rates for vets disability pensions for Second World Service are here:


thank you!
Michael O'Leary said:
You will have to do some extra digging to find historic rates, but the current rates for vets disability pensions for Second World Service are here:


Not just for WWII service;  those rates apply also to any pensioned member right up until the implementation of the New Veterans Charter in 2006, and continue to be applied for pensioned conditions under the Pension Act.
Regard's my last: Sitrep from Mike
Prepare to copy.

Latest on Nov 6th Day of protest.
Sitrep to date as follow's,,


Mike Blais Rcr Cfds December 7, 2010 at 4:12pm
Subject: Situation Report, 6 December, 2010 Canadian Veterans Advocacy – CVNDOP 2011
Situation Report, 6 December, 2010 Canadian Veterans Advocacy – CVNDOP 2011

Greetings from Niagara!

Things are moving forward with the formal incorporation of the Canadian Veterans Advocacy, with the hope of creating a national infrastructure capable of generating funding through subscription/membership and donations to financially support next years' Canadian Veterans National Day of Protest on November 5th and to remind Canadians of the continuing plight of veterans through an aggressive PR campaign.

Please be advised that many of the advocates and team leaders
sustained expenses on November 6th of this year due to the fact that we did not have a war chest in place, something I hope to rectify in time for next years' election/protest.

I would like to take a special moment to note the cash contributions of Sean Bruyea,(who covered the considerable expense of the PA system on Parliament Hill), Jeff Rose-Martland, Team Newfoundland & Labrador, (who paid for the permit for the St John's rally and incurred other expenses as well). eff heads up Our Duty, a Newfoundland based pro veterans organization that shares our disgust over the manner our veterans are being treated.

They are attempting to recover losses and you can contribute by going to his site at
http://www.facebook.com/l/9da8bXk-vJXd4FAdjK7lRX8CdGw;ourduty.org/ .
I would note Sean Wilson headed up the successful rally in London. http://www.facebook.com/l/9da8b1xJygsDQBQAS3ac2HnvPLQ;www.remembernovember11.com/

Of course, there are many, many others who have made significant contributions: Joe, Gary and Gary, Ken, CJ, Perry and Ron at http://www.facebook.com/l/9da8bik6EUYDFSAjnPDE98C-RVA;Veteranvoice.info , Chad, Sean W, Sheri, Lance, Bonnie, Buzz, Daniel, the CAV nationwide! (God bless you all!) Eric, Elsie, Fred, James, Rosanne, Rob, Gary, Claudia, Janet, Jeff, Mike, Doug, Bill, Harry, Tom, Glenn, Glenn, Craig, Peter, Ron D, Mark…

Whew, the list is long, and some first names could be repeated several times. Together we have made an important start, we have rallied, organized nation wide and created the foundation and infrastructure to continue to champion amendments to the New Veterans Charter to reflect the dignity and honour of those who served this nation before the NVC created a second class of veteran.

Sadly, our voices have yet to be heard.
The One Veteran
One Standard level of care we are fighting for has not been attained, worse... the organization traditionally responsible for veterans care has abandoned the "One Veteran, One Standard" policy and seems to have no problem facilitating further disrespect by advising on and encouraging parliamentarians to vote for Minister Blackburn’s inadequate proposals.

Proposals that are not retroactive, I might add. Once again, our veterans are being abandoned for a sound bite.

As such, there are no alternatives. We have a sacred duty to those to whom we have passed the torch. Do we abandon them during their time of need or do we press on?

As God is my witness, I have no intention of abandoning our troops, now or in the future. I pray that you, the veterans of this nation and patriotic Canadians who support our troops share my convictions, that you realize that we have no alternative but to mobilize to the next level.

This is the reason the Canadian Veterans Advocacy has been created. Our duty and primary objective is to fight for justice for veterans and those who serve today, who are being repatriated coming home from Afghanistan with terrible injuries and are not being accorded the life time standard of care and financial security representative of the unique and special bond between our soldiers and Canada during times of war.

Reality Check!

Strategically, we cannot attain our goals without raising money for: lobbying, television commercials, public advertisement, a U-tube campaign and of course, a war chest to defer the national costs of further demonstrations.

We must campaign on every medium available to us, paramount stratagems if we are to attain the primary mission.

Ie: inform Canadians of the true hardships our veterans are facing, define the nature of the Sacred Bond between Canada and its sons and daughters during times of conflict, expose the betrayal of the New Veterans Charter.

Unfortunately, time is of the essence. The threat of a looming election is real and it is during this period where we can have the most effect. Indeed, should we form our own military based voting block (one based on the principles of One veteran) One Standard, One Voice, I dare say we might be able to affect the outcome of the election and ensure the sacred bond, abandoned in 2006 to great consequences to Canada’s Sons and Daughters, is restored.

To attain these goals, a variety of fund raising plans will/are being implemented with the hope of attaining corporate/union support: Including subscription/membership on an individual basis through a 20 dollar annual subscription.

