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Direct Entry Officer (DEO) questions [Merged]

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Good day,

I just got back from CFRC to find out about my file, and I was told that my file is looking very good. The recruiter told me that selection hasnt happened yet for my trade as a DEO from my understanding doesnt start BMOQ until at least the fall. I am curious to find out when DEO selections are made and how do they figure what trades will go to basic. When i applied i was told my trade was in demand and under subscribed which in my mind is a bonus for me. However another recruiter told me a couple months ago that they were getting my job offer ready which turns out to be a lil false lol. If anyone has any knowledge of how this works I am very interested in hearing it.


Also lets take a moment for those who gave their lives on D-Day
What I heard about selection for DEO. I am not sure if it is true or false. May be somebody can correct me.
There are 2 kinds of selections- national and local .It depends of trades. Some trades are national selections,some-local.
I heard that local DEO selection can be every week. But selection usually 1-2 months before next BMOQ.
Next BMOQ can be in September, 2011.
I am also waiting selection for DEO and hope to be in next BMOQ.
Hey guys and girls, who are waiting for BMOQ ,join this topic.
Sky 777,
You are correct, there are two types of selection.

National selections done by CFRG or in some specialist occupations done by a board in NDHQ. NSL selection dates are available to the CFRCs.

Open selections are done by the production staff at the CFRCs. They normally select only when there are open positions on BMOQ. You friendly neighbourhood CFRC should be able to tell you if your occupation choice is OSL or NSL and if it NSL when the next selection board is convened.

Hope this helps.
Going for DEO Infantry myself, only just applied last week in Toronto. Will be writing my CFAT on the 28th. We'll see how long the process takes- I'm worried it'll be slowed down by my 8 months studying in Germany and the fact that like many university grads, I'm walking around with about 30k in student loans.
Trick - it is my understanding after talking with the recruiters that student debt is not considered as "bad" debt, as long as it remained within reason for your program. What they seemed to be more concerned about was how much other debt you had - I would assume this means debts to collection agencies, your credit score and credit history with major institutions (Banks, Credit Cards, etc). I was told in no uncertain terms not to worry about the 22k I had from my time in University.

I'm also attempting to get into Infantry via the DEO route. Good news is that there is still positions available (as of today)!
Trick said:
Going for DEO Infantry myself, only just applied last week in Toronto. Will be writing my CFAT on the 28th. We'll see how long the process takes- I'm worried it'll be slowed down by my 8 months studying in Germany and the fact that like many university grads, I'm walking around with about 30k in student loans.

The credit check is for serious debts.  Like the verge of bankruptcy sort.  The way it was explained to me, they can't really hire anyone who's swimming through piles of past due bills for a few reasons like being more likely to be distracted, shows poor financial management, etc.  Whether or not that's the official reason, as mentioned previously, there is good and bad debt.  School falls under good. 
CFR FCS said:
Sky 777,
You are correct, there are two types of selection.

National selections done by CFRG or in some specialist occupations done by a board in NDHQ. NSL selection dates are available to the CFRCs.

Open selections are done by the production staff at the CFRCs. They normally select only when there are open positions on BMOQ. You friendly neighbourhood CFRC should be able to tell you if your occupation choice is OSL or NSL and if it NSL when the next selection board is convened.

Hope this helps.
Sure.Thanks  CFR FCS  for explanations and additional information.
NSL-  National Selection (By CFRG)
OSL- Open Selection (By local CFRC)
Your post are usually much helpful and  informative.
Ayrsayle said:
I'm also attempting to get into Infantry via the DEO route. Good news is that there is still positions available (as of today)!
Welcome to the club.
I hope we can be in next BMOQ.
sky777 said:
Welcome to the club.
I hope we can be in next BMOQ.

Ha yeah, good luck to you both- perhaps we'll see each other at BMOQ! Does anyone know if Infantry Officer is local or national?
I was told by my interviewer that Infantry selection was done onsite (So Local, or at least in New Westminster). I was also informed (when I asked) that there was no firm date set for BMOQ at this point. While he did not come out and say my chances were good, he did seem quite happy with the interview and to make sure to check with him in three weeks if I had not already been contacted (I was Merit listed that day).

My Question: Assuming my Application is successful, but BMOQ will not occur until say Jan - will I be given my offer as soon as possible or much closer to the date of BMOQ?
Trick said:
Ha yeah, good luck to you both- perhaps we'll see each other at BMOQ! Does anyone know if Infantry Officer is local or national?
Yes,I hope we can see each other.
You can also ask your CFRC about Infantry Officer.I call them  2time per month to check my file status.
About myself.
I applied for 2 positions:
1.Construction Engineering (in demand) - NSL
2.Electrical and Mechanical Engineering -OSL
Ayrsayle said:
My Question: Assuming my Application is successful, but BMOQ will not occur until say Jan - will I be given my offer as soon as possible or much closer to the date of BMOQ?
Usually much closer to the date of BMOQ (1-2 months).I heard about probable BMOQ in September 20011  from my local CFRC .
Don't be upset you must have hope to be ASAP in BMOQ.
Look at me. I applied in August,2009 but I still have hope that everything will be fine. Good luck man!
Not upset at all, actually. I was expecting things to take much longer then this to get to this point. Let me know if you hear anything positive!
Does anyone know how often the local selections happen? I was merit listed for Eng Officer (OSL) a couple of weeks ago and the recruiter told me I should be hearing from them any day now.
I would imagine it's different for each area. I don't know this, but from what I've seen it seems that certain areas have a certain number of positions to give out, so it's probably more up to them. Best bet as always is the awkward phone call though. Congrats on the Merit Listing!
I'm in the same boat with the "any day now" - I was told 2-3 weeks, about..... two weeks ago? Figure I'll go in and ask on Thursday, seeing as how I move out to Edmonton Friday (making asking in person a wee bit more difficult). Cross your fingers guys, judgement day is soon to be upon us (grins). If anyone hears anything, post something on this thread (as we will all likely hear something around that time)
Ayrsayle said:
I'm in the same boat with the "any day now" - I was told 2-3 weeks, about..... two weeks ago? Figure I'll go in and ask on Thursday, seeing as how I move out to Edmonton Friday (making asking in person a wee bit more difficult). Cross your fingers guys, judgement day is soon to be upon us (grins). If anyone hears anything, post something on this thread (as we will all likely hear something around that time)

Haha my "2-3 weeks" has been almost a full month now. I get excited pretty much every time my phone rings during business hours.
George2 said:
Save the your local CFRC phone number and customize the ring tone.

Ha, I'm not sure if you're serious, but I'm actually doing that...