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Decorated Canadian soldier beaten and taunted by his fellow citizens

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Edward Campbell

Army.ca Myth
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This is reproduced under the Fair Dealing provisions (§29) of the Copyright Act from today’s Ottawa Citizen:

Hero beaten

Andrew Seymour, The Ottawa Citizen
Published: Monday, March 12, 2007

A Canadian soldier awarded a Medal of Military Valour for braving enemy fire in Afghanistan is angry after he says was jumped from behind and taunted by four men who beat him up in a Morrisburg bar on the weekend.

Master Cpl. Collin Fitzgerald, who was awarded a Medal of Valour for heroic actions in Afghanistan by Governor-General Michalle Jean on Feb. 19, had his foot broken in three places and needed 10 stitches to close a cut above his right eye. The 27-year-old soldier also suffered a broken nose and two black eyes in the attack, which occurred after midnight Saturday morning.

Master Cpl. Fitzgerald said Monday he had only been in the bar about 20 minutes when he was struck from behind.

"I don't even remember getting hit," he said.

"I went and sat down at one of the tables, and next thing I knew I woke up and a hole in my head and I couldn't walk on my foot," said Master Cpl. Fitzgerald, adding that witnesses told him one of the men said, 'What kind of f--king hero are you now?' as they were being pulled off of him.
"I was just covered in blood. I didn't know what happened to me," he said.

Prior to the assault, Master Cpl. Fitzgerald said he had been at the bar visiting with his fiance's brother Shawn Hitsman and some other childhood friends when he moved to the table.

After coming to, Master Cpl. Fitzgerald said Mr. Hitsman and another friend, Bobby Paradis, helped him up and drove him to the hospital.

OPP Const. Paul Murphy said a 21-year-old Morrisburg man has been charged with aggravated assault. The man has since been released from custody on a promise to appear in court. Since he has yet to appear in court, his name was not released, police said.

Const. Murphy said more charges are expected to be laid against the 21-year-old. Police also expect to lay charges against several other suspects, he said.

After serving eight months in Afghanistan, Master Cpl. Fitzgerald said, "not in a million years" did he expect to be jumped in a Morrisburg bar. He also never expected to be shown such disrespect.

"Ignorance is bliss. They obviously have no idea or any clue what the hell is going on over there," he said. "We weren't just sitting in a camp. We're getting shot at. People are dying. Buddies of mine I've seen get blown up. They really don't have any clue, and they don't know how lucky they have it here in Canada."

Master Cpl. Fitzgerald's mother, Arlene Fitzgerald, said the attack has left her shaken and upset.
"He came home in one piece from Afghanistan, and he gets beaten up like this in his own home town," she said. "He just came back from hell."

Master Cpl. Fitzgerald, who is a weapons instructor at CFB Trenton, was one of the first recipients of the Canadian Medal of Military Valour.

According to the Canadian Forces, Master Cpl. Fitzgerald was recognized "for outstanding selfless and valiant actions" carried out on May 24, 2006, during an ongoing enemy ambush "involving intense, accurate enemy fire."

Master Cpl. Fitzgerald "repeatedly exposed himself to enemy fire by entering and re-entering a burning platoon vehicle and successfully driving it off the roadway, permitting the remaining vehicles trapped in the enemy zone to break free."

According to the military, Master Cpl. Fitzgerald's "courageous and completely selfless actions were instrumental to his platoon's successful egress and undoubtedly contributed to saving the lives of his fellow platoon members."

© The Ottawa Citizen 2007

This reaffirms my views of the majority of our fellow citizens – the folks so many of you are defending, often risking life and limb to do so.
I don't know what to say to something like that.  They not only beat up a war hero but they knew he was one too and taunted him for it.  Total lack of respect.  It makes me want to vomit.
oh Fitzy, I feel for yah man.  Reminds me of something that might have happened to us in Alberta instead....

Get better brother  :salute:
That leaves my mouth dry and my guts heaving.

How disrespectful and ignorant. I can only imagine what could possibly have happened if just a couple more military folk had been there.

A round of throat punches for all? That just completely and utterly disgusts me that people can be so "ignant".

