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Day of Terror-Sept. 11

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I'm not gonna give the details, as I'm sure you've all heard it..

What I'm wondering is what the effect on the canadian military will be.. I think that if it was purpotrated by a nation state, then there will be war between then and the us.. If it was terrorist, well, there'll be aitstrikes.. bigtime action againt them..

What really surprised me is that I've got relatives in NY, and have been there many times.. I've even been in the twin towers. My cousin also used to work there, but thankfully changed jobs a while back..
And now there‘s something going on in Kabul Afghanistan (this very minute.. it‘s live footage (although low quality through a videophone) on cnn).. explosions, fires, missles, AA.. somethings happening.. this is crazy
who knows what our involvment is in this event?
whats going to happen?

(may those who perished in the attacks rest in peace)
The Canadian Government will no doubt take a limited liability outlook on this, just as they have during every crisis of the last century.
Whatever is going on in Afghanistan is so far reputed to simply be another event in their ongoing internal conflict. No doubt this will be a time of great rumour mongering.
brad: I totally agree.. the rumors are going to go flying.. I dodn‘t think that it was the yanks who had an airstrike in kabul.. I think it was, as you mentioned, probably just another thing in their internal conflict.

But, America is going to rip whoever did this a new one... I really wonder how this will all turn out..
Considering the fact that the majority of the Canadian population is within approximately 200 km of the Canada - U.S. border, our government bloody well pay attention to this disaster. We‘re not immune to what happened accross the border today.

-the patriot- :cdn:
Thank God nothing like that happened here. Since Trudeau and Hellyer, and successive liberal governments, have gutted our armed forces, does anyone honestly think we have any way of defending ourselves against stuff like this?

Oh wait, there is JTF 2!
Oh yes, there is JTF-2!!! Now only if the Tories and their successive blue-blooded regimes could remember killing the Avro Arrow, Royal Rhodes Military College (Victoria, BC), CFB London (Home of the RCR), and Basic Recruit School in Cornwallis, NS; we just might be able to defend ourselves against a terrorist threat like that.

-the patriot- :cdn:
After the attack on the USS cole, the yanks did not do much, and now after this, I feel it‘s going to be big...

Bush‘s words: we will make "no distinction between those responsible and those who harbour them"... very striking...
Today was International Day of Peace . . .

It is unfortunate.
Reporters were asking the RCMP Commissioner what Canada‘s response would be if something like this happened here. The poor guy didn‘t know. He ducked the question about 4 or 5 times.

Unfortunately, this will bring no significant change to the way Canada protects herself.
In the aftermath of yesterday‘s horrific events, I hope that all of you, your families and your loved ones, are well.

As you face the awesome task of returning normalcy to your lives and workplaces, we would like to offer you some of our thoughts and suggestions. We‘ve published three short articles on our website that we hope may be of assistance to some of you:

... Some thoughts on dealing personally with traumatic events.
... Some thoughts for managers on how to take care of their employees on the "day after"
... Some thoughts on reviewing your business or family crisis plan with this type of horror in mind.
You can find them online at www.towhey.com.

God speed,


G. Mark Towhey
TOWHEY Consulting Group Inc.
Leaders in Strategic Influence: Communication, Crisis Management, Human Resources

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t: 416.737.9178
f: 416.231.6315
e: mark.towhey@towhey.com
w: www.towhey.com
On the contrary...

I think we will, one day, be telling our grand children "where we were when" the world changed forever.

The veneer of security has been punctured in the US, in Canada, and around the world. Certainly, there has not been this type of direct and catastrophic assault on the U.S., in .... ever?

It makes Pearl Harbor look like a Candy Store stickup.

Some thoughts about what may change...

I expect that "fortress America" will become even more prominent in international relations.

We may be drawn deeper into North American isolationism.

The Star Wars missile defence program will proceed apace and Canada and others will shut up and get on board.

Governments everywhere, including Canada will spend more money on defence and intelligence.

The stock markets will take a major gutting... then, the economy may rebound as western nations start spending their surpluses on new security infrastructure.

Flying everywhere will be like flying out of Tel Aviv... passengers will routinely be required to check in 2 or 3 hours in advance to go through rigorous security.

The airlines will be sued massively for failing to prevent the takeovers of their aircraft.

Airlines will adopt sealed cockpits and armed guards on all flights. Air fares will increase drastically to cover the costs of security and increased insurance.

The next terrorist mega-attack will involve biological or nuclear weapons.

The US will lead the west into open warfare to exterminate terrorism. It may or may not be as effective as Vietnam.

There will be phenomenal changes to the competitive landscape of financial markets and the world of business. Some companies ceased to exist yesterday. Those who realize who before others do, and seize the advantage will make billions.

Occupancy rates in landmark office buildings will plummet, commercial real estate values will shake out massively as significant exodus from Class A office structures reverses the value-proposition and suburban, low profile locations become increasingly valuable.

Today, the day after, is the first day of a new era...
Folks, at a time like this where our biggest allie and trading partner has been hit and hit hard, instead of a sniping at each other over our politics, this is a time where cohesion should be the order of the day.
the stupid terriorist attack by afghanistan( which seems to be the only suspect) awoke a deadly force capable of crushing them in seconds.i expect for a war to come of this and its a known fact that were the u.s.a goes canada follows.
I think the time for political correctness has come and gone. Let‘s call it for what it was. An act of war perpetrated by an enemy. This was to slick and organized to be the work of anybody but military trained personnel. The US should declare war, on solid proof, giving them (and their allies) the authourity to blockade and invade where needed, without the namby pamby politicos, including the self important, useless UN hierarchy being involved. Our side calls them terrorists and terrorist acts, they call themselves soldiers at war. Using their own rules it‘s time to treat them, their bases and allies as such. We should stand together and rid the globe of this garbage, once and for all.
Originally posted by G I JAY:
[qb]the stupid terriorist attack by afghanistan( which seems to be the only suspect) awoke a deadly force capable of crushing them in seconds.i expect for a war to come of this and its a known fact that were the u.s.a goes canada follows.[/qb]

It remains to be seen who was responsible; or how culpable the Afghan government is. I have heard calls for nuclear strikes on Kabul. That only makes them martyrs, and puts us at the same level as those persons who flew the planes.

If anyone thinks Canada is capable of fighting a war alongside the US Army, think again. Perhaps our government will now realize the need for preparedness and undo some of the damage done since Unification, by both ruling parties.

Better yet, better immigration security - seems likely these critters came through Canada, as has happened in the past, on their way to do mayhem to our cousins in the south.

Thank God the Yankees still have an army. God forbid something like this should ever happen on Canadian soil, but I think perhaps that would be the only thing to get our government to commit to the defence of this nation - and ultimately, our way of life.