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Decorated Canadian soldier beaten and taunted by his fellow citizens

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Get well Mcpl, this is about as cowardly and shameful an act I have heard of recently.
Not everyone can be as outstanding a Canadian citizen as this MCpl, and this limp-dick just proved it.

On a positive note, the idiot's name has not been released to the press...yet.

Funny thing about payback, it sneaks up and kicks you in the a$$ when you least expect it.

Of course, there is the main culprit that I am referring too, as only one person is being charged so far.

We can add more to the "needs a beatin' back" list later.

The guy who did this needs to have a "blanket party" >:D  :threat:  :akimbo: :flame: :mg: :sniper: :cam: :evil:

I am just incredulous that someone would do this.  Best wishes and a speedy recovery to the MCPL.
GUNS said:
The guy who did this needs to have a "blanket party" >:D  :threat:  :akimbo: :flame: :mg: :sniper: :cam: :evil:

Sadly a blanket party is not enough. The culprit(s) needs some decent jail time. A truly shameful and repugnant act. Here's hoping for a quick recovery for MCpl Fitzgerald.
Hmmmm....I'd say what goes around comes around... >:D

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee! (Ezekiel 25:17)

This just goes to show just how low some people can sink, absolutely disgusting.
Wonder how long till these guys learn that paybacks a *****.

ammo618 said:
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee! (Ezekiel 25:17)
You know, I grew up in Fredericton, NB and every now and then one of the Royals would get roughed up and tossed from the Hilltop. Usually the next weekend about half the regiment would show up and "Politely" let the bar staff know that they did not appreciate the unkind attentions to one of theirs. God I miss the old traditions like an eye for an eye and do unto others before they do unto you.
Get well soon Mcpl Fitzgerald.
Marc. :cdn:
I have a feeling there will be some harsh payback. I look forward to reading about in the paper.
It is absolutely disgusting that someone would do this.  I don't know the reasons why yet (I can guess though) but if they were trying to look tough- well like it has been said earlier I think this just shows them for the cowards they are. 
Speedy recovery MCpl.
Others have said it but I'll say it again....this was a supreme act of cowardice. I suspect that the townsfolk will be rightly incensed by this act. There are people like this everywhere...thankfully they are in the minority. I do believe that most Canadians are decent human beings. Get Well soon MCpl.  :cdn:
One can hope for a quick trial then off to jail. It is absolutely amazing how many x-service work in the correction system at various levels. What's nicer no prying eyes from the press. Oops he slipped, Oops the weights in the pit accidentally fell on him, Oops was I supposed to lock him in that cell with..........., now where's that phone book (and not for looking up numbers). Plus those permanent residents also have a "system of values" although somewhat warpped. Me thinks these clowns better hope for segregation and a publicity ban.

Get well M/Cpl. :salute:
Bob Terwilliger said:
I have a feeling there will be some harsh payback. I look forward to reading about in the paper.

Actually Bob I would hope not.
As I said earlier my wife's family now all reside there in the area.Along with many serving members(commute to Ottawa),the reserve unit in Cornwall down the road,and many retired members as well.The area is quite pro military and although many members of this website will say "throat punches"and "kneel down" is that really correct?

Lets look at it from the perspective of a farmer in the area (for those that don't know is is a largely rural area with a small village center in morrisburg).All of a sudden you read "army shows up and destroys local bar,beating locals,"Because lets face it,some army guy WILL go in there and the first words out of his mouth will be"which f-in civi wants to jump this army guy?"You know it I know it.Then with a bit of rage and anger I'm almost certain it would be taken out on innocent locals, who just happen to get sick of the mouths on some guys.

Then the next day the press cover army guys fighting in Morrisburg yet again.

This is an unfortunate incident.However soldiers get beat up in bars every weekend.we all have got in fights with civi's who said stuff like "tough f-ing army guys eh?"The RCD had a member killed in a bar fight while on leave a couple of years ago 2001.

The media and most civilians are sympathetic to the good Mcpl.However I doubt if a bunch of army guys showed up to find these guys we would be looked at as a unprofessional mob.Thus putting the thought into the towns people that the Mcpl here maybe was a idiot like the mob that would no doubt show up to lynch someone.The story sounds like he was in the right,however people may start viewing that differently if the battle crew showed up in Morrisburg.

Not to mention the small detachment of OPP in Inkerman would also have their hands full with army idiots,while trying to also lay charges on a group of punks for beating up a army guy.Let these professionals charge them.Good bunch of men work there.

EX_RCAC_011 said:
Actually Bob I would hope not.
As I said earlier my wife's family now all reside there in the area.Along with many serving members(commute to Ottawa),the reserve unit in Cornwall down the road,and many retired members as well.The area is quite pro military and although many members of this website will say "throat punches"and "kneel down" is that really correct?

Lets look at it from the perspective of a farmer in the area (for those that don't know is is a largely rural area with a small village center in morrisburg).All of a sudden you read "army shows up and destroys local bar,beating locals,"Because lets face it,some army guy WILL go in there and the first words out of his mouth will be"which f-in civi wants to jump this army guy?"You know it I know it.Then with a bit of rage and anger I'm almost certain it would be taken out on innocent locals, who just happen to get sick of the mouths on some guys.

Then the next day the press cover army guys fighting in Morrisburg yet again.

This is an unfortunate incident.However soldiers get beat up in bars every weekend.we all have got in fights with civi's who said stuff like "tough f-ing army guys eh?"The RCD had a member killed in a bar fight while on leave a couple of years ago 2001.

The media and most civilians are sympathetic to the good Mcpl.However I doubt if a bunch of army guys showed up to find these guys we would be looked at as a unprofessional mob.Thus putting the thought into the towns people that the Mcpl here maybe was a idiot like the mob that would no doubt show up to lynch someone.The story sounds like he was in the right,however people may start viewing that differently if the battle crew showed up in Morrisburg.

Not to mention the small detachment of OPP in Inkerman would also have their hands full with army idiots,while trying to also lay charges on a group of punks for beating up a army guy.Let these professionals charge them.Good bunch of men work there.

I agree no need for us to stoop to there (lowlife) level, the the law, and then the new neighbors/caretakers take care of it for us, no need for any unwanted press attention on the army...
3rd Herd said:
Plus those permanent residents also have a "system of values" although somewhat warpped.


I've heard they don't like rapists and pedophiles, that's why Guy Cloutier was put in a different section of the prison.
But I never heard anything to thing they would retaliate to those guys...I don't think they like cops, so maybe for the
inmates, soldiers will be to much like cops to want to do anythings to those.
Utterly disgusting and cowardly. I hope he gets jail time, the maximum.  :threat:

Speedy recovery MCpl  :salute:
Get Well,  :salute:

To the guy who did the attack, I some big brute makes you his prison b*tch
Folks, I think 40 replies has sufficiently captured the spirit of the board on this issue.  Normal caveats apply, if you have real info to add, please contact a Mod.  Don't be surprised if the Staff clean up this thread at some point.

Army.ca Staff
Because of the "As It Happens" post, I went to the CBC website and listened to the program.

For anyone who missed it, MCpl Fitzgerald was interviewed and you can hear the interview (if you have RealPlayer) here if you click on the link for part 3 of the program, the interview is the beginning of part 3.

It is interesting to hear his POV on the incident.


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