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Difficult Reading Awards

George Wallace

Army.ca Dinosaur
Reaction score
I am sure we all have problems reading some posts, but some are really priceless in their lack of structure.  "Run on Sentences" have to be the most annoying, and hard to decipher.  Can anyone beat this one for length - no creative writting - just examples from previous posts:

K_R said:
................... People are unique they are supposed to have their own views on life and well i have mine and just because i am not as experienced or as old as you maybe has no bearing on my competency or my intelligence so as many people have said "do not judge a book by its cover", but i know this is your opinion and i guess you do feel obligated to try to keep a strict hold on those younger than you and well i can respect that but i do not stand for these sort of things because people of your age and of your stature try to mold us the youth into what you want us to be and i want to be who i want to be and it's also up to me,so if you would kindly try not to judge my character i would really appreciate that.............

Winner gets to have their cake and eat it too.   ;D
From the same meat popsicle, but on msn.  I hope it still counts!

jab_right_hook@hotmail.com says (8:38 PM):
with manners like that and an attitude as un accepting as yours i would say you will not make it far in an actual civil job so i hope you enjoy your life in the forces my friend cus u willl b in them for a long time and so will i of course of course because i do enjoy it but if u r gonna b narrow minded and use vulger language as such u r likely to get into alot of fights with fellow soldiers
I had to stop reading that to take a deep breath - and I wasn`t even talking.

Wish I still had it, but I edited an ex-girlfriend`s university paper one time - 8 Pages, 8 sentences.  I was just printing the thing out and happened to proof read it - she is a bona fide PhD, but seriously can`t write a sentence (science major).

Oh well, I`m sure we`ll find some more to add to the trophy case.

Me thinks "Eats, Shoots, and Leaves" should be required reading for those "authors."
If you haven't read Proust you haven't read run-on sentences. This guy wrote sentences running several PAGES. I'm talking a sentence that runs so long you forget what the beginning was! Though it's creative and doesn't count here.

As for online, I'm a simple-minded SOB so I just stop reading when the sentences are too complex or use words with more than three syllables.
Frederik G said:
As for online, I'm a simple-minded SOB so I just stop reading when the sentences are too complex or use words with more than three syllables.

What's the matter, can't understand the words Watermelon, Huckleberry or Helicopter
its only four syllables    ;D
I was wondering when someone would address this problem.    ;)

Personally if I see a member's post with a huge run-on paragraph that is thicker than my 4 fingers...I chalk it up to someone not being able to be thinking clearly enough.

As such, I just disregard what they have to say....it's just not worth the head ache.

As for MSN speak....the poster is just too lazy to use proper grammar and sentence structure, and hit the spell check.

I looked up KR's profile so I could see his previous posts,
yet there are none... did he/she erase them?
They're there. Go to the profile and at the bottom you'll see 'Show the last posts of this person'. Click that. I just checked and it worked for me.
Sorry.....Those posts don't belong to KR, (Didn't know that there was a KR registered when I abbreviated the real poster.  I'll have to change that.).  If you use the link to the quote: "Quote from:  K_R on April 02, 2006, 19:43:41"       http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/41593/post-360726.html#msg360726  you will find the real culprit.   >:D
beat me to it George. [ but then you had the knowledge that you screwed up, I had to work from scratch to discover your true ineptness. :rofl:]
i agree with you all. people should take the time and use spell check that way everyone who reads their posts can understand. also that people should read over what they type because they can have run on sentences and not realize it. personaly i've had that problem too but i dn't anymore becaue i took the time and read what i've written and  ITS NOT JUST THAT HARD! get into the habit.
Interesting, the capitals notwithstanding, spellcheck picked up 5 errors in your post.......
Without pointing fingers at anyone, I confess to being highly irritated by both MSN speak as well as the lack of capitals.  I think this has more to do with being the parent of two teenage boys than anything else.

While I appreciate the use of spell checkers, they are not infalliable.  Anyone can make a spelling mistake or punctuation error.  That being said, the run-on paragraphs without ANY punctuation are enough to render me simple.  I can't be bothered reading if the author does not have sufficient pride in his/her message to atleast make a half-assed effort at puncuation and spelling.
militarygal said:
i agree with you all. people should take the time and use spell check that way everyone who reads their posts can understand. also that people should read over what they type because they can have run on sentences and not realize it. personaly i've had that problem too but i dn't anymore becaue i took the time and read what i've written and  ITS NOT JUST THAT HARD! get into the habit.


What you write should flow as if you were speaking.  As militarygal alludes, you should read what you wrote and see if it is correct.  It even helps to read it aloud sometimes, as if you were speaking to someone, to see how it 'flows' and where you may put your punctuation or pauses.  I can see from her post that the use of the English language has changed.  Today's 'English' reflects "Street Talk", HipHop, Gangster Rap, Ebonics, Gutter Talk, and numerous other forms, many of these reflecting a lack of education and 'Class' by those speaking it.   

I agree, Spell Check is not perfect.  I started a Topic called Miss Spelling to play with its' flaws.  Many on this site have problems with words like there, their, and they're.  It is indeed frustrating, butt watt can ewe due?
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Interesting, the capitals notwithstanding, spellcheck picked up 5 errors in your post.......

Ouch...that was low Bruce....    ;)

I must admit, this is often one of my biggest faults in my own writing.  See other posts for proof. 

However didnt realize so many people found it offensive.  Is this due to a percieved insult to the english language, or are there just to many anal-retentive people viewing these posts?    :-X

My name is Centurian1985 and I have a run-on-sentence problem. :-\

I'm not a big stickler for grammar. As long as something is readable, I'm pretty happy. However, it should be noted that proper punctuation and sentence structure go a long way towards making a successful argument.

And there is nothing wrong with long paragraphs, or sentences, as long as they are formed properly. Just like there is nothing wrong with beginning a sentence with "and" or "because" as long as it is not a fragment.

In regards to the university students that can't write worth a darn, unfortunately it's absolutely true. There are even fourth year arts students who seem to have missed, in all those years, how to use capitals. Don't ask me how they managed to get that far.
Centurian1985 said:
My name is Centurian1985 and I have a run-on-sentence problem. :-\

*Hi*(Long and drawn out Hi) Centurian1985 welcome to Army.ca Run On Sentence Annonomys

I Dont think I have a Problem With Run On Sentance's, Just A Strange Need To Capitalize Every other Word  ;D