These funds will be used to fund a website, a small office staff when needed, a electronic media centre and most importantly, advocacy related operations. Membership is not exclusive to veterans although the first 100 veterans to join will be chartered members, accorded appropriate numbers and have there names published in a special page on the new web site.

Veterans will also have the special designation V for veteran noted on the card. Those who are interested in being part of the Charter membership are advised to contact me ASAP via email as many have already expressed interest

Please make out the Cheque out to: Canadian Veterans Advocacy and mail to ML Blais 6618 Harper Drive, Niagara Falls, Ontario L2E 7K6. I am using my home as base.

To all Members:
Membership cards will be issued and blazer crests, hats and red CVA Support the Troops t-shirts created for those interested once the logo is decided on.
Profits go back into the Advocacy Fund. It is my hope to organize a nation wide telethon/support the troops rally for a weekend this summer with money raised going directly to homeless veterans shelters, food banks and other issues abandoned by the federal government.

One Veteran, One Standard, One VOICE!

ML Blais CD
Founder, Canadian Veterans Advocacy.
CVNDOP 2010 - 2011. 6 Nov, 2010

This Gentleman ML Blais CD has founded a new Canadian
Veteran's Advocacy Group. He has responded to the call as
did Pat S. This gentleman has issued a warning order.
I for one heard that. And I will support ML Blais CD in all
his effort's to rectify all of the above and I'am asking for
support. Not only for me or Mike but for all our Veteran's
Past,,, Present ,,, Future so these injustices never happen
to our Veteran's again.
Thank-You for hearing me out...
Best Regard's all...
Scoty B
Future Pensioner said:
Can someone please pm me Mike's E-mail address?


Ummmmmmm?  Which Mike?

If you go to one of their profile (whichever Mike you are talking about) and find their latest post; down under their name are email and PM buttons.  Push one and you will either email them a message or send them a Personal Message through the site's program.

I knew it was only a matter of time before the NVA needed us to give them money.
George Wallace said:
Ummmmmmm?  Which Mike?

If you go to one of their profile (whichever Mike you are talking about) and find their latest post; down under their name are email and PM buttons.  Push one and you will either email them a message or send them a Personal Message through the site's program.

My apologies - I meant the Mike Blais that was mentioned in the previous post.


Contact Info

Mike Blais

Confirm why you need to know?
Just curious.
Scuse me while I shoot myself in the foot.
PVT PM Request Please.
Scoty B
I was digging through archives and came upon this thread. There is a small matter of optics I would like address. The correct contact information for Mike Blais can be found on the canadianveteransadvocacy.com site.

The posted contact information provided by wildman0101 is outdated. The address was intended as a POC during the Canadian Veterans National Day of Protest, 2010, prior to the incorporation of Canadian Veterans Advocacy.

veteranvoice.info does not actively solicit donations nor are any funds filtered from Canadian Veterans Advocacy.

Best regards to all.
Just wondering how you guys think it will go if they increase the max disability award as it seems like they might.

Let's say you are on 100% disability. I think your award was $280,000 or sometjing? If they increase it to, say, $380,000 and you got your award in 2007.

You think it'd be retroactive and you'd get $100,000?
Are you basing this on anything?

The entire issue came about because (mostly) Afghan vets were being shortchanged. The lawsuit is because of (mostly) Afghan vets. Why would they introduce a "fix" that does absolutely nothing to help Afghan vets?

Why would the plaintiffs in the Equitas lawsuit go through with it if they would see no relief of their own situation?

Are you just being cynical?
Unless its specifically written to apply the change to any award after a certain date, changes to legislation only apply to those who apply for disability award after the new date. Look at all the guys who had injuries prior to 2006, but didn't apply until after the NVC came in, and were handled under that instead of the old system.
I understand what you're saying but it's really apples to oranges. Those are two comoletely different systems and once the NVC was implemented,  they didn't have the administrative ability to put them.in the old system.

And i would agree that new legislation is never retroacted. Butwe're not really talking about "changing legislation". Pretty sure the gov't is clear that the NVC is here to stay. All they're going to do.is tweak the existing system.

So if the gov't says that someone at 100% under the NVC gets $400,000 now (for example) that's still under the NVC. And if you are rated at 100% at the NVC, that's your entitlement. So if you're at 100% and HAVE MT gotten that amount, the balance will be paid to you (taking away what you've already bee paid, of course)

I mean, look, I know it's important to fight the good fight for those that come after us. But do you really think all the vets/lawyers/families etc are fighting all this just to ensure that vets in the future get help?

And if the gov't ups the disability award, they're basically saying the amount was underpaid from the get go
I just think it'd be hard, politically, to say "yeah, we screwed the vets since 2008. And we won't screw ANYMORE vets. But the vets that got screwed are staying screwed"
Yikes, typos.

Sry I'm on my phone and have fat fingers.