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Dinner with PM a waste of time: Williams

You are right with that. I am a Newfoundlander, but I am still a proud Canadian.

Absolutely!  It is good to see that.  It is also what makes me worried about the rhetoric that Danny Williams' uses, it often sets a confrontational tone that pairs Canada off against Newfoundland, and vice versa, despite most NFLD'ers being loyal Canadians.  That's something that worries me, as that kind of rhetoric often seems to escalate, to the point where no one seems to remember what the argument is about anymore, and it becomes all about grandstanding and correcting some long forgotten wrong.

Granted, Danny Williams has done wonders for NFLD, I just wonder if he's taking the wrong tone by calling out the Government so often... the rest of Canada just tires of it eventually...
xo31@711ret said:
Amen Mike. Though I've been 'officially' gone for over 25 years, I still consider the Rock as Home (though the weather can be trying at times  ;) ). Looking forward to hitting St. John's east (for 2 weeks May & June - sans the spouse and the spawn  :o  )

Might be around, unless I'm in Labrador or back to good old Gagetown.
GAP said:
Soooo....if he is handing out all this oil related money, and seeming to be doing a pretty good job, why does he think he is entitled to the equalization welfare $$?

No Danny-rooters willing to take this one up?

Not surprised.  ::)
Might be around, unless I'm in Labrador or back to good old Gagetown.....Hell Sapper, I'm closer to Lab City- here on the lower north of Quebec in Sept-Iles.
(Probaly closer to Lac City as the crow flies compared to Quebec City - about an 8 hour drive south in the summer).
xo31@711ret said:
Looking forward to hitting St. John's east (for 2 weeks May & June - sans the spouse and the spawn  :o  )
Hmm, I might be in town around then, too.
PPCLI Guy said:
No Danny-rooters willing to take this one up?

Not surprised.   ::)

Ok well do tell us how Danny should take a have not province,turning it into a profitable province without trying to get as much money as possible to put programs and infastructor in place?You know we don't use beach rocks as currency down there right?

All you who are deciding to complain about the hand outs to Nfld should be glad.As stated before this rich businessman is running NFLD as his own business and trying to make a profit.10 years ago most of Canada wouldn't know anything about who the Newfoundland premier was,and that worked out real well for us didn't it?Quiet premiers who went away to Ottawa and didn't fight for anything to improve Newfoundland,only their political career's.

He doesn't accept his own deserved premier pay check for Pete sake!
McLean's ran a article last year that showed "premiers houses".Showed Mr Williams house which is a grand beautiful old home.Next to it stated "Newfoundland premier has poorest province but lives in the most expensive house."This is the type of attitude that is creating a "us and them" divide. During his last campain he drove into a small town with his very expensive car.Someone spoke up during the conference and asked him why they would make him more money to vote him in if he was blowing it on 50,000 dollar car's.
He replied Its a 80,000 car and came from my own savings account.

Newfoundlanders trust him because he isn't there for the money or for furthering a political career.He (we believe)has only Newfoundlands intrests at heart.Maybe that's why everyone to the west hates him so much,he's the first premier EVER to stand up for Newfoundland.Not suck up to central Canada as previous did.Name one previous that did.
That's wonderful, but nowhere in that post did I see an answer to my question other than "just because".....
It'll be great to look back on this thread when Nfld becomes a 'have province'. Then we can listen to them bellyache about how they have to use their oil revenues to top up Ontario and Quebec. I'm sure there'll be more than one slogan along the lines of "Let the Central bastards freeze in the dark" ;)
recceguy said:
It'll be great to look back on this thread when Nfld becomes a 'have province'. Then we can listen to them bellyache about how they have to use their oil revenues to top up Ontario and Quebec. I'm sure there'll be more than one slogan along the lines of "Let the Central bastards freeze in the dark" ;)

It sure will.
Thats the spirit! ;D
And all the Newfoundlanders can complain about the people drawing EI in Windsor.

I really don't get your guy's thinking.
You don't want to pay welfare or pogey checks to the east,yet you don't want them to recieve funds to get their province economy growing producing jobs and HOPEFULLY one day contributing back to Canada.Since 1949 Newfoundland has been taking money for no work from the rest of Canada.

Why do you think Joey Smallwood got elected and got the vote to JOIN canada?It was the 51%(some say)who most of all wanted the "baby bonus".Just watched a Bio on the biography channel,had one old lady who thought Joey himself cut the baby bonus checks himself that's why she voted to join confederation.It was a large platform for the "confederates".Still 49% voted that they didnt want help from Canada in any shape or form.