In a word, simply disgusting. I'm going to leave my response at that because I don't want to be put on warning for putting out my true thoughts about these... scumbags who did this. Absolutely shameful that this man managed to come home safely from Afghanistan only to have the crap kicked out of him by a few thugs in his home town.
Oh my Freakin' Gawd.

Now I remember why I moved up north - I just couldn't stand watching my fellow urban citizens fall any further into the depths (from which I sometimes fear they will never climb out.)

Get well, MCpl Fitzgerald - I can only hope that our justice system will handle this properly.

E.R. Campbell said:
This reaffirms my views of the majority of our fellow citizens – the folks so many of you are defending, often risking life and limb to do so.

Pretty cynical view, that. I personally think the average Canadian would be briefly impressed by MCpl Fitzgerald's award, but quickly lose interest.

In this case I see some immature a**holes in a bar who got all bent out of shape needing to take on the hero to prove they are men. Speaks volumes that they attacked the MCpl. from behind, and in a group. Throw the book at'em. Better still, let's all go "have a talk" with these boys.

Wishing a speedy recovery to MCpl Fitzgerald.
People REALLY disgust me most days!! I am damn near speachless.

Get well soon MCpl Fitzgerald.
This is the most disgusting thing i have ever herd in my life, what would possess someone to even think about doing this? i think it is fair to say that i speak for everyone on this site in saying get well soon soldier you are a true hero  and are the true definition to the word soldier i just wish i could have been there when it happened as do all other soldiers and civilians.
If i wasn't self-censoring a string of profanity would be right here

OPP Const. Paul Murphy said a 21-year-old Morrisburg man has been charged with aggravated assault. The man has since been released from custody on a promise to appear in court. Since he has yet to appear in court, his name was not released, police said.

Is this actually standard practice, the non-release of a name? Or is it a judgement that the little ****** is in danger if his name is released.

Get Well Soon MCpl Fitzgerald.
I wonder how those "men" would feel if a few fellows wandered up and "visited" them. I am not advocating anything in particular, just musing..
This is weird for the area.There are a lot of retired military,and family's of serving military in the area.I spend a lot of time in Morrisburg (Winchester actually 5 minutes or so away).However it is one of those "bigger"towns out that way.

Morrisburg and the area are usually very supportive of troop's.I spent a remembrance day there one year and we all had great reception.Not to mention most of the farmers remember the Ice storm help they received in the area.

Young punks.Most likely all their women were amazed what a real man looked like and these losers got Jealous.
I bet if their from the farming community they got their asses kicked by their fathers when they found out what they done.

I do have to say there are always two sides to every story.People should keep that in mind,as it's quite easy to always side with your own.
However either way what they done was wrong.

Either way I think its despicable,and wish him a speedy recovery.

Throat Punches all around... What the Hell are these guy's malfunctions; from behind and in a group to boot..... :threat:
Anyways Get well soon MCPL Fitzgerald.
This makes me sick. How could someone do this to one of our hero's.This is not the Canada that i grew up in.
Fitz's parents summed it up well on the CTV news tonight.  When asked what they think sould be done to thier son's attackers, his parents responded "Put them on a plane to Afghansitan to see how tough they really are!"

Get well, soon Fitz!
Haggis said:
Fitz's parents summed it up well on the CTV news tonight.  When asked what they think sould be done to thier son's attackers, his parents responded "Put them on a plane to Afghansitan to see how tough they really are!"

I think they hit it on the nails. They obviously saw that these persons lack education and informations
and they want them to travel and get more sophisticated  :) . And of course, soldiers there would give
them a WARM welcome  ;D .
Small town. Looking forward to hearing the guys name and names of his buddies.
get well fitzy......To bad that didnt happen here I would of liked to take a round out of them. I just dont understand how somone could cheap shot someone like that like, Seriuosly man up stop working at your tim hortons and get a really job maybe even the are the army and learn how to fight your enemie face to face. Show some ******* respect for vets.
You are all being too kind to these COWARDS.  That is all they are.  Bottom feeders.  They would never have what it takes to even cross the CFRC's doorway, let alone go to Afghanistan.  To gang up as a mob and attack a person from the rear is the worse kind of COWARDICE I can think of right now. 

Get well soon MCpl Fitzgerald.
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