Food for thought/discussion however.

Many Newfoundlanders also look at the broken promise as yet another from Ottawa to Newfoundland.If you have to ask what promises were broken google "terms of union".And that was the start.
X-mo-1979 said:
And all the Newfoundlanders can complain about the people drawing EI in Windsor.

Just the ones that actually work AND pay into the system ;) Don't forget, most autoworkers pay almost as much UI premiums as some people pull as a wage, and until recently, most have never collected it. Also, if it wasn't for them, we wouldn't need your oil anyway ;D
recceguy said:
Just the ones that actually work AND pay into the system ;) Don't forget, most autoworkers pay almost as much UI premiums as some people pull as a wage, and until recently, most have never collected it. Also, if it wasn't for them, we wouldn't need your oil anyway ;D


And I like to thank Canada for raising me 3 months of the year.Your pogey checks have produced a nice young Mcpl in your glorious military.

(But in reality Im sending all our PAM's to Danny.)

P.S I got family in Lasalle (sp?)Yes we are there too!

sgf said:
maybe many nflders are still smarting from being screwed over from the Churchill Project.

I'd be stinging over being screwed by my own people as well!

BRINCO?  Churchill Falls (Labrador) Corporation (subsidiary of BRINCO)?  And the Newfoundland Government had given resource rights to BRINCO...

Remind me again who it was that signed the contract with Hydro Quebec in 1966? 
Good2Golf said:
I'd be stinging over being screwed by my own people as well!

Think Danny would give it away?See where we are coming from now? ;D
X-mo-1979 said:
Think Danny would give it away?See where we are coming from now? ;D

Danny giving something away  :rofl: like that is going to happen

Good2Golf said:
I'd be stinging over being screwed by my own people as well!

BRINCO?  Churchill Falls (Labrador) Corporation (subsidiary of BRINCO)?  And the Newfoundland Government had given resource rights to BRINCO...

Remind me again who it was that signed the contract with Hydro Quebec in 1966? 

And Danny's fighting to get it back  ;D
I seem to have stumbled in to BlindBoosterism.nfld,

or perhaps HoorayHenry.roc

X-mo-1979 said:
Think Danny would give it away?See where we are coming from now? ;D

I think so...you're saying it was someone else's fault, and that Newfoundland and Labrador would probably not sign such a contract today.

Credit should at least go to Brian Tobin in 1998 for trying to get Lucien Bouchard to revisit the contract, vice the corporate arse covering decision of the Newfoundland Government of the day to ensure CF(L)Co's survival that ended up giving away the majority of the profit of the power generation to non-Newfoundlanders.

Sorry, but you haven't convinced me that 1966 wasn't Newfoundlanders' own doing.

In my view Newfoundland has every reason to be upset. Newfoundland , like Alberta, depends largely on Natural Resources and it seems since we joined Canada they have mismanaged or taken away all our resources, not to mention some neighboring provinces take advatage of us. So, here we are with one major resource left and now the government decides to take that too. So, we get upset, because its being taken away, and because its non-renewable, it isnt going to be there forever.

Harper also made a direct promise to us, in parliament, that we should get control of our oil, and now he renegged on the promise. We could also really use that money, as we are the poorest Province in Confederation.

Now to expand on Danny's Attitude.  Danny is a rhode scholar, successful lawyer, and extremely successful businessman. He makes all the money in the world, and gives his paycheque to charity. He dosent need money, and arguably can get close to that amount of power, even more possibly, with his wealth. Anyways, hes a smart man, and knows how to get people to talk. We have had successive governments do just that: talk. They talk a moutful, but nothing ever gets done. Why should Ottawa care about Newfoundland ? We're only 7 seats to them. The whole reason they wanted Newfoundland in Confedeation was for resources, and theyre doing just that. When Martin didnt want to listen to our concerns, danny simply took down all the canadian flags. Danny has been hottin and hollering and it appears to have had some impact as the PM made a visit here on his own accord to shut danny up, and may have implied that hed give Marystown the shipping contract or more CF presence in Goose Bay, maybe, but not equalization. He may also try to raise the fortunes of the CPC in the area, which have been cut over 25% since danny's ABC campaign. Short, danny is getting Ottawa to listen, which is more than our last leaders did.
You are right, that is why we rigged the vote to get you guys in!  We wanted your resources!

If Danny the great wants to get people listening, have a vote, then leave! 

Besides its not Newfoundland's oil, its Canada's oil!  Show me a map with provincial boundries expanding out into the Ocean.  Your boundry ends where the rock meets the water.
